>loaf of bread is $1
>avocados are $1
>toast 2 slices (20¢), put a quarter avocado on each (50¢)
>homemade avocado toast for 60¢
And millennials wonder why they are poor.
Loaf of bread is $1
Excuse me grandpa but I'm not only eating healthy and will live to be 200 since I know there is no God thus I need to make sure I never die, but I am also making sure restaurants owned by PoC and LGBTQAIOU flourish and if they means paying a little extra out of my tip jar at starbucks then so be it. Enjoy dying soon gramps cause when you do I'll be donating all your stuff to the local gay club where it will be used for fetishes and cum tags peace out YOLO
oy vey! So thrifty
>oast 2 slices (20¢
the average price for power is 14 cents a kilowatthour
toaster ovens range from 1 to 1.5 kilowatt
so unless it takes over an hour to toast you arent spending 20 cents on that
You’re paying for the labour costs as well, retard
b-b-b-bbut its organic a-a-and vegan
I think he wa going for the price of the individual slices of bread, not the cost of toasting.
>the point
>your head
Do they not teach you how to read in leaf land or are you just retarded?
i love being a thrifty Jow Forums NEET. i eat like a medieval lord for many shekels less than these vapid dullards would spend on a couple "meals" delivered by UberEats. and it's not all about the cooking. do you like beef? did you know that beef comes from cows like an hour away and that you can find a bloke that will cut one up for you and now you have a years worth of beef for like $600? ikr? madness! and fish? wait till i tell you about fish!
But we're eating at home more often than previous generations. I've gone out to eat (including fast food) less than 30 times in the past year. Simply can't afford it more frequently, I'd starve.
20 slices in a loaf of bread, 5¢ a slice. I meant to put 10¢ there - you can see in the total of 60¢ that I intended the bread for toast only to cost 10¢.
A dozen eggs is $2. So that’s 17¢ for the egg instead.
What? Making food yourself is cheaper than eating out? Get outta town!
>But we're eating at home more often than previous generations.
Um no sweetie.
Using Uber Eats and other delivery services creates a micro economy that is good for the people of my nation.
Did you know that you can make avocado toasts at home?
>being broke because of profligracy
>good for the economy
avocados are not $1
also i had no idea that avocado toast was a meme, years ago my ex used to make me avocado toast all the time. she was terrible at cooking holy shit, she'd invent these pasta sauces by just putting random stuff into a frying pan and sauteeing it, it was actually retarded.
>avocados are not $1
Maybe if you’re a europoor or a canadian
3 for a dollar.
I don’t think you even understand your own point retard
Who do you think is profiting off of this?
Boomers who used money they saved by eating at home to invest in restaurants.
>Go to supermarket with friend
>"I just need some fruit m8"
>Picks up a few packs of these prepacked pineapple "sticks"
>"Just need these for the kids m8"
>"They're £1 each"
>*check weight* "That works out at £5 a kg"
>"So buy a whole fucking pineapple that weighs 1kg for £1 and cut it yourself"
>"Nah, fuck it m8, easier like this innit"
>Immediately starts complaining about having no money
I'm quickly getting sick of being surrounded by retards.
>ywn have qt simple waifu who mixes random kitchen stuff together and calls it sauce
People are fun huh?
2$ for a "farm" egg kek
City eggs are cheaper but come from brown chickens
1kg sack of potatoes = 99c
1 loaf of bread = 70c
Boil spuds the evening before, fry in the morning.
Chop up at lunch and roast in oven.
Mash with carrots in evening.
you're welcome poorfags
make a weeks meals for 3 dolla
You are such a stupid fucking nigger. Let me explain this to you. People don't go out to eat to get a deal on the actual cost of the food. They are renting real estate, labor used to cook the food and clean up, and ambiance.
If you want to have breakfast with 6 friends and you have an apartment that only seats 3 comfortably you go out to eat and 7 dollars is a fucking bargain as opposed to the alternative.
The alternative is eating at home, so how is it a bargain in comparison?
>your 7 friends all need to go out and eat breakfast together
Lol why?
>has to eat potatoes as a principal component of his diet
lol, and I thought mainland Europeans were poor
>potatonigger posting about potatoes
Sperg in all fields
Millennials are such suckers for marketing. All eggs come from farms.
lol. This pic was taken in downtown Detroit btw
potatoes grown in pure cow shit are the most nutritionally valuable thing anyone can grow in a tiny backyard
checked, seaweeds great too tho
Cows are more nutritional than potatoes grown in their shit. There’s 14,000 calories in this pack of whole ribeye - you could eat a diet purely of steak for $400 a month.
