The most important knowledge: knowledge of the Masculine and Feminine

We can all feel it, the fire is rising, week by week, even day by day. The French riots are the latest occurrence, where did they come from and what will they amount to? the continued redpilling towards the jews across the whole world, against globalism, this place, Jow Forums and Jow Forums are key to what is happening.
You won in 2016 using meme magic, you thought it was real, then you gave up on it. Now this place is being monitored and assaulted by all kinds of groups to prevent this place to be the centre of a powerful counter-revolution.
Ever wonder why these small groups of people have such a stranglehold on the world? What makes them stay on top? They possess hidden knowledge: the knowledge of how nature works. Nature works in surprisingly easy ways and yet it is quite counter-intuitive, you understand this simple lesson and you understand the world. Better, you can run the world.
The knowledge is simply this: the masculine and the feminine. Understand that these two forces form everything, absolutely everything that there is, and you run the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now the masculine and feminine forces you might say have already been given away across various teachings, yes and no. Yin and Yang, spirituality, new age, is this thread some meme thread telling you a bunch of nothing? No.

The knowledge of the masculine and the feminine is almost exclusively given to you in a corrupt manner, it is handed out selectively to a few people to control them. For example Peterson offers the knowledge of order vs chaos, nonsense.
When you understand the knowledge of the masculine and feminine, you will see clearly when others are lying and offering you partially true pebbles of wisdom to control you. Knowledge is power, if you don't think it is, you don't know how useful knowledge can be.
When you bemoan cucks and the lack of masculinity, you couldn't be more right. Ironically, it is the least educated, the most vulgar that are closest to the Truth, you Jow Forums denizens. But did you know that among educated circles, they believe the exact opposite? That society is "too masculine." That the "feminine energy" is sorely needed to prevent some catastrophe. The more educated, the farther away from the truth you are.
Let me offer you a simple riddle to see how you are being misled. In highly educated circles, the masculine energy is linked to Order, Hierarchy, Authority, while the feminine is linked to Creativity, Compassion and freedom.
Then you have false prophets like JBP that insist society is too chaotic, that there must be order brought into things. Chaos, according to him, is associated with the feminine, while masculinity is Order. So which is it? Which of these establishment shill is right? Is there too much Order(masculinity) in society, along with all its accompanying evils, or as JBP says is there too much Chaos (feminine) and it must be stopped?
You listen long enough to these people and you realize they are lying to you to control you, nothing more.

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Ever wonder why the Eagle is used so often in European heraldry and Western civilization? Look at the flag of Mexico, there's literally an eagle subduing a snake on it. That's because it's a symbol of righteous masculinity.
I shall use the Falcon for my main posts, some want to be recognized by their beaver posting, I will be recognized by the falcon. Now I will not talk to you about symbolism, it's mostly useless and meant to hide away truths, but that is the symbol of the eagle or other similar birds of prey: Masculinity employed for its proper ends.
So what is masculinity? Is it order or chaos, does it stifle society, is it toxic, or does it need to be tempered, "balanced" by the feminine? NOPE

Masculinity is pure good, simple as that. It is God the Father, it is the creator of all. Masculinity is THE INFITE, ETERNAL, PURE GOOD energy of everything. In fact, Masculinity is all that exists. Masculinity is limitless and boundless,
it encompasses everything. So what is the Feminine then? The feminine is the abscence of the masculine, it is SEPERATION from the masculine, it is SPACE, TIME, MATTER and PHYSICALITY. If you want a good metaphor, think of a 6 sided die,
the die itself is the masculine, while each facet on it is the feminine. And you can play with this metaphor even further; the "dice" don't really exist, only its faces can be seen. The die can be said to be an "idea", not an observed fact.
The masculine is almost always invisible, the visible is the feminine. One more addition, the masculine is linked to free will while the feminine is linked to mechanistic behavior, the absence of choice. The spinning die is the masculine, once it rests and lands on a number, it turns feminine.
To recap, the masculine is the infinite, pure good energy behind everything, and it is associated with free will. The feminine is seperation, time, space, physicality and is associated with repose and mechanistic laws.

