Immigrant meme maps

Post 'em

Attached: immigrants world map.png (1357x628, 60K)

Attached: template immigrants.png (1357x628, 49K)


You should probably have nuked China to.

Since I was only able to nuke here
Was a hard pick between Russia and Germany
Also Restricted Immigration is a broad term... I went with restricting it on the basis whether they can contribute anything

Attached: 1543687598661.png (1357x628, 53K)

>Green: Generally legal with certain extreme exceptions
>Yellow: Partially legal, under some broad restrictions, or ambiguous status

Bunch of degenerates

Attached: 1920px-Pornography_laws.svg.png (1920x848, 300K)

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Attached: 1543687598661.jpg (1357x628, 190K)

>allows nigger tourism
>bans most of europe
well done polak, I knew you were based.

niggers living in third world are in 9/10 cases better than european niggers, and let's face it western european whites will be gone within two generations

you didn't make it due to low IQ snownigger

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-01 at 20.14.31.png (2880x1800, 573K)

Attached: 1543687598661.png (1357x628, 52K)

fuck off

You're not a real Swede

>believing in retarded academia testing IIRC
Most international data collected on us, be it IQ or haplomemes, are inaccurate due to us being so insignificant that data just gets approximated instead. Basically, if you think these tests are any better than +-8 points in error of calculation (especially to smaller countries), you are a retard.

Superior template

Attached: better template.png (1372x682, 52K)

He's right, Lithuanians are dumb and dysgenic

Kek, why don't you go back on krokodil, siberian mongoloid?

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Attached: Untitled.png (1357x628, 56K)

Attached: brazil.png (1357x628, 56K)

>posting haplomeme map, which is inaccurate, due to the same reasons stated before, as a means to prove who knows what
what a fucking retard.

Attached: 1526152941157.jpg (538x482, 64K)

Yellow=White only
Also I needed 3 nukes.

Attached: immigration.png (1368x677, 41K)

why would you nuke liban

My bad, I miss clicked, I wanted to nuke the other (((country)))

Argentina is white

Attached: 1543693319811.jpg (600x580, 170K)

Attached: brexitmeansbrexitdontlikeituknowwherethedooris.jpg (1357x628, 14K)

Attached: in2773839breqqq190200303igration_map00203.jpg (1357x628, 195K)

Thanks, father.

your father lives in the west cost of africa (between gabbon and angola) m8

Kek I understand the north but why Tierra del Fuego?

Attached: mig.png (1357x628, 58K)

kys subhuman, nobody likes you

Here you go.

Attached: 1543687598662.png (1357x628, 51K)

sorry sven

Attached: 1524903702605.png (1357x628, 67K)

it's quite simple really

Attached: RND.png (900x446, 29K)