Report :'Boy Forced To Be Girl' Hoax Debunked By Authorities

Hi, I'm the father's friend. I ask that you stop spreading this hoax, he's already had to hire security for his ex-wife and their 4 kids because of all the threats.

He realizes he made a mistake and led the media to believe Luna was FORCED to transition. Jeff is NOT homophobic and fully supports Luna in continuing to live her truth as a now 13 year old girl.

Please spread this message as far as you can. Alert Tucker Carlson if possible, Jeff doesn't want the mob of crazies to come after Luna or his ex. This is weighing heavily on Jeff's conscience and he will be issuing a public apology on Monday on local and possible national news outlets. The cops said they'll charge him with fraud and harassment if he doesn't come clean. thank you

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>no debunk
Nice job

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nice damage control, Anne

>his ex-wife and their 4 kids
The two girls are from the dad's prior marriage, and have no contact with Anne the butcher.

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Legitimate question, how does one determine whether a 13 year old is fit to decide which gender they belong to or not?

Does he have a medical history that would influence this decision, like being born XXY or something?

>Claiming someone else's child
What the fuck won't you retards do?

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he's six. OP is a fag


Drop the nukes already.

cue the anti-circumcision derailleurs

cool larp retard

>no evidence, just emotional appeal
umm ok then

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the original, factual, confirmed article:

Fuck off cunt

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Jew detected

no, this boy need to be bullied into reminaing a boy

taking the bait so hard that you stayed up all night making a video.

Reminder that this is just one case where a dad objected. Hundreds(thousands internationally) of kids don't have such a based dad.
"The first treatment for transgender youth began in 2007 at Boston Children’s Hospital. Last year, there were 24 clinics clustered mostly on the East Coast and California. Today, there are 40.

“It’s growing really fast,” Lopez said. “And the main reason is parents are demanding it and bringing patients to the door of pediatric endocrinologists because they know this is available.”

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Minors shouldn't be allowed to undergo gender transition surgery regardless of consent. It's fucked up to make a permanent change to a child that makes them dilate for 4 hours a day for their whole lives and gives them endless health problems on top of being a gender freak show. Kids only get one chance at life, and you're telling me this kind of mutilation is acceptable when molestation alone is such an awful crime?

Reminder that they want to do this without parental consent if need be:
"Obtaining consent for treatment
Additional challenges arise when parents have discordant opinions about their TGNC child, or if a youth is in the custody of the courts. If both parents maintain medical decision-making for the youth then it becomes the task of the medical and mental health providers to help both parents understand the necessity of medical interventions. This process is not always straightforward, can take a lot of time, and sometimes necessitates involvement of legal assistance. For youth in the child welfare system, judges can order that medical intervention, including the administration of gender-affirming hormones, be undertaken."

Reminder that transitioning the body to fit the warped mind is now the norm.
"For transgender adolescents, the very idea of sharing intimate space with a potential partner is often overwhelmingly terrifying, since their transgender status can be disclosed in an instant if their bodies are inadvertently exposed. For many transgender women, this disclosure has resulted in physical assault and all too often, death, at the hands of an angry partner. For many youth, social situations and dating are foregone, and the opportunity to learn necessary social skills during this stage of development is lost. Both the Endocrine Society Guidelines and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care version 7.0 recommend deferring genital surgery for both transmasculine and transfeminine youth until the age of 18 years. As youth are transitioning at increasingly younger ages, genital surgery is being performed on a case-by-case basis more frequently in minors, in order to address the issues mentioned above."

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Again, the court order says nothing about surgry.
The story originally started as a divorce dispute over the boy wanted to be a girl. Then a few days later a savejames wesite pops up stating surgry wile different articles on right leaning christian blogs are talking about chemical castration.
I don't agree with this transgender shit but it's amazing watching this story change everyday with no real press cover it. Its probably all bait to get people riled up. Everyone will start screaming bloody murder at me when i say it, but whats the point lf blindly raging out here. You guys are taking the same kind of bait the left took when then whole #blacklivesmatter shit started getting traction.
Its all bullshit meant to get a emotional response out of a specific group.

Increase targeting by 500%

Increase damage anyway.
For lulz. And to ruin the life of an obviously liberal family.

i checked snopes. its a hoax.

They'll get to it. They now consider anything short of hormones and surgery to be ebil conversion therapy. And they start conversion at a younger age every year. The kid will have a mutilated inverted dick pussy by the time he's 14

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LOL, I remember you, literal faggot nigger.