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natural law lecture mark passio

I listened to him, but he doesn't know as much as he thinks. Keep reading! next post incoming.

As Jesus said it, he didn't come to bring peace to the world, but a sword. The masculine energy of the Father, though infinite, is a foreign invader into our world, it must STRUGGLE for its very survival. Like a meteor crashing down on earth, its borders are always obvious.
Perhaps it's all beginning to make sense to you. The falcon floats above it all, biding its time, observing, lording over all of creation. When its time is opportune, it swoops in at phenomenal speeds down to the earth to strike its target.
There's just one problem, a MAJOR problem. Unlike our feathed friend who can fly back up to the rarefied air of the sky, our masculine energy can only make a one way trip. Once it "penetrates" the world, it turns feminine, forever.
Once the dice have been rolled, and they have landed on a number, that number remains forever the result. The "feminine" can be seen as a sort of encasing body which houses the masculine, and then slowly strangulates it. The feminine is the
energy of repose, of the mechanical, it doesn't like the energy of the masculine which is all about free will and movement. It is why every great empire falls, every deep is temporary in nature, because here on Earth, the feminine always corrupts the masculine, it always imprisons it. Life, in a way, is a test whether we can restart the dice and have them rolling again.

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>The French riots are the latest occurrence, where did they come from and what will they amount to?
French voters demonstrating during the last election that they want neither the right nor the left. What do they want then? It's simple. They want to demonstrate. Their flat rejection of all ideologies and political philosophies is merely the consequence of their not undestanding them, reflecting the simple fact that the homo sapiens genome has not evolved to deal with such monstrously complex issues (while it has evolved to walk around and scream like an ape, aka "to demonstrate"). That's also why the gamers who enjoy grand strategy titles are a tiny minority of the population. Someone who enjoys complex strategizing and is good at it is for all intents and purposes an alien to the homo sapiens race. He may as well hail from another planet as far as they are concerned.

women don't as often think to build things. is that about right?

Alright, let's start applying this to politics and history. The masculine force, though infinite, must "feminize" itself, it must settle down, in order to enter the world.

History is nothing more than spurts of "injections" of the masculine energy into society, each time yielding something great and then slowly tapering off into mediocrity. Though the world can be showered with an infinite amount of masculine energy, very little of it makes its way into society. This is because the masculine energy is invisible, and quite ephemeral too. You can't point to it and say "there, I see some masculinity!" Do you know what true masculinity looks like?

a bit like this board, Jow Forums. It watches but never really acts, it leaves no mark. To act is to make up your mind, it is to feminize yourself. The second that you make a choice, you feminize yourself, you give something up, some freedom and must walk the lone path that you've set for yourself. Thus, the masculine HERE ON EARTH can be said to belong to thought and the mental realm, while the feminine HERE ON EARTH can be said to belong to action, doing, manifesting.
The masculine... is in fact associated with creativity, with empathy, with patience. Those highly educated types have been given the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth, they have been lied to, and it's hard to convince some overeducated moron that what is truly lacking in society is the masculine energy. Hitler was feminine, he had a feminine temperament and yet he led this great movement which embraced masculinity and struggle like no other, which embraced social cohesion,
and the unity of the german people for all time. How can this be? Well all masculine energy must "feminize" itself in order to accomplish anything. NatSoc accomplished a great deal, but it could only do so by convincing its members to act, to
sweat and build, to struggle. So where did all this masculinity of the Third Reich come from? It came from the period before Hitler rose to power.

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I told you the masculine energy is invisible, it slowly collected itself in the hearts of germans over several decades, during WW1, during Weimar. The bitterness of defeat, injustice, degeneracy is what served as a huge sieve to collect the masculine energy in the hearts and minds of the german people. And then it got feminized, it was turned into a collective fist, and it struck. They rose to power. To collect masculine energy, you must disconnect from the world, it is
the only way. It is the energy from God the Father, far above the wordly concerns of millions. Usually the masculine energy starts to accrue during hard times, such as now, because men rarely turn away from the world under other circumstances.
I am not advocating that we all turn into monks and meditate 3 hours a day, never, they're losers. Because the masculine is not an energy that you wait to be gathered, it must be sought, yet sought outside the world, and once gathered, you must ACT.
The Nazis were known for action, for their ability to manifest the german spirit back into the nation. Thus Hitler, one of many germans who suffered, though perhaps he suffered more than most, made the most.
He understood how to achieve the collective good and then he acted. And in acting, the Nazis achieved their objectives. But something was lost, they feminized themselves as everyone who acts must do, and in doing so their reign has been easy to criticize.
All successful masculinity is easy to criticize, because the historians, the journalists never see it entering the body, they only see the consequences. It is the German Spirit which triumphed in the 3rd Reich, the uniforms, the grating german language, the menacing tanks and planes and concentration camps are what is criticized, yet they all miss the mark to understand National Socialism.

