when will the shit hit the fan
especially in Europe
Are a few siener van rensburg fags here?
Yesh, and 5-10 years I hope. It still hasn't gotten bad enough yet for the turnaround to come.
If that ugly fuck is the future then we might as well hope the comet hits at midnight. People that look like that aren’t the future, they’re obsolete.
this most likely.
did you have any source ?
why 2020
Election year.
do you have a source of the prophecy?
Do you know what the situation in South Africa is?
It's just a guess. He did talk about the blackening of Europe which is where we're at, at this point in time. And he did say that there would be one more great war and that the Boers would have to fight with their backs against the wall to achieve a homeland free from those disgusting niggers. I just think it really has to spiral out of control and while shorter guesses are nice I want to give it a bit longer timeline as prophecies can be vague at best.
South Africa will be free in the end, though. But they have to be prepared to fight to the finish.
Yes I have followed SA news...if we are following Siener's timeline then you have to take into account that they backed off (somewhat) on taking white farmers lands without payment...and they did this right after Trump tweeted that he was looking into it. So I imagine during the next U.S. election cycle that they would attempt to push taking the land again on the gamble that Trump would be preoccupied with campaigning and would avoid the issue due to optics.
Supposedly shit happens in S.A. first around the same time a financial crisis/depression is underway...then civil war, then WWIII.