Chinese Takeover vs Islamization

In a declining West, does it make more sense to learn Mandarin and start building Chinese business connections, or to convert to Islam? Which force will be more dominant in the post-Western world? Defend your position.

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I would say continue to fight for the West, maybe make a few Chinese business connections for business but fuck Islam. Just become a pro white person

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Chinese because they have a space program and will be able to keep civilization going.

chinese cant even feed themselves

China is a paper tiger. They have an intimidating military because of it's sheer size, but they still lack the ability to efficiently project power outside of their immediate region. They'll develop into a real tiger if we can't manage to arrest their growth, but that day is a long way's away.

Islam operates and spreads under an entirely different set of rules, as a religion/ideology, rather than a racial/national identity. A even though a lot of people view it Islam as a racial identity, it isn't - at least it isn't to muslims, and that's what matters.


Should the West continue it's fall, China and Russia will inevitably become adversaries, without the common enemy of the US and it's protectorates. But Islam has already made in-roads in Europe, in the US, Canada, Australia - just about everywhere.

Islam is an idea, and ideas cannot be destroyed - only contained. That's why on a long enough time scale, religions are always more powerful forces than nations.

So to answer the main question, which is whether you should start learning Mandarin or Arabic: my vote is Arabic.

A faggot like OP should probably go with Mandarin, lest he be roof-tossed by the Akbars.

Option C - Grow a fucking backbone

Fuck the Chinese. I’d rather burn it all down with the shitskin scum than let them take it over. They’re the fucking worst.

>ideas cannot be destroyed
You can, and it's the same way you destroy any nations. The chinese itself are able to do it on their muslim ethnic minority.


butthurt Dutchfag is butthurt.

I know you won't risk saying anything good about your colonizers, but you're wrong, ideologies are not destroyed in the same way as nations. If that were true, the Nazi ideology would have been eradicated with the fall of Germany, but it hasn't been.

Until the Uyghurs cease to exist, and Islam is eliminated from China, then the Chinese have not been able to do it.

Ideas cannot be destroyed. You've cited no proof against this statement, nor given any compelling argument. Therefore, I assert that your residence in a muslim-colonized nation like the Netherlands has clouded your judgment with bias.

>Until the Uyghurs cease to exist, and Islam is eliminated from China, then the Chinese have not been able to do it.

By that logic, no "nation" has ever be destroyed, retard. When you 'defeat' china for example, do you genocide them all or what?

Nations and Religions are not the same, retard.

Nations hold physical territory, with borders that can be drawn on a map. They force the population of that area to give them money, in the form of taxation. If you hold no territory and collect no taxes, you are not a nation.

Religions collect taxes, but hold no territory. Moreover, in the majority of cases, Religions have no real authority to enforce taxation, unless under a theocratic government.

What are you, 12? These are basic definitions.

>mentioning nations without mentioning the people
Hence the quotation mark. The term nation, going back to its roots, always refers to the people that live inside the border. Your condition of a nation of just borders and space is no fuckin difference from a civnat cuck definition.

So I ask it again, how do you defeat the nation of china and its people, and how is it different from your condition of defeating the uyghurs and their islamic ideology?

I am, although I think there are many timelines where it will quickly become obvious that this will not work out. I think white nationalism in the US and EU are very likely to be smothered by ZOG before they completely succumb to outside forces. If a collapse happened today, maybe white nations could emerge, but in 20 years, probably not.

My usage of the word "nation" is consistent with it's current usage as a common synonym of Country, Government, Etc.

Imperial Japan is an example of a nation destroyed. Nazi Germany is an example of a nation destroyed. The condition necessary is destruction of the government, military, and other institutions which rule the territory.

Nice try at playing word games instead of defending your position though, little cuck.

>Nazi Germany is an example of a nation destroyed
Wtf, now why are you condradicting yourself? You said that nation can be destroyed, yet here you mentioned two ideologies (nazism and imperialism) that are defeated but the nations of japan and germany survive???

>is consistent with it's current usage
And you should know that by just occupying a country, or militarily defeat them, you don't destory a nation. Why are nation of japan and germany still around eventhough as you said both nazism and imperial japan are defeated? Oh maybe because you don't fuckin defeat them by genociding all germans and japanese?

Now answer my question you faggot, how do you defeat a nation completely, because both of your examples are a complete failure

>how should I give up? by ramming a cock up my ass or down my mouth

go fuck yourself you coward

ew well id rather cut my nuts off than convert to an inbred retard religion so ill go with the chinks

No Chinaman ever called me a Nigger.

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arabs=inbred goatfucker scum
literally just kill me if they take over but it would never happen

China produced advanced civilizations and know how to control a country to make it prosperous.

Muslims are not more than psychotic sand niggers.

Nice slide thread BTW.