Why do Nordics do this?

At what point does this become a form of mental illness?

Attached: run down.jpg (769x665, 155K)

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you might not know this, but statues were painted to look kinda lifelike

they dont. the middle one is however blue eyed IRL. the other two, i have never seen those images before. kys

Impotent white bois wanna get cucked by black dudes.

why do they edit photos of the statues to make the eyes look blue though? Im confused, what would motivate someone to do this?

is it?

I got my photo from the lourves website. they dont look blue to me partner


By "Photoshop" you you mean scan for trace elements to discover what paint was once there?

Were ancient Sumerians Nordic?

If it was polychromy analysis the 3 eyes wouldnt be the exact same shade of blue nor would the text be the same color as the eyes, nice try though kid

The ruling class were

nigger lover

>only Nordics can have blue eyes
can we cut this shit out?
Blonde hair and blue eyes =/ Nordic.
Slavs, Balts, and West Europeans all have blue eyes uniformly and plenty have blonde hair, more balts have blonde hair than nords.
The ruling class of egypt and sumeria was probably slavic or west euro
nordics rarely left northern europe except for the viking age.
and even then it wasnt massive migration

DNA shows them to be non-Nordic
>but the eye color

Blue eyes aren't a sign of Nordic. Egyptians and Sumerians are far from modern Europeans.

> Aussie

in the trash bin it goes

>The ruling class of egypt and sumeria was probably slavic or west euro

Well my brown friend theres many examples of set blue gems in the eyes of statues, found around the world. The nordic earth existed. Under the pigment of your iris are blue eyes. You are a mutt mix and yet our common ancestor was an advanced pale race of giants. The giant monolithic statues represent the titan rulers of earth, who were a million times racist than the exaagerated antiquated viewpoint that minorities hold towards caucasians.

You should read more and be observant. Your agendas getting wrecked everyday

Delusions and Obsession created by inferiority complex about their past and superiority complex about their present.

Easily explanable mental illnesses

The words of extreme delusion

Attached: abbott-spill1.jpg (224x224, 6K)

Jow Forums:
>Man all of those niggers pretending to be ancient Egyptians and photoshopping photos to make them look black. Fucking wuzzers XD

Also Jow Forums:
>What do you mean that the Egyptians and Mesopotamians weren't white? Here I've got this obviously photoshopped photo to prove it.

Is it that hard to understand that they were Semitic?

Just hide and filter dipshit. The snowniggers should be allowed to have their delusions.

they look blue to me in the link

This is already proven. The pharaohs were blonde and redheaded. Just look up the mummies. The only reason blondes even exist in your little nation brazilian is because people of european and slavic descent cucked your ancestors. Get over it

Yes, that's pretty clearly blue there.


Attached: 1543694973596.png (543x600, 487K)

yep its a match

Attached: match.png (510x362, 306K)

They don't just do it with statues: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/image/IEv9xzOL7VOiiZQEUm2jyA/

Attached: muh aryans.jpg (800x600, 92K)


Jow Forums:
>lmao ur country is getting browned as we speak haha

Also Jow Forums:
>Is it that hard to understand that they were brown? Today's ME population is brown and the demographics can't possibly have changed over the course of thousands of years and climate shifts!

That's the statue of a praying Sumerian. Your average working class.

I thought the whites were the ruling class...?

how do you connect to the internet?

You're acting as of the entire world was white until some spooky brown people appeared out of nowhere and browned their countries and stole their history.

It's just like the nigger equivalent of them being space panthers and shieet until the white man came and stole it from them.


Attached: wait so we wuz.jpg (978x420, 181K)

Cause they mad as fuck
Their civilization was literally nigger tier therefor they try to steal other cultures

Attached: WEEEEEEEEE.png (600x600, 391K)



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Because whites had more self-awareness and an advanced insight of spirituality which influenced all ancient civs and lead some of them. Naturally, humanity degenerated and these civilizations collapsed.

Attached: 1543237637422.gif (420x245, 2.06M)

i dont know, let me just ask an ancient sumerian. oh wait, theyre all dead.

they don't but they do photoshop crime suspects in sweden to look white when they post the mugshots so that people cant tell native from muslim immigrant crime

Attached: 1541559858530.jpg (500x600, 48K)

>Whites were more advanced than others at that time.
>Even though there were no agricultural-based civilizations in Europe at the time. So just ignore it and trust me.

You are not making sense.

you guys have internet?

holy shit i was just about to ask the same thing

Attached: 1542445862390.png (292x346, 8K)

>You're acting as of the entire world was white
Quote me when I said that.
If you agree that light pigmentation is advantageous in cooler climates and you take a look at this map, then you must agree that it's possible that tribes in this area would have had lighter features 6500 years ago than today.

Attached: ice_age_map.gif (607x340, 13K)

#10 is clearly blue. Why did you Photoshop it and accuse someone else of lying? That's pretty pathetic.

Guess you're colorblind faggot

I'm talking about genetics. Not skin pigmentation. If stay all of my life indoors then I would become pale AF but still be a sandnigger geneticly.

>photo from the louvre

yep it checks out

I don't know what the hell they teach you over there, but genetics play a key role in skin pigmentation. And genetics adapt to their environment, among other things. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epigenetics


It is. The one on the lower far right is from Govekli Tepe and it didn’t have any eyes to begin with.
The one in the middle is Sumerian and depicts the blue eyed gods.
What is wrong with this history? Why do you have to change it? Blue eyed gods have been recorded in almost every ancient culture. The Aztecs had them, the Sumerians did, hell, even Indonesia did.
I’ll gladly answer questions, but you won’t be altering history on my watch.