>a loaf of bread is a 1$
Lol nigger where do you live in the bread factory ????
>pic is of a product costing 7 dollars
>op breaks down the price of how it is cheaper if you make it at home
>retarded leaf comments on how this calculation doesn’t count for labor
>post was meant to show how labor inflates costs for something you can do yourself
Try again.
sounds nice until you have to pretend it doesnt taste terrible
the absolute worst was when shed cook rice, she just poured random amounts of rice and water into a pot and then boiled it for indeterminate amounts of time, it literally never was the right ratio
i have a very specific and precise way of making rice and it was painful to watch her mangle it
another time she decided she was going to make her own chick peas, as in take dried chick peas and hydrate them. we had like 10kg of chick peas in this enormous fucking bowl and she made 'hummus' with them and it was revolting. the chick peas quickly grew moldy and we threw them out
>garbohydrate consumption
It's like you goyim haven't ever listened to Animals as Leaders. You are living in a CAFO. Bread is a biological weapon. Vegetables are not healthy. Agri(((cult)))ure is the root of human domestication and enslavement. First you PAY for the instrument of your demise, then PAY AGAIN for symptomatic pharmaceutical treatments that never address the malnutritional cause. Whether you're mode obese or skeletor, the cure is the same.
>glucose powered brains
lmaoing at you brainwashed, sugar-addled, sheep-brained trend followers
A mean bean cleaver with a razor's edge
I'm a vegan dream eater meat mother lovin' laser sledge
Cunning linguist spinning hits
Running rings wistfully around you while I'm winning this
Fuck your copypasta
I bring the meat blaster
On a beat I kick it faster
I'm the rhymin' everlaster
Carnivore bitches are delicious (mmm)
Not too vicious (mhm)
I don't wanna wash no dishes (mm mm)
I bring the meat up on the beat (eat me baby)
There's no carbage in my kitchens (teach me baby)
That garbage I'm ditchin' (impeach me baby)
Cause the meat up in my kitchen's firin' up the heat in my metabolism
I think I might skeet skeet skeet skeet along to the meat beat
This is meat rehabolism
Sync'd to the mother lovin' beat of this song
It's fat-adapted fab-o-lism
Try a little dabble-ism
With yo mother or yo sister man I bring the meat up all night long in conversation
All across the nation and on every street
To the beat of this song yeah I fire up your grill and bring the heat
With yo daughter I'ma feed her meat until she tweet about it
I think she might tweet tweet tweet tweet along to the meat beat
All across the internation
You don't need to bring the heat about it
Millennials can't budget because they don't know what gender money is.
>Avocado is $1
>Quarter avocado is 50¢
American numbers.
>quarter avocado on each
>on each
British reading comprehension
Is your bread gluten-free?
Is your avocado organic?
give him a break
its hard to do math while a somalian refugee fucks his wife
Well I eat at home because I have no savings. Some retards made it so my three BA's are economically worthless. Best job I can get without 5 years experience pays $12/hr.
>i spend the same on a bag of ground coffee than faggots do on a single cup
I just don't get it, are people really that lazy?
That would be funny if he were Swedish. Say it’s hard to focus when you’re in jail for being rude your daughter’s paki pimp
I was thinking about this this morning making breakfast
>4 eggs ~30 cents
>jalapeno ~ 20 cents
>onion ~ 30 cents
>red pepper ~50 cents
>pinch of cheese ~30 cents
>bit of turkey ~50 cents
>easy as shit to cook
>most sit down restaurants charge like $10 for one of that size
>raise the cost of living over time so that no one can afford rent gas etc
>leave wages stagnant for 50 years
>refuse to hire anyone without 3 years experience
>why are millennials poor?
>somalian refugee
Are we talking about Britain or Sweden?
Do faggots actually pay that? You could feed yourself for like 2 1/2 days on that, and not even on garbage either.
New iphone every year, 3 Starbucks coffees every day, buying shit they can't afford, getting meme degrees that will never get them work and never meant to be valuable. They live beyond their means and cry like a bitch when their minimum wage job can't buy them a house, minimum wagecuck work was never meant to be a living career, it was always something you did while you worked towards an actual career.
tell us about fish
ya lots of fags pay that shit
i used to eat out almost every single day, either at a restaurant or fast food, i became fat as fuck (near 300lbs) and was spending like ~$20-30/day eating out, so like $600-900/month just on food
then i started dieting, only eating home cooked meals, never eating out, weight dropped to 170lbs, food bill dropped to $175-200/month
>seaweeds great too tho
Who are you, my granny?