>The cops said they'll charge him with fraud and harassment if he doesn't come clean.
i wonder why he changed his mind


Top fucking lel Anne. Change your mind yet?

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It will not stop. Children should not be transitions until the age of 18. This is child abuse and any person participating should and one day will be hanged. There is a special place in hell for those that put a child through this.

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Nice slide thread.

Oh look. Another NPC

bullshit man. no one at his school ever heard of this girl thing. none of the boys friends ever heard of it either.
this was a sick fucked up thing the mom made the boy do whenever he went over to her house.

hur. go mutilate a child, you fucking pedo apologist

Why dont we have a draft to even up the sexes and minorities in the US military lads?

Just scoop up and draft the THOTs.


Luna is a girl and her students respect her

no, she enrolled him in 1st grade as Luna, in a dress. She demands everyone respect her pronouns and shit.

>Luna is a girl

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>ex husband buying Security for useless roastie

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Suppression of endogenous puberty in early pubertal youth
Youth with gender dysphoria often experience significant trauma at the onset of their endogenous pubertal process.[6] Not uncommonly, gender dysphoria first emerges with the onset of puberty. The development of secondary sexual characteristics can be the solidification of an undesired physical developmental process for those with a gender identity that is incongruent with their assigned sex at birth. With the high frequency among transgender youth of mental health challenges including anxiety, depression, social isolation, self-harm, drug and alcohol misuse, many providers view early treatment as life-saving.

For those youth on a transmasculine spectrum, puberty begins with the development of breast buds at approximately age 10, though a large cross-sectional study demonstrated that 10% of Caucasians, 23% of black non-Hispanics, and nearly 15% of Hispanics had Tanner 2 breast development by 7 years of age.[7] For those youth who identify on the transfeminine spectrum, the first sign of puberty is enlargement of the testicles to beyond 4 mL in volume, with an approximate average age of onset of 11 years. Development of undesired secondary sex characteristics related to natal puberty can have profound negative psychosocial effects and for many, are a source of great distress.

In order to avoid the development of undesired secondary sexual characteristics, GnRH analogues ideally are initiated at the earliest stages of puberty (Tanner 2-3).[11] There is a role for using GnRH analogues in youth who are in the later stages of pubertal development, either for induction of amenorrhea, or to halt ongoing development of undesired secondary sex characteristics. In addition, GnRH analogues are an effective complement to estrogen treatment in transfeminine youth, given that estrogen alone, at physiologic doses, is typically insufficient to adequately suppress testosterone production (see below). Youth cannot remain on GnRH analogues alone indefinitely, as bone mineralization relies on the presence of sex steroids. While clinically becoming increasingly common, the impact of GnRH analogues administered to transgender youth in early puberty and

more like you are the fathers friend who is banging the mother. you filthy swine. you probably just want to fuck the little kid you sick fuck. get out.

Gender-affirming hormones
Gender-affirming hormones may be added to GnRH analogues to assist in the development of feminizing or masculinizing features in transgender youth. While the current Endocrine Society guidelines recommend starting gender-affirming hormones at about age 16,[11] some specialty clinics and experts now recommend the decision to initiate gender-affirming hormones be individually determined, based more on state of development rather than a specific chronological age. (Grading: X C S).[12] Factors which support consideration of hormone initiation prior to age 16 include:

Length of time on GnRH analogues - for those youth whose endogenous puberty is suppressed in the earliest stages of puberty, waiting until age 16 to add hormones means a potential 5-7 year gap, during which bone mineral density is only accruing at a pre-pubertal rate. This could potentially impact peak bone mineral density, and place youth at risk for relative osteopenia/osteoporosis.
Experiencing puberty in the last years of high school or early college years presents multiple potential challenges. The emotional upheaval that occurs for youth undergoing puberty happens normally at 11 or 12 years of age. For those youth who struggle with emotional lability at that age, they do so in a relatively protected environment, regulated by parents/caregivers, and without access to potential dangers such as motor vehicles, drugs, alcohol and adult (or almost adult) peers and sexual partners. Having the physical appearance of a sexually immature 11 year old in high school can present emotional and social challenges that are amplified by gender dysphoria.

also, you do not have to be homophobic to be against abusing children via the trans issue. leave kids alone you sick fuck. there are only 2 things. male and female. and you can not change between them

Surgical interventions for transgender youth
Transmasculine youth who have undergone endogenous puberty commonly experience significant chest dysphoria, and may engage in inappropriate methods of chest binding. Binding with duct tape, ace bandages and plastic wrap can all lead to serious medical complications. Even well fitted chest binders are hot, uncomfortable and make exercising difficult. Male chest reconstruction is a medically necessary part of phenotypic gender transition for many trans-masculine individuals. While increasing numbers of insurance companies are covering the cost of male chest reconstruction, there are often arbitrary barriers to surgery citing that youth need to be at least 18 years of age prior to undergoing this procedure. Providers should participate in appeal processes so that patients can undergo chest surgery. There are currently no available data that report the positive impact of male chest reconstruction in minors, although a study is underway now.

