75% of Canadian Soldiers too fat to deploy

The absolute state of Maple Mutts, Snow Gooks explain yourselves


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Inb4 it's "muscle"

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Worked with a Canadian soldier in Kabul, she wasn't fat. She was actually probably a 7/10 or 8/10 (which made her an 11/10 there). She was pretty much a cold bitch to all the American soldiers, except the black ones.

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Our preferred pronouns are

> Snowniggers
> Maplebacks
> Hockey Kikes

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Ice Spics

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>Canadian "Special Forces"

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When you're sitting in garrison and don't have the funds to regularly train, you end up just sitting around doing nothing and getting fat >

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>Special Forces
>Gut literally hanging over belt

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Not surprising. This loser, feminine, nihilistic mercenaries we in the West call "soldiers" only exist to attack defenseless nations, force non-defenseless nations to spend money on defense in the hopes of containing them or be tactical nuke cannon fodder in case the Jews game goes wrong, any fat ass loser is perfectly suitable for this tasks.

PS - I hate (((mercenary))) pigs and so should any Nationalists, they will be our worst enemies in the future mark my words.

If food prices are high in Canada, then why are so many fat?

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It's not a secret that we're pathetic fat and weak but this thread is somehow more pathetic than we are

Only Canadian soldiers can afford to eat, appearently

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learn how to save photos you actual fucking retard

once again, chink faggot from canada needs to come out of his cave
dickwaving the canacuck military and chinks, while canacuckada collapses and nobody will protect them from hordes of niggers

I don't necessarily see a problem here.
if he can do 10 pull ups, 20 push ups, run 1 km, sprint 50 meters in adequate time then he us good to fight.

Nothing is more pathetic than the Canadian Army, thanks for Kandahar faggots

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>I don't see a problem here
Well first of all you're white, gypsie jew

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you did not address what I wrote, trash man.

>Never lost a war
>Never fought a battle
>The Canadian Infantry
>Are you fat enough?

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too fat to fuck their own wives, gotta import muhammad

One drop nigger, I will not engage with a literal animal

Well yeah, why did you think they are in Mali?

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handing out free samples of Tim Hortons



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