Are Mike Enoch and friends based or not? I started getting into listening to their show but got turned off when they said they don’t support a free market economy and are socialistic. Thoughts?
Are Mike Enoch and friends based or not...
Kayden Wilson
Gabriel Mitchell
Julian Brown
The podcast is comfy and i like to listen to it when out on walks. I see them as friends.
I wish Enoch wouldnt drink so much. He is a huge part of my life.
Benjamin Perry
based and red pilled
Angel Flores
That’s what I started to do is listen when I would take my dog on a walk
Anthony Gonzalez
>theyre socialists of the nationalist kind
i like that kind.
Jordan Ortiz
The free market doesn't exist, dumbass. Get over it.
Aaron Cooper
>are these jewish bolsheviks based or nah?
fuck off mike
Noah Gonzalez
t. stormfag
eat shit boomer, wn 2.0 is more successful than you ever were.
Justin Russell