My wife's son was VERY upset when we saw this

my wife's son was VERY upset when we saw this

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-01 18-56-51.png (1002x831, 1.12M)

America... gun crazy
this is insane... guns in a store
Anybodu can just shot...
These Americans will be so fucked up he will be the next hirtler...


I'd walk out too, a pink lever action? What the serious fuck?

omg this crazy can we hit 3 likes to stop gun violence in america


Those are BB guns you utter faggot

>Fudd guns
I hope the screen cracks when you drop your phone on your big ass forehead

It makes sense to walk out since they obviously don't have basketballs there

Your wife's Son? Can't make kids of your own?