
Why everybody hates america?
Its not americans blowing up people and cutting heads off.

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Second post by this id so you wont cry

It takes the attention away from us, bro.

neither is it Iran

Everything wrong with my country is unirronicly your fault

Yes. You and America get the blame for everything too. Sometimes it’s China or Russia. Occasionally Iran or NK or some shithole. Never us though. Funny that.

This, works out nicely
Just like the English taking all the shit for our empire even tho us Scot's were rather...enthusiastic about the whole thing.

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I don't hate America, I hate Jews.

And I hate niggers too.

Why does Afghanistan hate Pakistan?


>Afghanistan hates Pakistan

Bombs and missiles of America are defective?

Indeed old chap. Good job we are completely harmless and no threat to anybody. Cup of tea? Iron bru?

I don't know why Iran is so despised. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are far worse.

Based Choroy

You tell em son! Loud and noisy as usual, what a great kid you are.

Before we got independence this chunk of land was under british iccupation. They knew in advance that they were going to leave one day. Before they did they started an iternal fight between arabs nd jews over a pile of sand.
Convinientmy left a pile of weapons behind.

Yes, but they have their uses.

At least that first lot of weapons was free.

Jolly good, old bean, let us enjoy a teacake washed down with a nice, civilised cup of tea.

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israelianon please tell me the name of this jewtune

BC they don't have a central bank owned by jews, they hate Saudi Arabia, and opposes Israel. Most people don't give a shit about Iran. It is our leaders who are butthurt about it.

Righto, I’ll pop the kettle on.
Don’t you worry about it old son. If there is one thing we know how to do it’s subjigating unruley brown people.
NK doesn’t have a central bank either. Neither did Libya or Iraq until recently. Deep states are fun.