He is naming the (((jews))) in his inauguration!!! mexicans are being redpilled in masse holy fuck!!!

Attached: AMLO.jpg (766x478, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Evidence????????? Links ???

do you know spanish?

bumping for kike tears

Attached: p-13965-5176.gif (365x839, 128K)

Come on Pancho, post links or some shit if you are coming here claiming shit.

Thanks Pancho.

quotes, transcripts, or video footage nao

Attached: orly.jpg (425x424, 28K)

Translate some snippets for us Paco.

its happening live

Looks like he making burritos to me.

translate it

He said he will do anyone's front lawn for $10.

What did he say? He's talking about Costa Rica

anyone surprised mexicans are brainwashed liberal nazis?

lol damn you dumb

He said jews have been charging $20 for mowing front lawns..
Mexican President has set a price for $10 front lawns.
Everybody applauded and help for the wall.

a based mexico would be lovely, if he orders a massacre of all the caravan invader's and drug lords he'll have my vote

Aren’t you being too obvious at being a racial shill?

Based, but I’d rather do my own lawn thanks.

>that qt in blue tho
moar pics senpaitachi

Your posts arent funny

I bet you have no sense of humor or younger than 18

Ah fuck, they are raising their prices on us. Bastards.

>tfw no mexican soldier gf
it aint fair bros ;_;

Attached: qt.jpg (188x177, 13K)

Amlo is going to destroy mexico as every foro of sao paulo cuck has done.
That said burguers are going to love travelling to mexico once amlo fuck his currency.


ben day ho's they're not jews they're amalekites.

Attached: no difference between greeks and real jews.jpg (1252x1080, 698K)

Did he really call out Jews? It would not be surprising that is a very easy and popular rallying point outside of the USA or Western Europe.

I've heard he is going to be a leftist/globalist and aligned with central america (the ones sending the caravans) and maybe even Venezuela.

Transcript please


>fuck (((neoliberals))) and (((globalist)))
>no more international (((intervention)))
>no more (((privatization)))
>moral christian constitution
>no fracking and (((monsanto))) pig food shit
>military praising
literally natsoc

Attached: AMLO 2018 PRAISE EL KEK.jpg (499x499, 24K)

why would you want to date a latina justin trudeau?

that doesn't compute, the jews won't let you play their reindeer games if you are against them

Oy vey como va

Based. Wishing Mexico all the best in pushing back the poz.

Maybe Mexico will become an economic powerhouse


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Your glowing niggers will never allow it

Cabesita de algodon basado

Attached: 1543678128007.jpg (1200x630, 109K)

Pablo, I do not give a fuck. I would much rather all your dirty ilk get shot, not even given the chance to be deported because they always come back
and he thinks it's a human right to live in america
unless he is natsoc tier fuck off pablo

Holy fucking based

Fuck off back to Breitbart boomerfag

I hope his first act as president is to authorize US military action against the caravans.

Still no translate tho

Attached: 1515856006927.png (618x390, 380K)

surely the glowniggers can't prevent it entirely, just like they can't stop every american from blasting border crossers

Oh no no no no
Nu-pol not realizing this guy is a neo-commie and pablo staying silent on that
He will authorize that every spic in that caravan gets 500$ from the rest of Mexico

>please america, kill this human garbage!!!

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Wait so Jow Forums likes AMLO now? Lmao

We should've memed Bronco for president desu

t. 40 year old jew mutt

>tfw ywn see a US president do this

Attached: transmision_poder_ejecutivo_amlo_04.jpg (1280x894, 120K)

Did you not hear
>no international intervention


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Attached: IMG_20181015_223729.jpg (750x1199, 81K)

Will AMLO actually MMGA?

if only newfag, if only i was what you all say so you could actually have an argument
OP hasn't translated shit of new spic neo-commie, so he didn't name the jew
leeches do not have meaingful lives, why do you want them to stay?


Attached: 20180117215252_captura_de_pantalla_2018_01_17_a_las_21.52.31_620x6200.png (592x601, 241K)

>amlo is a communist!
>amlo is hates the jews!

decidete peñabot

Attached: 1543320266040.jpg (800x600, 73K)

>hey gais look xdddd I'm fitting in!!

>lemme get my EPIC greentext Jow Forums meme to BTFO this nerd
you have said nothing to change my argument

>he's naming the Jews
>Literally funded by Soros

we are so done


End al corruption.
No neo liberalism
New reforms
No international intervention
Eliminating all corruption
Electoral fraud = prison
Changing the military
Building oil refineries
Improving general life in Mexico so people can stay there and not illegally enter other countries.

just wait for communism.

Attached: pejeboss.jpg (581x385, 152K)


There is no money in Mexico
Our retarded little roach mestizo spics will never go back to Mexico, even if neo-commie made it so great for them
and he thinks he can fight the cartels purely by ceasing everything and being nice to them
is it not funny that everyone praising this thread was one pablo flag and 4+ amerimutt flags, shows the amount of pablos

worldwide shoah

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whatever you say matias

Attached: negro.jpg (900x527, 79K)

Did he actually? some mexican needs to translate the specific sentence

my sides, cypanon

Attached: hayek.jpg (900x1200, 223K)

Y que vive México chingada madre

What a fucking lad you are, Cyprus.



then will build segundo piso hyperloop wall with chinese aid

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Now Peru needs a NatSoc like this guy.

I nominate... Humala 2.0!

>el chapucero


The local tribes rekt you and your ancestors stayed south. You have no real claim except some worthless maps that never represented reality.

And it happened...

Give timestamp HIJO DE PUTA.

4 horas!!!

Kill yourself.

How did you lose the southern part?
There was no competent outside force unle on the North

Attached: 1514677091554.jpg (720x752, 53K)

>muh local tribes
I have yaqui and mayo blood so fuck you cleetus, is time to give us back our land, also the local tribes are with AMLO
prepare for brownening, whitey

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fucking based

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mfw {{{jews}}} is another word for americans

lol yeah okay, you and your familia will all be dead

map moves south.

2nd for kill yourself salty bitch

A country looking out for its interests as if that's their job.
Socialism! Facist! Racist! Literally! AF! TF! Reeeeee

its not your land. this land belongs to us the spanish

The amount of Jews in this thread attempting to divide and conquer.

Good luck Mexican national socialists in your fight against these kikes

>do you know spanish?
No, teach me.

be careful out there pablo

Attached: Moloch.jpg (867x484, 90K)

Give us some fucking bulletpoints you stupid mexishitters jesuschrist

You're all disgusting, how can we support you if you don't boost our feelings?

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salsa huichol

you are using an european flag, learn spanish, an european language.

If neither of those tribes lived in the area that is currently the western half of the US, then that means nothing, and you have no more claim to that land than a random Australian aboriginal.

Ya aprendí Español pedazo de mierda. Pero no me interesa tanto tú país como para escuchar al ogro de presidente que tienes. Dame bullet fucking points de lo que ha dicho sudaca de mierda, obedece a tus amos.

Bet you didn't expect that one you nigger.

OH FUCK, let them in! Quickly!

You're so lost in your own ass I'm surprised you can type at all.

No lo esperaba. Mexico es un grande, te deberia interesar mas,cerdo italiano o ingles jajajajaja, de donde eres come pollas?

En resumen dijo que acabaria con la corrupcion y que todos los mexicanos vamos a ser millonarios y nunca vamos a sufrir mas.

Attached: Top_five_largest_economies_in_2050.jpg (800x355, 27K)

You can't even succesfully run the land you have.

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