Why did whites/Europeans fall victim to the Judaism-lite desert cult of Christianity so easily...

Why did whites/Europeans fall victim to the Judaism-lite desert cult of Christianity so easily? What exactly was so appealing about abandoning tens of thousands of years or more of native European tradition and customs to worship at the feet of a crucified Hebrew idol?

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When the apostles came spreading the gospel, the Europeans ACTUALLY BELIEVED it.

I know it might sound crazy, but some people don't adopr religious beliefs based on material concerns like race or utility. Some people genuinely believe in things.

It wasn't quick or easy. Yes, Rome did sort of peacefully but even then it was roguh and not complete. Most of the conversions came from jews using roman gold to bribe pagan kings to "convert" and gave them more gold to force their people to convert as well. At some point it was safer to pretend to be a Christian than hold native beliefs. Christians are scum who can't understand they are tools for jews.

Obviously, yes. But why did they all of a sudden start believing this stuff?

The apostles spread their cult to women and slaves, the only people dumb enough to believe it. After a while, the mob got big enough that men didn't want to die over some bullshit so they "converted" and see
For the rest

To you, Christ is some Hebrew man with two Hebrew parents, but to the apostles and those to whome their message was well received, Christ is the son of God. If you believed someone to be the son of God, would you reject him based on his biological race? Really?

It was the Roman army that widely adopted Christianity. It was through them that Constantine tirst heard of Christianity.

The grace of God came upon them. And they, being of noble disposition, accepted God's grace and believed.

>Why did whites/Europeans fall victim to the Judaism-lite desert cult of Christianity so easily?
Orientalism in Rome

See Myth of the 20th Century

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the kikes post this because what they fear above all else is a white cultural identity that can solidify our strength against them and their god, Satan

the celtic druids adopted christianity instantly because it perfectly conformed with what they already believed


Because Wh*tes are fucking retards

>came upon them
You mean when their own brothers attacked and killed them in their own country for not believing? Is that what "came upon them" means?

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I think it took a lot of spanish inquisition, catholic church ruling the continent and a lot of generations being brainwashed until it became popular.

I'm talking about the period of time in which the word of God was first spread to Greece and Rome.

What was so worth preserving about worshiping animals and trees like cave-dwelling barbarians?

Fucking gorrid subhuman. Dropped.

do you realize how big of a faggot you sound?

Just because Romans put a cross on their shield for a battle doesn't mean they "converted"

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. See that Descartes quote about acting like a fool and good company. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums


You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

>vikings pillage Christian monasteries for centuries
>"b-but those meanie Christians killed all my based pagans!"
Which is it, faggot? Where Christians weak and wimpy or was paganism simply an inferior system of comprehending the physical and spiritual elements or our world?

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Do you think they pit them there for decoration?

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Europeans always curious about orientalism. Holy land fairy tales probably interested them greatly. Combine that with the sheer ferocity of biblical writings and it’s no wonder they converted en masse

They put them there because their demented leader "had a vision" and told them to. That was a single battle. I can't understand how a white person can believe in the Jewish God. Makes no sense to me

Never claimed Christians killed all the pagans because paganism is inherent to the blood of every human. You can't "kill" paganism unless you racemix people deep into muttdom. Which is what (((they))) are trying to do.

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I unironically own this magazine

Uh jewsus Said to kill all jews in the Holocaust my dude. How stupid are you?

Becaise they dont believe its a Jewish God. They believe its the one God of everything who has no race because He transcends material reality. They believe He used the Hebrews to carry His tradition into the world and then abandoned them finally when they killed His incarnated son. Not that complex. Try reading sometime.

So you all are a second thought to Yahweh? Cool God my dude

If paganism is inherent to all human beings, then where did monotheism come from?

I'm pretty sure every "jewish" in the pic should read "white European". Read the Bible. It says Jesus was a white European

Read Nietzsche
It became popular with the lower classes of europe because it provided a way for them feel that there suffering wasnt due to inferority , but it was a blessing from god

He had the Hebrews spread His tradition TO THE WORLD. We are all His first thought.

The refinement of polytheism as a means to erase individual thought and create an easily controllable under caste?

Because of white women, they were the ones to embrace this religion and men were unable to stop them because they had no power left, so like we have today.Expect Islam to be spread in the same way.

Not quite. If he gave it to jews first, then jews are first thought. Goyim come second. Sorry chain, you aren't tripping me up

Jews orignally belived in multiple gods too, but belived Yaweh was their national god but others existed, eventually they began proclaim he was the only god that existed.

Supposed to say "chaim" but oh well

when you advocate an ideology of strength. warfare and dominance then whine when that exact ideology fucks your fairy tail semen drinking faith.

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Because they foucos on trickery and misrepresentation christiany to seems be like the pagan traditions, and compatible with ther valeus.

