Why do Christians accuse pagans of being LARPers, when they LARP as pagans every Yule?
Why do Christians accuse pagans of being LARPers, when they LARP as pagans every Yule?
Atheist here.
Faggot LARPer
So you're not celebrating Yule this coming 25th?
Pagans get in here:
It's mostly non whites who call us LARPers. It's because they just want Christianity to stay alive, without it Whites would eventually become Pagans. Then no white women will fuck these poor christniggers. So Christniggers, shitskins and Jews alike want to keep Christianity alive... They do have very strong reasons.
Also have a bump!
New thread is already up user Don't let the christcucks take over this thread also.
christmas is a white holiday.
That post is so fucking wrong I should not even bother debanking it. Did all the atheists fags from 2011 era suddenly thought it would be a great idea to revive dead old religions that christianity destroyed and ironically saved?
they're not larping, they're bona-fide polytheists