They must make so much from the pre cut stuff.
>she'd invent these pasta sauces by just putting random stuff into a frying pan and sauteeing it
It's ok, user. It's over now.
Honestly they probably sell more that way.
>200ml whole milk
>2 eggs
>1 banana
>1 tbsp peanut butter
Makes about 500 high-quality calories per tasty, thick drink. Costs nearly nothing. Tastes delicious. Consumed faster than cooking the eggs or eating the bananas raw. Drink two of these per day.
I want to punch her instead I made this for you.
Spending 30 seconds to core a pineapple is too much work apparently.
please tell me that you cook it at some point
Nope. Eating raw eggs is fine.
Appreciate that she tries m8.
My wife of 4 years hasn't cooked a meal in easily 2 months and insists I have something ready for her when she comes home from her wage slave job. (Mind you I also work)
Then the bitch has the audacity to complain how I made the food, then expects me to clean and take out the trash.
White women are truly a meme, I wish I just married a Latina qt who makes beans and rice with meat and chips.
>My wife of 4 years hasn't cooked a meal in easily 2 months and insists I have something ready for her when she comes home from her wage slave job. (Mind you I also work)
>Then the bitch has the audacity to complain how I made the food, then expects me to clean and take out the trash.
what the fuck user.
...And why are you putting up with that, exactly?
this. checked.
Yeah... Why are you putting up with that?
Sit her down and talk about being a team or some bullshit
lmao, fucking shrekt that stupid fucking leaf gj
It's enriched so we can eat a diet of bread and eggs and not die of malnutrition. Do you even history, faggot?
ur mom a fish
The point was that with very little effort millenials could make the same shit, but decide to pay 3x+ the price
>load of bread $1
More like $3-5. Unless it’s shit bread but I guarantee they’re not using Wonder Bread there.
>Avocado $1
More like $3
Also what is cost of doing business and making a profit?
Propaganda. The truth is there were so few economic opportunities for the last decade, many gave up.
The people who buy avocado toast are buying organic avocados, cage-free organic eggs, and whole-grain bread (which is more like 14 slices) so this pricing is way off. Still, $9 would pay for all the ingredients if there were no other costs to running a business. They would be better off learning to fry an egg and work a toaster themselves.
I definitely gave up. seems the only way to get ahead now is to be a total scumbag, be a total genius, or be a total whore. I'm none of those things unfortunately.
less than 1% of the population...
nice scientifically irrelevant point you've made there, nigger.
1000% profit marge on an egg hahahaha
i wanna be a farmer where these fucking faggots live.
I have never seen anyone selling avocado taost and i live in a liberal shithole. guac however, is offered everywhere for an extra fifty cents or dollar
.....can you please go back
She obviously knows that you are a low test faggot.
Monday you shit on her plate, smile and say "bon appetit"
You... sound like my father. I feel sorry for you. Though not as much for myself and my father. Could be worse, she could be schizophrenic, bipolar, borderline, and paranoia. Though the case of paranoia is a fear that a (((group))) is out to get her and her family. So she runs away from home, because she fears her being there puts everyone else in danger.
>I wish I just married a Latina qt who makes beans and rice with meat and chips.
My father had the chance, but passed it up because she was a brainlet. Mental capacity of a 12 year old, her mother taught her just how to cook, sew, clean because she was wanted her to be able to find a husband to support herself. To this day, I think my father would have been happier marrying her.
I feel sorry for her as well since when they were dating, and he said "this isn't going to work out"(trying to get a mutual breakup) she kept saying "no, let us try to work it out for one more week". And after a few times of this, he told her straight on. On the same day that she baked a heart-shaped chocolate (that she read from a magazine on dating, surprised honestly that she knew how to read) with their names on it.
What is a litre of pure unfiltered Arabic Muslim Cum worth at Tesco now days?.
I heard the market is booming in England.
I was going to start exporting a mixture of dog and Roo cum to feed the expanding English market.
Your dad's a gay cunt m8
fucking this please tell us about the fish i beg you
im a millennial and ive never ate no avacado fuckin toast. this is a zoomer thing you stupid faggot.
Nah, just a republican.
Though honestly he though "How bad can it get?" Too naive and optimistic about life.
Turns out really bad. Months in the mental ward, multiple times. I could go on and on for the many different reasons why. Rather enjoyable to get it off my chest honestly.
Millennials are limp wristed poofters.
I'm surprised there isn't a avocado soi milk soup.
It's always been like this, the problem is that you *need* to be 'ahead' to buy things like a house. The standard of living is lowering.
Being ahead in your generation always requires stuff like that though.