Your parents had a home, 3 kids, and a 401(k) by the age of 29. So what’s your fucking problem?
Your parents had a home, 3 kids, and a 401(k) by the age of 29. So what’s your fucking problem?
my parents spent their 20s getting (((phds))) so they didnt start having kids until they were both 30, and they were still broke. In fact my dad didnt get rich until he was almost 50 and I was almost done highschool
my parents are both slightly insane but managed to become functioning adults. unfortunately their combination of genes produced bipolar disorder in me so whenever I kind of get on track i suddenly start thinking im channelling the spirit of God or something and my life comes crashing down
Why is the bay area so expensive. Just looked at Palo Alto and it's so expensive
fucking technerds
Nothing, I'm 25 have a house this Monday when I close, 1 kid on the way and a 401k.
I have a home, wife, and 401k. My wife suffers with infertility. That’s my problem. 4 years, $12,000, over 60 doctor visits, and 5 miscarriages later I’m still trying to do my duty as a white man
Good job user and congratulations
Bayview is a shitty part of town too
Adopt a trailer baby, they're almost as abundant as nigger babies