Attached: AA175516-C05B-4018-B684-D61FC8FDF86B.jpg (304x402, 71K)

>genetics adapt to their environment
genes* adapt to their environment

they're fucking blue in the pic and i've seen it in person. they're fucking blue. get mad shill harder

Also, I suspect the statues that have been altered were changed digitally to represent what they originally looked like. I’ll research it for you since you clearly didn’t care enough to do it yourself.

>this is why ALL white people are racist
i werent racist until i had to live around niggers, you are filthy

Of course it does. But a race that stays in a cold climate for a long time loses its skin pigmentation due to lack of sunlight. BUT, If they migrate to a hotter area and stay there for a hundred years then their skin would get tanner over time.

This is why whites born in climates not suitable for white people to begin with are still white. While blacks born in climates not suitable for them are still black.

It's possible for the Sumerians to have a lighter skin that us today. But that doesn't mean they were Europeans or are related to them.

Also, What's up with the memeflag?

I didn't say they had their own civilization, did I?

>The ruling class of egypt and sumeria was probably slavic or west euro

>Believing anyone would take anything an aussie posts at face value

Exactly, You've just proven my point. If they were the ruling class or were the common people in that civilization that's not Europe. Then how come there weren't civilizations in Europe itself?

The Sumerians depict some of their gods with blue nipples and blue eyes and sometimes blue toes. Like wtf!! You are telling me there are blue eyes and blue nipple Gods.

learn to read nigger. He said whites had more self-awareness and an advanced INSIGHT OF SPIRITUALITY which influenced ancient civs and lead some of them,

>Even though there were no agricultural-based civilizations in Europe at the time. So just ignore it and trust me.
there was this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucuteni–Trypillia_culture plus this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinča_culture and Greeks ofc

Sumerians came to frequent contact with many people through trade (which was very alive and profitable at the time), They might've came into contact with the Northern Europeans and found their features naturally beautiful. So they made their own gods like them.

But if they had it, Why didn't they have their own civilizations at the time?

I'm talking 4500 BC.

Are you talking about the pictures you’ve seen or texts you’ve read? I’ve never seen a description like that in their texts. They’re described as tall and light skinned, with blues eyes and brownish/reddish hair. I’ve never read anything mentioning the color of their nipples kek.

Europe was sparcely populated at the time.

>I'm talking 4500 BC.

>The Cucuteni–Trypillia culture is a Neolithic–Eneolithic archaeological culture (c. 5200 to 3500 BC)
>The Vinča culture, dated to the period 5700–4500 BC or 5300–4700/4500 BC

In Greece there were hill forts and agricultural people as well en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesklo_and_Dimini_fortifications

Doesn't mean that none of them would've at least created a farm or a hoe. You don't need a gigantic population to do that.

look up neolithic European civilizations. also check out farming in europe during the neolithic period

Bro we're talking about Nordics. Ofc southern Europeans knew more than snowniggers at the time.

Only Greece was truly southern of these though, Vinca was Balkanic and Cucuteni-Trypillia in the Middle of the Balkans and Eastern Europe

>there is Slavic DNA in India, The Middle East, and Europe
>Slavs spread blonde hair
>blonde hair is in the ME, Central Asia, and India in ancient times
>"hurr durr it must be teh Nerdic race"
imagine being this retarded

you know niggers and faggots are gona believe you and use pictures like this as proof?

>Vinca was Balkanic and Cucuteni-Trypillia in the middle of the Balkans.

Just proved my point.

Going insane there mulatto boy?

>>"hurr durr it must be teh Nerdic race"
no far from me to utter such retardation, i prefer Slavs to northerners by far and Slavs were more developed than nords for most of history anyway, i just find the whole WHITE KANGZ OF ALL DA ANCIENT WORLD nearly as dumb as its afrocentric counterpart

I think you've lost it antiWhite Wicked one.

Attached: kalash-girl.jpg (200x300, 14K)


Balkans are not Southern Europe except for their southernmost tip, and Ukraine/Moldova sure as hell are not Southern Europe

What is your religion?


>he genuinely is this delusional




user i.....

no one spread blond hair. Unlike blue eyes it does not have a single originator and there are thousands of differing mutations that express hair in a blond color. Every different shade of blond you see is a totally different linage for that color hair.

we wuz master race and shiiieet

>In the Balkans.
>And Ukraine.

I don’t blame you lesser creatures for worshipping us. We must seem like gods or angels to you.
You may continue.

Attached: Ku-Baba eyes restored.jpg (320x360, 20K)


I did NEVER say nordic, see , i said there were civilizations in Europe, which is correct, and not only in Southern Europe, which is correct

i don't know dude that's pretty blue to me
maybe someone miscalibrated your screen?
must've been an evil wh*toid devil

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 116K)

Ostrogoths, Crimean Goths, ect.

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That is NOT Ku-baba. Sumerian rulers always wore their headwear in public provided to them after they inherit the throne.

Plus, Not other statue depics her as blue-eyed.

What about Sabaeans?

Attached: Sabaean head lapis lazuli.jpg (415x640, 109K)

idk, I got it from some website.

they came much later tbqh

they want to be nice and acknowledge everyone as honorary aryans

Dacians? Thracians? Cimmerians? Scythians?

Attached: Yuezhi-Scythian_600.jpg (213x270, 9K)

Dacians and Scythians were Turkic and Iranian. Respectively.

Are you familiar with the Jiroft culture?

Iranians had blue eyes and blonde hair (and still do to this day) because they're Aryan. But not Nordic.