Once they accept in that terms they start to slowly indoctrinat the children in the true nature of their cult, just like the SJW/progressives of today and the ones who claim islam to be a feminist and peacefull relligion.

TL;DR : they played like jews

here and exemple of how they introduce theur kikery to the Saxons:


Control people by telling them to obey God instead of men? Did pagan priest kings operate with that kind of humility? Caesar worship? Lol ur a literal retard.

The semen story was crafted quiet literally by a jew, much the same as your holy desert rag. And yes, when you are outnumbered by people funded by foreign gold with the explicit goal of erasing your native culture, you tend to have trouble fighting them off. Look at Hitler.

This. You sound a little like a boomer, but what you are saying is correct regardless.

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Using someone doesnt make them the most important, it makes that which they were used FOR most important, namely everyone.

When you craft the message and control what "God" is (aka a Jewish fable), yes, you can control the people believing the lies. What has humility done for us recently? Muh optics kek

>le image macro argument

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Christianity took the best of both and made something even better.

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Why not spread his word through native Europeans? He favored jews, simply. You cannot with a straight face say Yahweh cared about whites more than jews when he literally only talked to jews for like 1500 years or whatever and sent Jesus to Jews, not Rome or somewhere white

You have to remember that it's an aggressive religion, it's all about spreading, like an STD. Polytheistic religion wasn't like that. When those first followers kept making trouble in Rome they slowly gathered more and more fervent followers. They were the same as the Jews when it came to their beliefs and how they held onto them (obviously except for spreading, Jews don't really seek to spread because their religion is based on ethnicity). The Romans kept punishing them, same as the Jews, but were never hellbent on destroying them (if they had known what would have happened to their descendants they would have given Christians the Carthage treatment), so Christians were simply able to keep gathering numbers until some in higher society became Christian and they were able to influence the emperor(s) etc.

As for why? Romans could have converted for any number of reasons. Maybe they were drawn to the idea of "don't be awful and you'll get a free ticket to heaven™". Or maybe they liked that there were way less rituals, it was much simpler. Or of course, coerced. Again, remember: it's a religion that's all about spreading, same as Islam; make everyone in the world a Christian/Muslim. Now why am I writing about Romans? Because if the Roman emperors had never officially adopted the religion, it would never have spread. The rest of Europe was forced into Christianity because of the Christian Roman Empire. Temples and places of worship were either destroyed or banned use. Tell pagans either to convert or you kill them. Later, when Christianity had a strong foothold, you'd see in for example Scandinavia that conversion was as much by force but also a political tool i.e. I'll "convert" me and my people in exchange for x. And so, slowly, generation by generation, each people of Europe forgot its roots and Christianity became the only thing they knew. All the way until the Renaissance when pagan Europe could spring to life again through the cracks and chains of Christianity.

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Where in the bible does it say any of that?

Dont bother they are completely lost to history they all want to see themselves like some kind of crusader.


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Hebrews were:

>at the geographic center of the world at that time, located between Greece, Babylon, and Egypt (and later Rome)
>descemded from 1 man who was favored not for genes but for his piety

God doesn't favor Jews over Gentiles. Or vice versa.

also, from your first yt video:
>we live in a meritocracy
'kek', no we don't. dude is pretentious.

Yeah. They LARP as crusaders, aka exactly what I described in people paid to destroy native culture with foreign money. Their "lord" had the strength to get himself killed and I'm supposed to care because he apparently went to heaven after three days. I'm sure his crazed followers simply didn't pay off the Roman guards to reseal the tomb after they took the body. What a fucking joke

As opposed to pagan priest kings controlling people by comvincing them they could control the weather and other supernatural forces?

It spread like wild fire through the peasant class with promises of the world
>the meek shall inherit the earth

>I don't understand paganism/pre-Christian belief nor do I understand metaphor: the post

I'm not sure I ever said native polytheist didn't do that but at the same time I guess that makes it okay to believe a Jewish fairytale

I understand better than you do. You, however, have demonstrated dick for understand of Christianity in Europe.

I understand that Christianity is simply a rebranding of pre-Christian sun worship.

But unlike sun worship, Jews can make a boatload of shekels from good goyim and their tithes.

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Correct me if I'm misunderstanding here, but as far as I can tell, Yahweh literally *LITERALLY* sent his "son" to the jews before the goyim. Jesus was interested only in jews and didn't preach to goyim. I cannot fathom this level of dishonesty

If your reason not to believe it is because you think its just a way to control people, then yeah. So its fairy tales when it comes from the Levant but not when it comes from Europe?

I ask myself the same thing. I'm starting to think Christ really was reseerected from the dead and the miracle is real. How else would so many people be convinced?

jews hate jesus

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No, it's all fairy tale. But I'd rather "belive" in something from Europe than a desert. Beyond that, native beliefs chronicled the beliefs of the people there, not people thousands of miles away.

