Why the US just don't invade Venezuela?

Its literally Holomodor all over again.
If the US invades Venezuela, they would also have access to a shitload of oil and could tell the Saudi's to fuck off forever.
Does Russia offer some kind of protection for Venezuela? Last time I read about it, they are the only ones who buys their oil.
Heck, the US could send some jet fighters here and Brazil and Colombia would do the dirty work. Of course we share de profits later. But its a win-win situation for me. Why isn't it happening, Jow Forums?

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If it was next to Israel we'd have 50 military bases there.

Invading another country is nowhere as simple as you make it out to be.

because they never attacked us.. we only invade countries that attack us or supporting those who do.

Who the hell do we even support they're all useless

You're a stupid person who talks like a fucking retard

But they got LOTS OF OIL

Maduro is a kike! Trump loves kikes. So nothing is going to happen.

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I know, but in Venezuela's case.. They barely have any food, the army's morale must be so low that they would surrender as soon as the war breaks out. I don't see they fighting to the death for Maduro of all people.

We don't need the oil. You could make a case that our refineries are designed to run their shitty crude, but Canada has its own shitty crude that we can substitute anyways.

I think the cost of invasion isn't worth it. It would be more profitable for Venezuelans to self destruct and create social crisis across South America. It is the same reasoning that will apply across the Middle East, Africa, etc. We are much better off economically if other countries start turning to shit and nobody feels safe investing there.

Socialism is the best thing to happen for the United States.