This is going to sound like a stupid question but is having yellow fever racist...

This is going to sound like a stupid question but is having yellow fever racist? I don't fetishize Asian girls as perfect wives or bullshit like that, but I do find them the most attractive by far.

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nah, but your dick is racist


I find asians unattractive on average, but there are so many of them there ends up being a shit ton of smokin hot ones.

you're overthinking this

you weeb

Does your dick like them or your brain? Are you able to attract, and consider dating other races? Do white women make you inherently angry?

No. But if you get to know Asian women you'll find they come with their own set of problems. Still not perfect, but at least you can respect them and many of them still actually want to be women.

Probably, just a quick thought I had today.

I find girls from all races pretty, but asian girls have something that just tugs at my heart strings.

Sure, I mean they're just people after all.

You sound like a stable man who likes Asians, not a racist yellow fever bitch.

>many of them still actually want to be women
Including some of the men!

It's stupid and shallow to like any one race sexually because that means you're dating them because of a label and the stereotypes associated, not because of the person they actually are. It's fucked for them because you won't see them truly as individuals

There is truth to this. I was always interested in dating an Asian, but never really pursued that type. Ended up with an Asian wife, and have to remind myself she's Vietnamese.

Wouldn't this apply to virtually every physical preference.

It's a little different to say "I like girls with big tits because I like how they like" than to say "I like Asian girls because I like the idea of them being Asian." Obviously you can have certain preferences for physical features that manifest themselves more in Asians, but then you like them for those features, not because they're Asian. It may seem trivial but the brain is a pretty powerful thing and the more you think about it as "because she's Asian," the more you see her as just "an Asian" instead of someone with certain physical characteristics that you like.

Having sexual preferences isn't racist, that's just what the left wants you to believe.

Having sexual preferences is not the same thing as desiring a certain race

As long you don’t think they’ll be submissive or will worship white dick
You can like the look of them but as long you take them as a person rather than an asian qt
I know some girls that started dating black dudes and act as trashy as possible because people expectations of them (which dating people just so you want to rebel is racist itself)

>It's fucked for them because you won't see them truly as individuals
dumbfuck, relationships generally start because you were initially attracted to some superficial quality in a person.

I'm mixed but look white, grew up around white people, prefer and engaged to a white guy. Preferences are preferences and as long as its not kids you're fine. If it is kids, under the chin angled to top back then see how many times you can pull the trigger.
>I'm a retard.
I agree.

>This is going to sound like a stupid question but is having yellow fever racist?

The technical answer is, yes. It is factoring race into a context, therefore, it is technically, "racism".

But here's the crazy thing *it's OK*.

When it comes to partner choice, *you are allowed* to positively or negatively discriminate (the logical term, not the culturally loaded term) for *any reason you want*, and no one can tell you otherwise.
It's like, a heightened version of Freedom of Association, to the point of being an ilalienable right.

Included in this set of "any reason" is race.

Again, you can go for, or discount people for romantic or sexual relationships for any bloody reason you want, and it's OK. It's your fundamental right. It's legal, moral, and ethical to so.

As a side note, I would say, enjoy it while it lasts. Because the miserable fucking Radical Left, as it overwhelms Western culture, is hell-bent on upending the most basic structures and rights of our society. Do not consider it a joke when I say that there may be a day where you may be socially (even legally) crucified for choosing a life partner as you willed.

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In the sense you prioritise a group over another, yes.
But it's not a bad thing to find a group more attractive than another, you have no obligations to find everyone attractive.

No, having an attraction to ethnicities other than your own is not racist.

You're attracted to a group because of a set of traits/attributes they all share. That group happens to be a race of people. I don't really see how that's racist.

...and if it's just "I find these particular physical traits appealing, and Asians tend to have those traits more often than other ethnic groups"?

>close friend group at uni is 2 Westerners (me included) and 2 Chinese
>the only girls we hang out with are the friends of one of our's girlfriend (all Chinese)
>for normal men, the most people you sleep with come from mutual friends
>Haven't spoken casually to a white girl outside the uni setting for months
am I fucked? is there no way out of this yellow void?

>Having a sexual preference is not the same as having a sexual preference

Better start learning mandarin now, white boy.

In all seriousness, it doesn't help that I study in the very part of the country known for having ugly local girls.

I live in the UK, so everywhere is that part of the country. Shit loads of Asians here, but obviously superior white men are a diamond dozen too.

Yeah I'm in the north mate.

Even if it was racist, what would you do? Only date non-asians and beg some liberals on twitter for forgiveness?

desu the south isn't much better.

r kid

Oh damn OP I'm the same. I can't stand that pure waifu garbage cause it's all bullshit.

All people are largely the same in my experience

That's wrong, you can easily prioritize compatibility and personality, don't think so black and white. Besides it's not much different from things like height preferences. I for one literally just find those features the most attractive, but that doesn't mean I'll date just anyone. We've got to be compatible first.

It's more of a "I like almond shaped eyes and long straight hair" instead of a "she's asian"

Just say white

What this lad here days
It's not the idea of them being asian that I like, nor any traits I think they have. I simply find cute asian faces extremely attractive, mostly because of the eyes and because they have a certain I don't know, nobility to them.

I HATE the "omg Asians are crazy for whites" or "pure asian feminine stay at home waifu" shit, I just think they're real pretty. The prettiest girls, in fact

its racist to the extent that you're discriminating (in the sense of making a distinction, not derogatory) between different races and find one to be more attractive than another. is that bad? no. you're literally hard wired to find those different from you attractive, its how genetic diversity propagates.

all humans, regardless of what they say, are racist to some extent in various ways. its literally evolutionary biology. racism isnt inherently bad despite what people say. there are many aspects of racism that dont involve holocausting jews or busting out the black face, for instance.

>I just think they're real pretty. The prettiest girls, in fact

Same, dude. Black girls too. Brown girls. Pretty much if its foreign, my dick starts to twitch.

>tfw born to be a race traitor
>tfw love every bit of those alien cooters