Why cant niggers smoke their nigger blunts alone, in the dark?
Why do they have to smoke in their car, or in the middle of the street? There is an obvious reason as to why niggers go to jail more for weed
Why cant a nigger quietly enjoy his weed?
Fuck niggers.
>why do niggers act like niggers
Because they are niggers
Niggers don’t have houses of their own
look at the shitty craftsmanship of that blunt
because niggers are a burden wherever they are, and you need to suffer like the people you constantly tax
>implying niggers own property
Because you degenerate potheads are incapable of actually keeping it quiet.
Ill never understand how niggers can roll so many blunts and be so incompetent at it. This one thug dude who somehow found his way into a gathering of friends, insisted on rolling a blunt. You couldn't even draw out of it because the end you inhale from was loose and sealed with his fucking spit. It canoed like a bitch and nobody got high, except him because he's used to smoking garbage. I rolled a proper one with a cruitch in it and he looked at me like I'd just discovered electricity.
Backwoods never look pretty. The best blunts always look the worst. Btw I'm not a nigger, I only smoke sometimes and never shove it in people's face or anything.