Chick culling

Right now, billions of newly hatched male chicks are ground up every year in a process called chick culling because they don't produce eggs.

In order to fulfill both chicken meat and egg demand the US, 200,000,000 male chicks are culled, and 200,000,000 females are kept for eggs until slaughter.

If we remove the demand for eggs, then the horrific meat industry would only need 100 million males and 100 million females in the US alone, as they would both grow up and fill the demand of meat.

>In 2020 chicks will be culled before being hatched

Yea but that's 2020, and chick culling is happening *right now*

>rooster meat is tougher!

Boo hoo

Demand for eggs is leading to one of the most horrifically unethical and unnecessary practices in history

How do you justify this Jow Forums

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I dont give a fuck ur a green nigger if you care about some chick with an IQ of >0.1

>How do you justify this Jow Forums
It doesn't need to be justified.


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It looks grisly but it's actually a humane way of culling them.

Those are someone's children

0:25 seconds for your chick culling money shot

Who cares, they are just chicken.

The weak should fear the strong.

Let's get that out onto a tray. Nice!

If I had to pick a way to die, instantly being obliterated so fast I couldn't feel or even perceive what was happening would be in the running.

Eggs actually sounds pretty good right now.

Pretty awful. Even the edgy kids here know that deep down.

One of the main ingredients in soft-serve ice cream is chicken feathers.

t. Chicken Farmer

protein is protein

#Feminism #ImWithHer #Herstory #Empowered #YasQueen

Anti-meat is anti-science, you stupid vegan. We literally evolved to eat meat, and a chicken is not of a high enough cognition for me to care about how they feel about it.

Don't associate veganism with leftist ideology

Shit gives vegans a bad name. Veganism and human politics are 2 separate issues.

I voted Trump

thats a nice chicken

cus its tasty now stfu

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And the remains are used for agriculture, pet food and agriculture. What's the problem here?

My do has to eat somethin...

the males are the lucky ones...

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The left one is male

You said agriculture twice.

only subhumans would try to justify this. animal product eating is a sick, perverted, anti-human, anti-White ideology.

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>How do you justify this Jow Forums
Eggs are fucking delicious and we use the macerated chick meat for other shit so who cares?

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Somethin wron with my key...

Unlucky him then! Guess he somehow made it past the easy death!

>pretending to be fascist to convert fascists to v*ganism
Why bother you fucking s o y b o y

Eh, they get to live for a bit instead of never existing, the death is fast and painless, and fido gets fed.

Cry more bitch nigger.

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We didn't evolve to rule the planet so we could care about chickens.

White people invented Animal Husbandry.

I only eat the eggs that my chickens lay.

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>Moralistic preaching with an "we're so enlightened attitude"
>Thinking they should tell other people how to live their lives

If the shoe fits...

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Don't worry, science will find a way!

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how do you justify as this being bad but abortion ok?

The redpilled man has a chicken coop in his backyard and only eats free range chicken/eggs, and has an established network of local farmers to purchase grass fed beef and organic vegetables

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>rooster meat is tougher
It's like people have never heard of brining their meat...

Eggs are the shit nutritionally, and taste good. Just had a scrambled egg and sardine breakfast and it was cash.

>pretending to be fascist to accuse people of pretending to be facist
why bother you fucking n o n - W h i t e

Ate 4 eggs today. Feels good.

> when you read it in his voice

So basically peta feminists fake vegans who only eat eggs and not chicken are now causing billions of baby male chickens to die, why am I not surprised.

White people invented veganism.
White people lived in harsh climates without technology which makes the rules a bit different.

The hilarious irony of vegetarians who eat things like pastries and cakes made with eggs

Second paragraph is interesting. Although different, Vegetarianism was a core part of National Socialism

pic related doesn't grow on trees

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So wait, we are stopping and your mad that we aren't stopping NOW.

Even though we are already stopping.

I'm gonna beat my wife half to death for your post.


>White people invented veganism.
Degenerates invented veganism. The birthrate of White vegans is undoubtedly below that of White meat eaters.

Chad humans dominating all other life.

I suppose man became carnivorous because, during the Ice Age, circumstances compelled him. … The southern peoples are not acquainted either with a meat diet or with cooking.” – Adolf Hitler

Intelligence is bad, the birth rate of intelligent people is lower than of dumb people.

Hardly a problem of importance. Male chicks are still utilized.

"Our children to-day are much healthier than those of the Imperial and Weimar Republic periods because mothers now realise that they contribute far more to the health of their children if they give them raw vegetables and roots to chew than if they give them boiled milk.” – Adolf Hitler

Well there you go. Only an intelligent person with too much time and money is going to have empathy for a little bird.

grow your own chickens retard.

Fuck vegans

“The feeding of the Roman armies was almost entirely based on cereals.” - Adolf Hitler

its okay all the roosters would try to kill each other anyways and that's illegal

Yeah, no. Milk's extremely nutritious.

Go chew on your roots, faggot.

"... Hunting and fishing as practised by the men of the Old Stone Age, who had forgotten how to live on wild fruits and not yet learned how to till the soil …” - Savitri Devi

This is where chicken nuggets and tendies come from.

Very true. Good people care, third world losers and subhumans don't.

>How do you justify this Jow Forums
I want to eat eggs

How do I justify it? I am an animal. I eat other animals. I am also a merciful animal. Instead of putting animals through the pain and torture of hunting them and tearing them apart limb from limb with my hands I put them in a machine that will kill them instantly and with no pain. Why is every other animal allowed to eat meat and I'm not allowed? Because I have intelligence? Because I can survive without meat? Those arguments apply to other species but are only used against humans.