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Now you understand why the elites fear two things more than ever: when men group together and when they act. The masculine energy is currently being showered on the whole world right now because millions are unhappy with circumstances.
We are living the winter of our discontent, Jow Forums is like a huge repository of masculinity, true masculinity. Everyone who comes here has a tendency to get redpilled, to get "awakened", it is only the natural consequence of being
in the presence of masculine energy. Jow Forums can be said to be chaos, JBP is naturally wrong and a dangerous liar when he attributes the feminine energy to creating chaos, if anything it's the masculine that's attached to chaos.
But the masculine energy is also free will, we must make the correct choices when we are imbued with it. The elites don't fear a few men that work hard and clean their rooms, they know that right now masculinity is rising all across the whole world, and they want to convince you to make the wrong choices.
Their strategy is one of distraction, or of division and inciting violence against one another. I feel for the mostly men that are part of the migrant caravans, because they should direct their anger and thirst for justice against their own governments.
The elites are desperately trying to do two things right now: prevent the accruing of masculine energy, aka, preventing people from being "woke" and directing this energy in the wrong direction so that it accomplishes nothing.

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yeah.. it's related to masculine and feminine, but in a different way. The men think of the whole while women think of the parts. Thus, women rarely have ambition as large as men.

it's not simply ambition though. certain things do not occur to women. it's this lack of cognizance that is so often exploited.

I'd describe it as female psychology, women never really think of the large scale issues that men do, it's well known all this worrying about population trends is mostly a male thing. But perhaps you have another perspective. The masculine and feminize manifest themselves in every decision that men and women make and how they look at the world.

suck a dick faggot

Third eyes are beginning to reveal themselves again. Something is about to happen.

muslims are a great example of a lack of masculinity, they only do what their hierarchies tell them to do, they're like a people obsessed with their own history never creating anything new.
All forms of traditions are somewhat decadent in nature if they are never renewed, and muslims are the leaders of superstition and decadent traditions.

i'm not talking about scale exactly. well, sort of. picture 10,000 years ago when some man hauled the carcass of a large beast back to his small village. naturally, this was a shared resource. at this point, his job is over. it's the job of the women to make sure her children get as much food as possible while not pissing off everyone else for taking too much. she processes it, she tries to get her share while still maintaining some social grace.

women tend to fight over small stuff. that's what i mean. the possibility of going out and hunting another animal, or building another room, etc. does not occur to them. it was not their job to do such things.

understanding that the masculine is an invasive energy into the world, is indeed to understand that women, all of them naturally being more feminine tend to prefer social cohesion. The men divide, and the great paradox is that to create good you must first separate from the world, and even help others separate. Women don't like separation, they are naturally about fitting in, indeed.

you're getting a little hard to understand. perhaps you have a wider perspective on these historical trends. i can only comment on what i have observed in the few short years i have been alive.

I gave this board the knowledge of the masculine and feminine, it's hard to understate how it's at the centre of everything, how powerful it truly is. Probably will report this again later better formatted.

Be creative when thinking of applying the masculine energy and feminine to society, give it a shot, ask me questions. For example, almost all large corporations are dangerously feminine. Large ossified bureaucracies have a tendency to be. Then, can you tell me what is needed to make the economic system better? You can apply this with getting married, women don't want recycled heroism, which is what most cucks bring, socially approved heroism, they want the original stuff. Give it to them. Jow Forums has a tendency to be quite woke, but you just don't know how right you really are and why they are afraid of this place. Our mission is two fold: create the conditions for masculinity to keep "entering" the world in ever greater quantities and then direct this energy through action in the right direction.

