He’s right

He’s right.

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Whites are more civilized

I dont tell black people any of that, I tell them to die

yea but when the fuck are whites noncompliant with cops lol

tariq is a parody of what black supremacists think. nothing morenothing less.

often southern nationalist white trash and libertarians are to be much more feared than a black gang member. they are very anti-government and that includes the police.

like whites aren't the ones being "racially attacked" 999 times out of 1000

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Well niggers are terrible at shooting so if they are trying to defend themselves from other niggers they’re more likely to shoot everyone around them than their target. Also niggers instigate they are hardly ever trying to just defend themselves. Funny considering a nigger by himself is usually the most beta weak thing in the world.

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>he's right
Not true, white people will call the police because they are afraid of being called racist

It's our country. Also whites don't gun each other down over who has the right to sell crack to school children on which corner. Blacks look, dress, and act like retards all of the time and then get offended when people view them as inferior.