Chinese Takeover vs Islamization

In a declining West, does it make more sense to learn Mandarin and start building Chinese business connections, or to convert to Islam? Which force will be more dominant in the post-Western world? Defend your position.

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I would say continue to fight for the West, maybe make a few Chinese business connections for business but fuck Islam. Just become a pro white person

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Chinese because they have a space program and will be able to keep civilization going.

chinese cant even feed themselves

China is a paper tiger. They have an intimidating military because of it's sheer size, but they still lack the ability to efficiently project power outside of their immediate region. They'll develop into a real tiger if we can't manage to arrest their growth, but that day is a long way's away.

Islam operates and spreads under an entirely different set of rules, as a religion/ideology, rather than a racial/national identity. A even though a lot of people view it Islam as a racial identity, it isn't - at least it isn't to muslims, and that's what matters.


Should the West continue it's fall, China and Russia will inevitably become adversaries, without the common enemy of the US and it's protectorates. But Islam has already made in-roads in Europe, in the US, Canada, Australia - just about everywhere.

Islam is an idea, and ideas cannot be destroyed - only contained. That's why on a long enough time scale, religions are always more powerful forces than nations.

So to answer the main question, which is whether you should start learning Mandarin or Arabic: my vote is Arabic.

A faggot like OP should probably go with Mandarin, lest he be roof-tossed by the Akbars.

Option C - Grow a fucking backbone

Fuck the Chinese. I’d rather burn it all down with the shitskin scum than let them take it over. They’re the fucking worst.

>ideas cannot be destroyed
You can, and it's the same way you destroy any nations. The chinese itself are able to do it on their muslim ethnic minority.
