How can we reduce the human population by 99.9%?

Humans breed like cock roaches. How can we reduce their numbers by 99.9%

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Stop this. What you are saying is very horrible. You should be concerned with nuking nonwhites off the face of the planet, but not want to kill your own people.
If you use technology to break the bonds of natural selection, however, you are going to get all kinds of fucked up problems we are seeing these days. Overpopulation and blatant DYSgenics are among them.

Stop socialism and communism from support those who can’t support themselves and let them die out. Welfare is destroying the gene pool by creating unsurvivable gene baby farms

What's this planet for if there's no people living in it?

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You misspelled non whites and 100%

i suggest you kill yourself, it will be a good start

Spray the world with antipsychotics for 100 years.

Get a load of this flogart.
here's a (you)

Dude ask a serious question. One that you can't ignore forever. I say "kill em' all" gen X here. fuck you.

no idea what you just said bob

see pic

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Eliminate 100% of all races other than American proud boys. Then, repopulate the earth.

>You should be concerned with nuking nonwhites
He is. Whites are the 0.1%.

Dont tell anyone about the coming grand solar minimum.

I said (you) are a faggot and thanks for playing. You downs syndrome dumbfuck. KYS

>Get an ethnovirus you've developed and tested in Africa that only targets blacks, another that targets Asians, etc. People that aren't your people
>There may be a population that that's too genetically close to aim an ethnovirus at, in this case, do the following:
>Use banking domination to subvert the politics of all of their nations
>Spend decades programming those nations with media to accept mass migration
>Mutt their countries as much as possible
>Have your overpopulation of mutts overwhelm them
>Clean up mutts with viruses
>A few can be leftover for your 2800 slaves each

Why do you think Isreal helped South Africa? They wanted the bioweapon research that Project Coast was working on. Once they had what they needed they immediately turned on SA.

start with yourself, show the example

Being moral, you must do this without targeting children or killing or mutilating anyone.

First, you create a crispr9 airborne virus that makes 100% of women sterile through:
Inducing all their oocyte to activate and then painlessly autotrophy without sperm.
All women infected will be sterile within a single menstrual cycle.
Any female currently pregnant will still be able to safely give birth.
Any child under the age of puberty will still be able to give birth in the future.
Any female fetus currently being formed will be able to have a child.

Bonus: Since women will no longer be able to have children, sex and unprotected sex will skyrocket.
Men will prefer women who are currently sterile as most men don't want children. The vaccine will
be administered to girls to ensure they are not infected in the future- but this will require their mothers
to intentionally take action to ensure their progeny can have progeny, and women don't give a shit about
their daughters. Most people and most girls will not get the vaccine.

A select few men who want children will take action to protect and vaccinate females and then breed with them.
It will become a social norm to men to marry a girl who is underage with the intent of breeding her.
Competition for these girls will become a serious issue and conservation of reproductive capability a moral duty.

The next generation, there will only be 1/10th as many reproducing females, and this cycle will repeat itself
until everyone gets the vaccine and the virus dies out, or a woman is born whose oocytes are immune to the virus.

99.99% of humanity will die, but this process will take a likely long time. Men will continue to want to reproduce.
The humanity that survives the selection process will only consists of the genes from the women and men who
most cared about their offspring and humanity.

Sincerely yours.

kill all:

- slavs
- chinks
- pajeets
- niggers
- kikes

not necessarily in that order

Moral objectives fulfilled:

Doesn't directly kill or injure anyone or cause cancers or life-threatening illnesses.
Doesn't target any ethnic or cultural group disproportionately.
Doesn't stop anyone from figuring out how to make eggs from stem cells and reproduce that way.
Doesn't directly itself have the consequence of ending all life on the earth.

He's right, op should kill himself, then you should too. Do your part

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We breed "like cock roaches" because without industrialized agriculture and anti-biotics we die like cock roaches. EMP the planet and 90% of the human population would be dead within 6 months.

The use of an EMP would cause modern humans to be without food, water, plumbing, and other needs which would kill off roughly 90% of them through deprivation or civil unrest according to the US Air Force's recent report.

But aren't those the only whites who aren't ethnosuicidual?

Global eugenics program, tax credits for high IQ indviduals to have kids and people under a certain intelligence level will be paid to sterilize themselves, eventually cutting back to a 1 billion person global population.

Swiss are either mountaindwelling cryptojews or river runoff drinking cave people. I should know I married one.

Actually, this process isn't perfect. I didn't think this through.