How about a scary thought for you? Every animal wants to kill and eat and dominate other animals. Call it savagery, call it perverse but that's nature. There is no right or wrong in the universe, only strong and weak. If an asteroid came tomorrow and ended us all, it wouldn't matter to the universe. I want to taste and feel the blood and flesh in my mouth because it is my birth right as a being in a universe that made it this way. In short, man shall have dominion over the Earth and everything that lives in it.

Maybe that's why Spam won the war.

"At the time when I ate meat, I used to sweat a lot. I used to drink four pots of beer and six bottles of water during a meeting, and I’d succeed in losing nine pounds ! When I became a vegetarian, a mouthful of water from time to time was enough.” – Adolf Hitler

What do you think wars are for? We cull human males too for the same reasons

>It's like people have never heard of brining their meat...
Yeah weird that people in the modern age don't know how to prepare food

we can do more

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Looks fast at least. Wild animals get eaten alive, and it can be a slow death for them.

Killing animals isn't immoral. It makes sense that lefties want to demonize what God explicitly says is good and allowed.


Produce a better product and saturate the market. Price out meat. You can't win by demanding that demand stop.

Compete or shut up.

Hah who cares about a bunch of dumb junglefowls

>spinning blender of death

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>Killing baby chickens is over the line but killing baby humans is BRAVE

The chicks that get killed right away have it way better than the hens. OP is retarded for focusing on the ones that experience minimal suffering.

And is meat, too, how you killed Christ?
"One may regret living in a period when it is impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there is one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian.” – Adolf Hitler

Just ate ten eggs and bought a box of 60 eggs just for you opie.

The answer is simple....keep your own chickens.
It's easy and very justified for a small flock of chickens to have ATLEAST one rooster who is capable of protecting the flock.

"The Fuhrer is a convinced vegetarian, on principle. His arguments cannot be refuted on any serious basis. They are totally unanswerable.” – Jospeh Goebbels

One of these fags should invent a way to check the gender before it pecks through the shell. It won't be murder then.

This is about as humane as it gets, really.

“Between 11 and 12 o’clock, we had to taste the food, and only after all of us had tried it was it driven to the headquarters by the SS. It was all vegetarian, the most delicious fresh things, from asparagus to peppers and peas, served with rice and salads. … There was no meat and I do not remember any fish.” – Margot Woelk

actually, i agree with OP here.. if we are ever going to regain control of this terrible ride we need to walk our own walk. And sustainable small scale LOCAL chicken farming is a great way to do that. a big part of what's missing these days is community and that comes from not knowing who grew your fucking eggs.

Start a farm user... it's our only hope to save civilization and the planet

But there is no need if you actually put the boys to work doing what nature intended them to do...protect a small laying flocks of hens.

Ultra-pasteurized milk isn't nutritious, you double faggot. It's all just leftover sugar.

yes, it is humane because they don't feel anything, they are dead in the blink of an eye

but you dont have to die, do you? you absolute piece of shit leaf

we could fix both problems by raising chickens on a local smaller scale like we have for literally hundreds of years. only modern globalist shit society tells us we need to fucking buy eggs from a store.

Eggs come from a bird that lives in your yard.

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Close but not exactly correct.
Layers are not used for meat and old=tough.
US commercial layers are white leg horns and yes the males (cockerels) are culled.
Commercial meat chickens are a cornish cross breed and in those operations, the females are culled.

>"There is an interesting document, dating from the time of Caesar, which indicates that the soldiers of that time lived on a vegetarian diet. According to the same source, it was only in times of shortage that soldiers had recourse to meat.” - Adolf Hitler

>Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to living creatures cannot be a good man.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

>One should go to a slaughterhouse just one time, and observe how the frightened animal is dragged to the butcher, the poor victim!” – Rudolf Hess

>“We are astonished that so many Indian vegetarians seem to take the milk problem so lightly. As far as we know, only a number of strict Buddhists from the Far East actually exclude milk from their diet as an “animal product.”” – Savitri Devi

>"The consumption of meat is reduced the moment the market presents a greater choice of vegetables, and in proportion as each man can afford the luxury of the first fruits" - Adolf Hitler

>“We should treat animals as we ourselves, as individual beings, would like to be treated. Would we wish to be subject to pain? To suffer? Would we wish to be captured, and held in captivity, and experimented on, and bred for food and for slaughter? … Thus, there is no need to debate, for example, whether some or all animals are sentient, or whether they are “intelligent” according to some abstract criteria, for such questions are irrelevant, from the perspective of empathy.” – David Myatt

>One has only to keep one’s eyes open to notice what an extraordinary antipathy young children have to meat.” - Adolf Hitler

That's a retarded extreme analogy. It's possible to grow chickens in your own yard and give them a happy healthy live while you enjoy something they would be doing anyway.

one of my hens snuck off a few weeks ago and hatched a dozen new little baby chicks. the only input i provided was the layer feed to keep their shells nice and strong. They forage in the grass all day eating bugs and give me the most tasty fresh eggs anyone has ever had. This is sustainable, this is natural, this is right.

why not have some sort of gmo chicken that gives birth to females more often? I'm sure there would be money in it if someone were to figure out how. That is unless they're using the ground male chicks for something already.

Ahh another user who knows chickens....couldnt we do both eggs and meat easier if it was local and small scale? of course all the big shithead corps wouldnt have what they want but really for the PEOPLE raising your own birds is better by a mile.

The difference really shows in the color of yolks and the consistency of the whites

>That is unless they're using the ground male chicks for something already.
Bingo. Where do you think "chicken byproduct meal" comes from in dog food etc.?

>the females are culled
Are you telling me the chicken I buy at the store is rooster?