What might cause a very sore throat if its not a sore/strep throat ?
Post nasal-drip, cold weather + strong wind or allergies ? (i take antihistamines but they don't seem to work)
I'm fucking dying
What might cause a very sore throat if its not a sore/strep throat ?
Post nasal-drip, cold weather + strong wind or allergies ? (i take antihistamines but they don't seem to work)
I'm fucking dying
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What is your age?
What is your sex? By that, I mean what sex hormones does your body produce?
What is your diet like? Be detailed. Don't tell me some general bullshit and expect that you are done describing it. Don't tell me what you put down your throat today. What did you put down your throat the last several days your throat has been aching.
How much caffeine have you had daily, lately?
Have you done an unusual amount of frequent talking lately?
An unusually loud volume of talking lately?
Do you experience acid reflux, also called heart burn?
How have you felt about drinking water lately?
Have you seen a doctor about bacterial/viral infection?
Have you taken any giant black cocks down your throat?
-Standard diet with rare junk food. With various micronutrient. At a caloric deficit at the moment (600 calories)
- I don't take caffeine
- No i rarely talk
- No
- No
- 1.5 liter per day
- Yes and he told i had no bacterial/viral infection on throat
This was my next question, believe it or not.
Seriously though, roughly, what is your daily sodium intake in milligrams?
How is your vitamin B12 intake? This can come from supplements or foods like eggs, dairy milk, meats, and shellfish.
>caloric deficit at the moment (600 calories)
Are you eating 600 calories a day, or 2000 - 600 = 1200 calories a day?
My daily sodium intake must be around 2g
My vitamin b12 intake is ok
its 1600 calories a day
The common cold...
Make this soup and you’ll feel better in a matter of hours.
And yes it doesnt taste that great, but you can either overload on garlic, or you can be sick for a week or two. Pick one.
Did the doctor have an opinion about what he thought it was?
Yeah allergy or the weather probably its unusually cold + strong wind (really strong one)
I don't think its cold i had this sore throat since 1 month and before i had rhinitis
I have been feeling like a dead man since March
I am out of questions to ask, but you have my sympathies. If it doesn't improve as the weather gets warmer or more stable, I would seek deeper medical diagnosis.
I think its allergy + weather
Allergy because it started in March, when the pollen started popping out.
Weather because since mid March it was never stable (sometime warm, sometime cold, annoying wind all the time)
Dry hair accentuate the sore throat probably
You say you take antihistamines which do not help. That may not be the medicine that will help you the most.
Do you experience excessive coughing during this time?
If you do cough, is it dry cough, or do you produce phlegm/mucus?
Do you experience trouble breathing?
You say you are "fucking dying." Is that from pain? Where is the pain located?
Girlfriend has been suffering from the same issues the past week. Strong anti-histamines, and even over the counter anti-allergy meds haven't been helping, but she does much better with her air purifier on.
No idea, honestly. She's never had allergies hit her quite this hard, so I'm assuming it's some kind of combination of a virus and extreme allergies.
I should mention that we hadn't really had much sunny weather until mid/end of april, so that might cause the timeline to be a bit off.
Not excessive coughing
It sometime
Trouble breathing ? Well not really but its super cold and dry so its annoying
I'm dying because at night, i experience sleep apnea symptoms (worsened by the dry air, this sore throat and everything) which make me super weak
Its quite sunny there, but the air is suprisingly dry and cold, with strong wind
It never happened before, its really annoying its colder than in the winter (because of the dry air)
If you are dealing with dry air conditions, an indoors humidifier might help. I have never used one before so I can't recommend a brand, but they work wonders for some people.
Coat the back of your throat with some liquid honey
Will help for a while
Tea with honey will also sooth a soar throat, but just getting a bunch of honey back there works best imo
Doesn't work at all, tried it a whole month with the raw version + warm drink (tea or water with lemon) and it didn't even helped for a few minutes
Perhaps if you'd stop getting throat fucked by Tyrone and Lashaun then you wouldn't be in so much pain.
Try a zinc spray