What is the difference between an American conservative and a European conservative?

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Republicans are literally the last major and mainstream institution that still believes in true freedom and individualism. If the republicans fall then the West has died. They’re the last thing standing between us and darkness.

Europeans think they are morally virtuous for allowing government to control fundamentally everything they do, where as Americans understand the concepts of risk/rewards of freedom, and responsibility.

Don’t know, but we Germans are close to the French when it comes to loving tax evasion because taxes are theft.

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stupid goy

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But we're the biggest Israeli cocksuckers

Plot twist: Israel is irrelevant and it’s atheistic jews and white liberals in our country that are the problem

The amount of money we spend on Israel is very small compared to our total GDP, as the number one economy in the world we could fund 10 Israels and not even notice the difference.

Good goy

Per capital GDP in Israel exceeds France and Italy. They are a wealthy country, but somehow we have to give the billions a year due to our cucked politicians. We need to spend the money on our wall, not funding theirs.