SO you agree that if they cannot conform to their natural sex at birth then they should be put down humanely and that bad set of genetics eradicated from the pool. The parents should share the same fate.

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Despite advances in youth care that include the use of puberty blockers and hormones in adolescence, many transgender youth (particularly transfeminine youth) often experience genital dysphoria that results in significant anxiety and depression, and has been reported by many youth as a barrier to quality of life. The ability to develop skills and experience in social relationships is negatively impacted in those youth with genitals that do not correspond to their gender. High school is a time when young people begin to explore intimacy, as well as experience their own, and each other's physical bodies. For transgender adolescents, the very idea of sharing intimate space with a potential partner is often overwhelmingly terrifying, since their transgender status can be disclosed in an instant if their bodies are inadvertently exposed. For many transgender women, this disclosure has resulted in physical assault and all too often, death, at the hands of an angry partner. For many youth, social situations and dating are foregone, and the opportunity to learn necessary social skills during this stage of development is lost. Both the Endocrine Society Guidelines and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care version 7.0 recommend deferring genital surgery for both transmasculine and transfeminine youth until the age of 18 years. As youth are transitioning at increasingly younger ages, genital surgery is being performed on a case-by-case basis more frequently in minors, in order to address the issues mentioned above.

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and all the data suggests most kids get over it and just become regular fags and dykes, mostly

There is 0 evidence that this is real at all and not just a gofundme scam, but everyone jump on the outrage wagon and prove to be exactly what everyone thinks you are.

Hey, I'm againts it if i think its true. I'm juat not going to blindly believe this bait till i see some mote evidence that does not seem like it comes from one side. You dumb fucking npc

UCSF, everybody:
As youth are transitioning at increasingly younger ages, genital surgery is being performed on a case-by-case basis more frequently in minors.

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Be fruitful and multiply did not mean fuck another dude in the ass. Anyone with homosexual tendencies should be humanely put to death.

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>mob of crazies
We’re more diverse than a mob

>literal nigger
here, you fuckhead:

or are they part of the massive, extremely elaborate and technically challenging hoax too?

fucking Muldernigger

Children with persistent gender dysphoria are characterized by more extreme gender dysphoria in childhood than children with desisting gender dysphoria.[7][8] Some (but not all) gender diverse / gender independent / gender fluid youth will want or need to transition, which may involve social transition (changing dress, name, pronoun), and, for older youth and adolescents, medical transition (hormonal and surgical intervention). Treatment may take the form of puberty blockers such as leuprorelin, or cross-sex hormones (i.e., administering estrogen to an assigned male at birth or testosterone to an assigned female at birth), or surgery (i.e., mastectomies, salphingo-oophorectomies/hysterectomy, the creation of a neophallus in female-to-male transsexuals, orchiectomies, breast augmentation, facial feminization surgery, the creation of a neovagina in male-to-female transsexuals), with the aim of bringing one’s physical body in line with their felt gender. The ability to transition (socially and medically) are sometimes needed in the treatment of gender dysphoria.

The Endocrine Society does not recommend endocrine treatment of prepubertal children because clinical experience suggests that GID can be reliably assessed only after the first signs of puberty. It recommends treating transsexual adolescents by suppressing puberty with puberty blockers until age 16 years old, after which cross-sex hormones may be given.[9]

The University of Washington is leading the largest study of transgender youth ever conducted. The study, known as the Transgender Youth Project, looks at 300 transgender kids between the ages of 3 and 12. Researchers hope to follow the children for 20 years.
>Transgender Youth Project, looks at 300 transgender kids between the ages of 3 and 12.

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>replying to an obvious retard
Guess we're both guilty of this one dog fucker

you shouldn't, but the nigger wanted to hear the liberal side of the story, otherwise it's a massive hoax for gofundmebux. As usual, it's RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA

Oh really, so the father very convincingly forged court filings, with judges' signatures, and put them online? Not buying it, whoever you are.

What are you, a friend of the wife?