Yes, in doing so we will feminize this energy, and our accomplishments will eventually fade away, but such are the laws of nature.

I completely agree with your understanding of women, it is something which most don't observe. And it is part of a larger ecosystem, how men and women interact with each other in society, unsuccessful as I might be to explain it.

>it is something which most don't observe

i think most people observe it but don't give it due consideration. we're all observing the same things. people frequently misjudge how important certain things are.

after all, the casual visitor to Jow Forums would probably get a laugh or two out of it, maybe get offended, and then leave without giving it another thought.

nah, a lot do read, this board can't just be yet another forum that bitches at news, we must be more than that. What did you think of it?

of Jow Forums? or of your thread?

your thread was fun to read, but i dislike when people use indefinite or allegorical language. it's confusing and somewhat insulting, although i'm used to it by now.

put simply, tptb promote femininity because it makes people easier to manage and allows them more freedom and to be more secure in their positions of power. i don't think it's much more complicated than that.

yeah true, lol. Yet those two energies are very real and can be applied in many other cases.

you lose me when you start speaking about "energies".

Sex: The Secret Gate to Eden
The Path

All religions are precious jewels on the golden string of divinity. -Samael Aun Weor

The word “religion” derives from the Latin root “religare,” which means “union,” The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yug” which also means “union,” At their base, the different traditions of East and West describe the same goal: union with Divinity. Religious traditions provide the map that one must follow in order to reach unification with the Divine. Every religion seeks to express the same core knowledge. But one needs the right tools in order to read the map. With the right tools and their proper use and aspirant of any religion or tradition may enter into direct experiential knowledge of the Divine. It can be seen, then, that there is truly one science, one path, but appearing with different names and faces. (For narrow is the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and they are few who find it. Matthew 7: 13-14) In Greek, the narrow path is called Gnosis, which means “knowledge.” In Hebrew, the same narrow path is called Daath, which also means “knowledge.” This path is represented by the famous Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis. And the clue to entering into the direct experience of God can be found through understanding the symbol of the Tree of Knowledge. Genesis, the Judeo-Christian teaching of creation was written as a means to pass down the knowledge of the Great Arcanum to those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Its inception was influenced by both Eastern and Western traditions in order to provide humanity a Key contained in the foundation of all the great religions of the world.

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The Caduceus
When humanity was physically separated into two sexes, man and woman still carried within them the reflection of their creator. Thus within every male there still exists a female aspect and within every woman exists a male aspect. By this level of meaning, Adam and Eve symbolize the subtle energetic physiology of the individual. Adam and Eve as polarized energy are represented in the ancient symbol of the Caduceus. (Male Aspect -Biblical: Adam, Hindu: Pingala, Kabbalah: Od, Female Aspect –Biblical: Eve, Hindu: Ida, Kabbalah:Ob). Popularly associated to the Greek god Hermes, the symbol of the caduceus is actually visible in the records of countless ancient cultures from around the world. (Aztec caduceus born from fire, Persian, 2600-2200 BC, Egyptian , 2000 BC, Greek, 600 BC, Indian). The two serpents have always symbolized the masculine and feminine energetic channels that wind up the spinal column. As they are energetic, not physical, a scalpel will never find them. Their root is Yesod, the foundation, the sexual organs, and they are fed by the sexual energy. These two channels of energy are called Ida and Pingala in Sanskrit. In the Kabbalah they are called Od and Ob, and in esoteric Christianity they are called Adam and Eve. In the Bible they are also called “the two olive trees” and the two candlesticks sticks standing before the god of the earth.” (Revelation 11:4). The two serpents wind up the spinal column of the physical body. The spine is most often symbolized by a staff or a rod. (The Staff of the Creator, Egyptian). The spine is the staff of the Master, and the central column of the human temple.

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I’m not reading all of that right now, but you’re right about hidden knowledge. Ancient teachings like kabbalism and hermeticism use metaphorical concepts (elements) to understand how the universe works. This is how the early scientific discoveries were made, and modern science, though devoid of spirituality, confirms these concepts every day.

