Neil DeGrasse has been accused of raping three women in the 1980s, the news hasn’t blown yet but news outlets and Butfeed are starting to make the articles. What do you think pol did he do it?

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What did anyone expect? He's a fucking nigger.


I don't know that one.

A nigger raping women is not a happening.

What's the trend here? Do the accusers need to provide any sort of proof or is in enough with their word and feels to put him in jail?

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lmao get a load of dis nigga

What did his twitter look like during the Kavanaugh hearing?

I fucking hate that guy, he always says something dumb, and then dumber ppl think it's smart
anyway, hope it's true so he would end up in a prison with sixnine...

He does seem like the type who would pull a Bill Cosby. Not one of those mean niggers who rape white women and then takes a piss on them. But more of the type that gets them drunk and rapes them when they are passed out.

>give me some pussy
>I'm Neil DeGrasse Tyson bitch!

oh no bros
they got him

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>He does seem like the type who would pull a Bill Cosby.
You're just saying it because his black.

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Checked and kekd

It's more about ruining their reputation. Even if the claims are baseless, if there's are a number of women who come forward it will be enough to ruin his career. Then again he's a liberal. He'll probably do just fine until his ass black ass is hit with rape charges.

Raped 30 women violenetely. Deserves poison needle after 10 years in isolation cell.

No, I'm saying it because he reminds me of someone who would pull a Bill Cosby. In Tyson's case, he probably used these magical words to seduce some dumb white women, and when they realized they were fucking a nigger they felt violated.

He's probably fucked either way.
>wammen make baseless claims
>Fox claims to investigate
>Investigations yield nothing
>Forced to remove him because they'll be labeled misogynists
>The show and network get smeared

Neil is like Jordan Peterson in a sense. When Peterson's funding was removed he turned to Patreon and instantly obtained it. Neil should have owned Cosmos and released it himself, but this is hindsight. If Neil were to have kickstarted it and had a Patreon then he wouldn't have to worry at all. Cosmos is CGI, animation, and a few shots on location. If you remove things like the bill Fox has or Seth's paycheck the show suddenly becomes cheaper to produce.
It's getting to the point where if corporations keep bending it will be more beneficial as well as being safer to do things on your own without them.

Tyson is nothing without Jewish shekels. And the fact is, Jews need a black man like this to help shed some of the stereotypes about black men being dumb as a box of rocks. So until he's actually charged with something not much will change in his career.

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>Tyson is nothing without Jewish shekels.
He makes quite a lot of money through speaking tours. They tend to sell out first day and the tickets cost more than broadway shows that run through cities.
>So until he's actually charged with something not much will change in his career.
For Cosmos to exist on Fox it's going to need commercial breaks. What if Coke, Ford, Bounty the Quicker-Picker-Upper, and Tampax bail? Popeyes can't keep it afloat. Have you forgotten how this routine works?
Investors tend not to provide money to entities that are being smeared.

They will wash the story in bleach and make him an honorary white person because he doesn't speak culturally correct black lingo.

>Then again he's a liberal. He'll probably do just fine until his ass black ass is hit with rape charges.
It may just be me drawing a blank, but who on even the left has been fine after accusations have been made that resulted in employers investigating the situation? In 2018 accusations might as well be fact because if Fox determines that this is bullshit then Fox gets attacked for not believing wammen and they will be accused of shielding a rapist from harm. Then Seth who produces his show will get attacked as well and who does Seth create all of his material for?
So, you have American Dad, Family Guy, Cosmos, and that new Star Trek parody show as well as maybe 1 or two more shows all tainted because Seth is in charge of a show with an accused rapist.
As far as damage control goes it makes the most sense to cut Neil and hope your other properties can survive instead of letting them all go down with a ship that only sails every so many years for a single season.

There was a Democratic congressman a few months ago who was alleged to have beaten his girlfriend in a police report. I don't remember the specifics because the story was underreported since he was a Democratic politician. The Dems had to keep it under wraps so he could win in the mid-term elections.

I just looked it up. His name is Keith Ellison.

You wouldn't have a fucking clue who Tyson is without the Jews shilling him on television.

I don't know how advertisers will respond. They are pretty much cowards in regards to situations like this. But generally speaking, the media plays a powerful role in generating outrage on stories like this. Do you really think the liberal media is going to throw Tyson under the bus? They might do that to men like Kavanaugh, but not one of their own. And without outrage the risk to run ads during his show the Cosmos is insignificant.

The left is canibalizing themselves to a point where only extremist leftists remain. This is why you can agree with anti white racism, promote mass migration, socialize the state economy and attack religion, but if you say you do t agree with homosexuality you are automatically excluded and branded a “nazi”

hmmm...before I say anything I'll wait for these next few weeks because I'm starting to see a pattern in the news

>checked and bumped

no matter what sooner or later niggers gonna nig.

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I can't ever watch this bafoonish nigger. It's either some kind of stupidity or excessive liberality that makes behave the way he does. He's really wrapped up in himself too.
I read one of the sexual allegation articles. He is accused of drugging and raping one of these women. I guess he's from the Cosby school of seduction.

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>Do you really think the liberal media is going to throw Tyson under the bus?
Yeah. Liberal news outlets are covering it and the left has already begun going after his twitter comments.
It no longer comes down to what the left wants, but rather what can get clicks and shares and that's happening with this. The media decides what the left wants and how the left will proceed. It can't just go away now. If they attempt stories will be written about Fox aiding rapists and that will get clicks and shares.
>Cosmos Season 2 airs this Sunday. What Fox Has Done to Give a Pass to Rapists and Further the Patriarchy
I forgot about the politician, but no one cares about a nobody politician. Tyson is a celebrity. People care about that for some reason more than a politician. It drives too much internet traffic and ad revenue.
I understand that most know who he is because of money put behind him, but that doesn't mean he can't survive without that. As it now stands he can raise enough money to proceed solo.

>Come on, Neil, tell me the truth.
>Did you do it? Did you touch dat pussy?

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lame attempts at picking up women now counts as some type of sexual assault . i haven't read the news about this but i bet that there was no real fucking involved in this case .

tyson uses the quicker picker upper himself.nice marketing twist.

One is rape
the second was him inviting his assistant and failing to get laid, sexual harrasment
the third isn't assault, even the victim said so herself, instead she said it was disrespect of body autonomy because he grabbed her to look at her tattoo

Believe all women.

Didn’t Neil recently talk shit about Fox and CNN and MSM kikes?

What a coincidence

He also said that the west is turning into what the Muslim world now is with respect being stupid.

do we have any anti-Trump or anti-Kavannaugh tweets from him regarding (fake) sexual assault charges?

>be nigger
>must rape

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that cant be a real quote. does he realize each star is like a gigatrillion atoms?

First "sexist" Stephen William Hawking, next "rape" by Lawrence Krauss, now "rape" by Neil deGrasse Tyson...
This is getting more and more ridiculous...



Based space nigger.
Send him back to space!


pastor mannings words ring true. this nigger
ain't got no sense.

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Nigs gonna nog I’m shocked



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only question that should matter