After being infected, a female girlchild whose oocytes are not yet developed enough
to be effected by the virus will likely develop immunity. So this virus would only
effect one generation and women who are not exposed as children.

Your virus also needs to be immune to the human immune system.
So basically female AIDS.

I suppose you expect to be spared though, eh OP?

COLD WAR 2.0, but this time we make the kikes and slavs fight it out with all the sand niggers

>How can we reduce their numbers by 99.9%
Japanese nuclear reactor can meltdown and nobody cleans it up should do it in about 100 years

Yeah,end welfare...
End AID.

But the #1 thing to do is pump information into the 3rd world.

Smart people make less children because they end up saying...

How do we reduce population...

Stop giving money and food to afriniggers then nuke the chinks and poos.

well, we can start RACE war
> Manson is right

There has been chat about what is needed to save the planet. They concluded the following areas must be wiped out:
The population cannot sustain itself and does not understand the basics of holding back desert and farming crop rotation.
Uncontrolled population, Desert as well and pollution. Their current culture is not on track with a race that cares about their own environment.
Again uncontrolled population, poor education and lots and lots of poo.

Stop Western Aid to third world countries.

Lord Ben shapiro can destroy the human race

Start small.. kill yer self and hope to set a good example.

nuke all the non-whites

>nuke india
>nuke africa
>nuke china
>nuke israel
problem solved senpai

>How can we reduce their numbers
(((communism))) and (((global warming))) add a little bit of (((agenda 21))) and boom!!!

population reduced, and regulated!!

"Toyota Corolla remains atop Cash for Clunkers top sellers list". The Baltimore Sun. Associated Press. 2009-08-21. Retrieved 2008-09-25.[dead link]
"Latest data on Cash for Clunkers sales, trade-ins". Breaking News 24/7. 2009-08-21. Retrieved 2008-09-25.
Vlasic, Bill (2009-08-26). "Toyota Tops List of Cash-for-Clunkers Winners". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-08-27.
Chang, Richard S. (2009-08-26). "The Final Numbers on 'Clunkers'". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-08-27.
Valdes-Dapena, Peter (2009-08-05). "Cash for Clunkers cars: Small wins big". CNN Money. Retrieved 2009-08-06.
"New Model Vehicles, as submitted, not necessarily reviewed or approved" (PDF). CARS. 9 September 2009. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 October 2009. Retrieved 3 March 2018.
Mian, Atif R.; Sufi, Amir (2010-09-01). "The Effects of Fiscal Stimulus: Evidence from the 2009 'Cash for Clunkers' Program". doi:10.2139/ssrn.1670759. SSRN 1670759. Missing or empty |url= (help)
Kestenbaum, David (2010-09-03). "Study: Cash For Clunkers Was A Wash". National Public Radio. Retrieved 2012-10-15.
Isidore, Chris (2009-08-06). "Cash for Clunkers: Real stimulus". Retrieved 2009-08-22.

Use cellphones to give everyone anal/ovarian cancer.

literally unironically this desu senpai

hey leaf boy, take your meds lately?

increase black suicide rates to match white suicide rates

>Humans breed like cock roaches. How can we reduce their numbers by 99.9%
Trigger a psychic convergence event like in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Attached: The end of it all.jpg (1200x800, 109K)

Start with yourself leaf.

Squids will finally have their kingdom

Stop gibs and welfare of any kind except for a few rare cases.
Enforce a more violent conduct in police (if the guy has more than 2 pages of criminal record, nobody gives a fuck if he dies).
Stop religions that enforce breeding like there is no tomorrow.
Research and release better birth control methods.
Some program where dumbasses get sterilized and gain an iPhone or whatever in exchange.
Discreetly rise infighting between gangs and paramilitary in shitholes but at the same time try to stop them from reproducing.

There are many ways to achieve an end to humanity. I still trust the nuclear warfare path to be the best one to scare most people away and be done with it. A global nuclear power could lead the way, if there is a scenario one country or people possess a hegemony. Of course, the victims of the attacks need to be selected carefully. But the mortality rate of the atomic weapons still is the surest way to end the lives of many.

Attached: The atomic bomb (Manhattan Project).jpg (200x157, 10K)

Gonna want to use a virus. If you're aiming to keep white people alive, gonna need to pick something they're liable too be immune to.

Something like 1% of white people are immune to HIV because it works the same way as the Black Plague did. Those ancestors that survived it lead to them.

So, keeping just a good number of whites alive, you're going to want something along the lines of HIV but spreading much more virulently.

Just get the nuclear codes

Nice larp