Christianity has sun symbolism because it has been regarded as the quintessential perennial tradition by its wiser adherents, and all developed religious traditions contain this element as well as many other shared elements.

Yeah, I'll correct you: Jesus was sent to the Jews, those who ingereted God's tradition first, as a means reveal said tradition to the rest of the world. He was crucified by Romans, dipshit.

Gee idk because it's true?

"Belief" based on utility is not belief. It's pageantry and larping.

Yeah, I forgot he said to holocaust them. Thanks for reminding me, instead of quoting the actions of the most genetically insane "people" on Earth, which, ironically, your savior was as well

Yes Romans were the ones to actually crucify him but it was under the order of the Jews...

Irrelevant to the point

Romans didn't want to kill him because they thought he was mental and felt bad for him. Jews forced Rose's hand because they are filthy kikes willing to destabilize a region over religion

No, they don't, but they say they do. When do you ever trust what a Jew says, by the way?

See and pic related.
>has been regarded as the quintessential perennial tradition by its wiser adherents, and all developed religious traditions contain this element as well as many other shared elements.
You literally just told me all religion is rebranding of pagan sun worship and by extension natural reverance. Yet you're still supporting Christianity.
You like Christianity for the pagan part, not the Jewish part. Why follow a plagiarism and not an original?

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synagogue of satan you know it all faggot

So you care more about desert dogma than native beliefs because one is supposedly "correct" and the other "false." Remind me again which one features a jew as the protagonist? You're right though, I believe in the natural law, in Nature and the Universe. Our ancestors knew something but got killed for it

Also completely beside the point. It was this familiarity with Jesus that gave the Romans context to receive Christianity. Jesus was know by the Gentiles in His lifetime, which means He was revealed to them as well as the Hebrews.

Beating paganlarpers in a debate is as easy as phoneposting quick replies with one hand lol

Mate, vikings killed a few monks here and there, but they realy weren't a good warriors, Anglo-Saxons, Franks, Slavs had no problem killing vikings, and were considered superior warriors. I dont get it why people are like "WE WUZZZ VIKINGZ N SHIEET" while vikings were pussies who pillaged harmless villages and raped, while they were quite shitty warriors, only vikings that were realy great fighters were Jomsvikingars

You know, even through I agree with you that alt-right is cancer
The left is as big as cancer
Yes, Trump IS bad, but not because muh racism
because he is neocon puppet
I partly wait for the alt-right's collapse, but at the same time I am afraid about what could happen. Are they comming for us? Does racism gets completely denormalized?
I guess the left keep it in mind that we voted for a president we didn't really want

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You misunderstand: quintessential perennial tradition means the one source of truth for all of them. This ia what is meant by the revealed Truth of God.


>incompetent newfag downloads thumbnails

I don't know. Where does it say that Jesus was born in December or that Christians should attend church on Sunday?

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Master slave morality. Christianity was the greatest trick the Jews ever played

>calling pagans larpers
>while he larps as a hebrew israelite
Going to larp as a pagan in a few weeks during Yule, I take it?
Fuck off I've replied multiple times and I have a good discussion. Slide threads don't work like that.
>one source of truth for all of them
You mean "without the sun we are absolutely fucked" which is what all pre-judeo-Christian worship was based on.
Our ancestors understood that this was the final truth. No sun, no life, nothing else matters.

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You reject the religion automatically because it has Jewish origin, completely missing the reason WHY jews are evil: because they rejected the incarnate logos decisively.

How is it besides the point? This whole thing was about how Yahweh (your God) revealed himself to jews first, and that Europeans were an after thought. If by "revealed" you mean he existed in their presence, then I guess Yahweh revealed me as well and I'm the 7th billion incarnation of Christ. Cool beans

Because europeans have acpeted capitalism and all the cancer it promotes,

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>Christianity was the greatest trick the Jews ever played

And you rejected paganism because... why? What good parts of Christianity aren't present in paganism as well? Name one good doctrine or belief you like about Christianity and I'll tell you directly how it comes from paganism.

People who ask that will never actually care about what those defending Christianity have to say

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Do you seriously believe sun symbolism in Traditional cultures was about the material, physical sun? How superficial can your understanding get? Sun symbolism is about the divine (solar) energy REFLECTED by the physical sun but originating in the transcendant. Wow.

Being merciful

Jesus Christ actually being the living son of the one true God. Go.

>not knowing that physical and trancendent meaning were only one thing in Traditional cultures

Then what are WE being used for?

>Why did whites/Europeans fall victim to the Judaism-lite desert cult of Christianity so easily?
First, it's not judaism. Second, because it's true.
Shut up Varg