I knew it straight off it was a hoax (too far fetched). Did tell them in the original thread, but they laughed at me.

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>is a girl
XY doesn't lie douchebag

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DSM-5 (2013) diagnosis of gender dysphoria
In May 2013, the American Psychiatric Association published the DSM-5 in which the GIDC diagnosis was removed and replaced with gender dysphoria, for the first time in its own distinct chapter.[12] Lev states that gender dysphoria places the focus on distress with one's body rather than conformity with societal gender norms, and that this change was accompanied by changes to sexist language and a reduced reliance on binary gender categories.[13] Gender dysphoria reframes the diagnosis as a time-limited distress of the body which is potentially rectified with access to gender transition procedures, rather than a lifetime disorder of the identity.[13]

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The Removal of Homosexuality from
the Psychiatric Manual

How much did you get paid by the jewish bitch to post this bullshit?

The Agenda Behind Bruce Jenner’s Transformation

30 mins of private time with Luna

Happy Hannukah, Jew.

Jeff was quoted in his public apology as saying


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has any family glowed so bright? fascinating

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The revolution of the family: the Marxist roots of ‘homosexualism’

Judaism & Homosexuality:
A Marriage Made In Hell

What The Jews (Zionest) Did To The Germans-

always a fun read:

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we may drive the bitch insane by Monday


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It actually looks like a girl forced to be a boy. OP is a nigger faggot

Androgynous Future for "Goys" ?

In the Cabala, "Adam" the primal or original man is said to be androgynous. In other words, according to the satanic bible, man was created sexless.
"All of history is viewed by the esoteric schools as the return of mankind to the condition of Adam-Kadmon -- the perfect androgynous state."

"Androgyny is presently being realized through progressive genetic and surgical manipulation.

•"The Plan is concerned with rebuilding mankind...(Alice Bailey, The Secret Doctrine) " - 148:145

•"The goal toward which the human species should aim is the progressive reintegration of the sexes until androgyny is obtained. The evolved being tends toward bisexuality." -102:113

•"Josef Mengele (Hitler's Angel of Death) ...also attempted to change the sex of some twins. Female twins were sterilized; males were castrated. What was the point of these ghoulish experiments? No one, either the child-victims, nor the adult witnesses, ever really knew." - 381:70
Initially, population control will affect everyone except the elite; only those who have been genetically engineered will be allowed to marry heterosexually and reproduce. Then human sexual procreation will cease as the Gnostics seek to produce an androgynous race via asexual methods.

"Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; forbidding to marry..." - I. Tim. 4:1-3
"Androgyny is the occult's goal for mankind, their rationale being that men must be conformed to the image of Christ who, they believe, is regarded as the androgynous Adam. This transformation will be achieved through genetic engineering." (See: 666/Name/Number of the Beast (Third Adam) 11.D; Genetics (Human Genome Project) 16.D)

Honestly seems like the closest option of a late term abortion for people who care very little for the safety and well being of their kids, while also enjoying the perks of feeling interesting because they turned their normal healthy kid into a medical experiment.
All these kids are gonna suicide.

seriously thinking of going to church in the morning. been 30 years

Isn't he being prepped for hormones though?


Btw when you say debunk, then fail to provide a timetamp, any evidence to support (((your))) claim, it makes you look stupid, and WE know stupid here
>Fuck off unlesd you provide some proof and a timestamped pic with a sharpie in your pooper

Kinda just reminds me of kids I went to school with who were taken by their parents to get tattoos and piercings as early as age 13 basically to just flex on the kids whose parent's wouldn't let them.
It's honestly trendy hipster parents competeing to be the most progressive for nothing more than street cred as cool perents ruining the kids.
It's always been like that, just becoming increasingly worse over time, especially since criticizing it will get you marked as a bully.

Dosen’t fucking matter. Children MUST NEVER transition genders. Not a fucking chance.

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he will be. It's considered abuse to not provide "gender affirming" puberty blockers, before he hits puberty.


Not mutilating a prepubescent child with potentially life threatening and permanently life altering hormone treatment is child abuse.
Fuck everything.

Ah so bad parents treating their kids as accessories like the ones that buy the little bastards polo and shit to show off to other people.

Mrs Georgulas, we know it's you. The internet authorities have been contacted. We'll have to ask you to cease this faggotry, and to desist from enfaggening your son.

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The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow

>fuck everything
pretty much, but they have three options:

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>no link

You posted a similar thread earlier claiming to be the boy’s sister and claiming that the story took place years ago. Really gets the noggin joggin.