Basically, it’s all about balance. Nature is composed of opposites that interact in a powerful way. Think about fire and water creating steam. The steam is perfectly explainable by science, and is composed of nothing new, but it’s somehow different than the sum of its parts. That’s what magic is in real life. We are born from a union of male and female, and we exist at the meeting point of the microcosm and macrocosm.

The significance of 3 in religion and culture is in reference to 2 opposites and the invisible meeting point between them.

The column stands upon the foundation stone: Yesod, the sexual energy. The spine has 33 vertebrae, symbolized by the 33 years of the life of Jesus of Nazareth and by the 33 degrees of the Masons. (George Washington, Master Mason). On either side of this rod, the spinal column, are two serpents. Pingala is the masculine aspect, Adam (Solar). Ida is the feminine aspect, Eve (Lunar). It is the energy of Eve in our psyche that pushes for procreation. (Tibetan Buddhist Mural from the Lukhang). When Eve is tempted to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, this is a symbol of humanity desiring the fruit of sexuality: children. Until this time, humanity was not allowed to have children on their own: they were not allowed to eat that fruit. (And the serpent said to the woman, “You are not going to die, but the Elohim know that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad.” –Genesis 3:4-5) Tempted by the serpent, human beings chose to procreate of their own will. In their innocence, however, they did not realize that the Laws they were given were for their own good. Learning to procreate without the guidance of the Elohim led to the discovery of the orgasm.

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but i agree that gender is an important concept. the idea of a group based on common interests is a much more fundamental concept though.

>Now the masculine and feminine forces you might say have already been given away across various teachings, yes and no. Yin and Yang, spirituality, new age, is this thread some meme thread telling you a bunch of nothing? No

>My unique spin on the same shallow dualistic new age bullshit is real.

You're just mentally masturbaiting with abstract concepts and none of it changes the real world in any way.

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Take your bullshit to /x/

it's a shame that new age has managed in turning you away from the truth, look at the other guy that instantly spammed 5 posts in this thread (can't be a person). It's fine I guess if people think the masculine and feminine are just abstract concepts, but I challenge you to find them in everyday life, because they are everywhere.

And once you see these forces, you can predict how things will turn out. For example, a political movement that's only feminine will always fail.

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>It's fine I guess if people think the masculine and feminine are just abstract concepts
They are.
> I challenge you to find them in everyday life, because they are everywhere.
Of course you can find things in the world that your mind can label through it's own flawed and biased judgement as "this is masculine" "this is feminine", except the definitions vary depending on culture. In the west we consider black a masculine color, and white a color associated with women and purity. Yet in China White is associated with the king of Heaven, and Black is the feminine color symbolizing the darkness of the womb. Look up Advaita Vedanta non-dual teachers to really activate your almonds. Going through life evaluating everything as Yin and Yang and pretending that allows you to predict the future is beyond retarded. You're probably young though all kids go through exactly these fads when they start to study religion and philosophy.

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Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. See that Descartes quote about acting like a fool and good company. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

all physicality is the feminine however, I don't go around labeling things yin and yang.

Also notice how the guy above me keeps peddling his new age bullshit, why does he do that? Because I am young and am applying a false dichotomy to the world? No, because they must push their corrupt vision of the world and stifle any attempts at saying the truth.

I stopped reading at God the Father

gtfo cuck

In Kekism, God the Father is the demiurge, the evil god of the Jew

The way i see it is that when you are disconnected from the world, you have nothing to lose. And when you have nothing to lose, you can see the truth for what it is and criticize everything with ease. As soon as you enter the real world (having something to lose) you must become somewhat of a cuck (feminine as you call it) as to not lose the physical things you possess.

This concept that you call feminine can also be put into other words:
•I have something to lose so i better act nice
•We have a goal in mind, let's hope we don't lose

And the concept you call masculine:
•I don't give a fuck because i have nothing to lose
•disconnected from this world

You are trying to describe a detailed concept with vague words that could mean too many things. But i think i understand what you mean. Also interesting posts.

Based and Gnosticpilled

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thanks for the input! you understood it very well, despite the vagueness I tried to eliminate.

Spot on my dude