I worry a 9-5 is going to kill me. My stress tolerance is super low and I need considerable down time after work...

I worry a 9-5 is going to kill me. My stress tolerance is super low and I need considerable down time after work, so much so that I get nothing done on weeknights, like at all. I don't know how I'm going to do this for 40 years. How do I survive this daily grind?

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Then just chill on weeknights and do more productive things on your weekends. Or do an hour of something productive immediately after work. I personally find the momentum from work to be helpful and when you get home you feel safe to relax until you go to bed.

I was under the impression that a 9-5 was easy mode. You have a very predictable schedule, no erratic shift work creating a need to compensate for missed sleep constantly. You leave your work when you walk out the building so there's not a huge need to do overtime or use your personal time to work.

>do an hour of something productive immediately after work
I'd been stuck in a rut of getting high immediately after work and losing the will to accomplish anything else. Now I do at least an hour of housework before I smoke or vidya.

They dont want you to be productive thats why we have a 9-5 system which was invented by communists. It's either job and be a normie or neet bux and follow passions.


I had 40 hours of overtime in the last month, and I work 3shift (mornings, evevnings, nights. and 3 out of 5 weekends)

Suck it up, pup

Enjoy your stress induced heart attack, slave.

It won't unless you let it. Use your vacation time, if you're sick then don't go to work, and don't do overtime unless you're being compensated. Learn some stress management techniques that you can use to better control yourself. Also, at the end of the day just let it all go until tomorrow.

Not OP, but this is good advice because this is kind of where I'm at now. Thanks, user.


That's for white-collars.

I just enjoy the thousand extra dollars I had this month to use for advancing my goals (of getting a property to set up a permaculture food forest)

Remember kids, you work so you can live, not the other way around. And I by saying kids, I mean you guys who don't understand how to put work into a perspective where it aids your life instead of being a constant burden to be able to pay your next set of bills. If your life is like that, then you should really be ashamed of how stupid you were with money 3-5 years ago.
You get more stress from bad financials that make working seem forced, than you get from having a lot of hours and seeing those monies go into productive endevours

>Brags about overtime and long hours
>Tells everyone to work to live
Nigga you're living to work.

Poor little special snowflake.

Try the military - it isn't a 9-5. You will love it.

So much salt.

Chill out, guys. If your daily lives are shit take it out on your boss.

low stress tolerance as a male is a big no no, life will rape you unless you're a male model or something.

I work 7am to 5pm m-f and i still go to the gym, clean and w.e during the week, and i have a fucking pacemaker and a mechanical valve in my heart, so let that sink in.

Funny corelation.

And you still find the time and motivation to brag on Jow Forums. You're an inspiration.

Yeah its called time management.

No wife no kids - No problem. If you’re sensitive to life and stress and general, OP, don’t get married and dont have kids. You will be A-ok.

Have you ever wondered that the body is not fucking designed to be active that much? Hence WHY you have the pacemaker and a mechanical valve.

No, I'm serious. I get fucking chest pains. I can't fucking do this. I can't live like this.

Why not try alternatives OP? Volunteering for the red cross or some other organizations that are willing to pay for your day to day but not much else.

It's a life of poverty for sure, but adventurous, since you can choose to go any subsidiaries they have.

You don't HAVE TO be a 9-5 person...

I was born with a deformed valve, this is my second mechanical valve, first one at 2, second to replace it at 19, pacemaker at 19, im 30 n still kicking.

It's so sad. Society forces you into thinking that giving every moment of your life for your job is noble and gallant and then scoff at others who don't do the same. But you deserve to live your life and have aspirations too, user.

Whenever I hear someone say they are doing overtime even (or especially) in an excited voice I feel so bad for them

>I work more than you and it hasn't effected me negatively at all
>They even gave me one day off when I got my pacemaker and mechanical valve put it. Not sure what caused it...

What do you like to do OP?