Is there any practical way to have a relationship with a woman who is living in a 3rd world country without needing to bring her back home (I'm in the west obviously) and possibly raise a family with her by being a proxy husband?
I know bringing a 3rd worlder back to the west is a bad idea that is likely to end badly and in divorce and so how common is it to find a woman in whatever 3rd world country and put a kid in her and leave her in her native country but stay in touch with her or visit like monthly or twice a month?
Foreign relationships with a 3rd worlder
why do you think she would marry you if she doesn't have anything to gain from it?
this is true for everyone
What woman would agree to that? Will you send them money or what?
I'm a girl from a 3rd world country and personally I wouldn't agree.. like if you were to settle in the same country I don't think it would be a problem but i just don't trust long distance relationships at all, I know some girls my age here whose fathers work away though.. so maybe it depends
I would probably send money to support her every month and visit about twice a month
I'm hoping that what I could offer her is more than what standard of life she would otherwise have if she just got married to some local fag. Same logic could apply for any 3rd world country really.
Obviously there is the issue that she may cheat while I'm not there.
What made me start thinking about this is the number of guys I hear about who go to Thailand/Phillipines/etc who bring a gookthot back with them and end up getting divorce raped. They only get to do that because they usually claim domestic violence once they get to the West because they know we have feminist retard laws here that basically sicc the police state on our ass so they can empower another vagina.
I want to have a family regardless of how my native country is and just be as protected from the feminist state as possible. And I can't escape to a different western country, because all of them have this same shit type of law.
The other option is to do what Japanese Octodad did and have kids with surrogate thots in Thailand but I dislike this because I would prefer the mother be around in order to give the kid/s a good upbringing.
I guess I'm asking what the best way to go about having kids in the current year is, and not open myself up to divorce rape in the western country I live in.
>ike if you were to settle in the same country I don't think it would be a problem but i just don't trust long distance relationships at all,
I'd settle in the country but not full-time. I have a decent career in my country (I could work remotely also), and I'd rather not give that up.
This is about me insulating myself against the possibility of divorce rape as much as humanly possible
What country are you from btw if you don't mind saying?
I'm syrian..
Well if you're willing to support her it's a good offer for a lot of women obviously (materialistically speaking), but in my opinion, I don't understand whyd you go such lengths as far as travelling twice a month for a foreign country and having a proxy relationship with someone far away while bearing with the loneliness for most of your life (plus the fact that she may not be truly in love with you and only seeking money), when you could just find a good girl from where you're from? Maybe get to know one you like from a nearby church
Holee fuck. I shouldn't even be surprised to be talking to Syrians on Jow Forums I guess.
>I don't understand why you'd go to such lengths
Men in the west are under ideological, political, judicial and sociological attack. Starting a family here while being rich and owning your own house and business is like asking to get divorce raped after about 5-10 years of marriage and 3 kids later.
>find a good girl at church
I don't live in murica, no one here goes to church. Finding a good girl is like finding a unicorn which is carrying a bag of gold dust on its back.
I can only put up with about 3-4 days of women before I get annoyed with their shit anyway so that wouldn't bother me that much.
>proxy relationship
Believe me, you'd be surprised by how many guys have or want a proxy relationship.
You seem young and a bit idealistic tb.h. Or you just don't comprehend how fucked the west when it comes to raising a family, for a guy at least. There's a reason 3rd world women want to come here so badly, its pretty common knowledge that you're basically treated like a Queen, all for having a hole and pumping out a kid. Your countries are ironically far better for men as they still have some kind of patriarchal law in place.
Also I have heard from many many other anons on Jow Forums that church girls are complete pieces of shit.
Move to her country and don't come back
Why not
Because racemixing is communism
What does her country's alignment with the USSR have to do with her ability to be a good wife and mother?
I think it's hard for men here as well though 'cause once he reaches his twenties he's expected to get his own respectable degree (and respectable only means medicine or engineering here), his own house, his own car, and what we call "mahr" for his future bride (not to mention the fortune that weddings cost here) or else families aren't going to accept him as a groom for their daughter ^^ so I think lots of middle eastern guys would prefer western lifestyle when it comes to marriage (date for a few months and then buy a ring and it's done, no dealing with families or having to sell your kidneys), I guess it's what people call "the grass is always greener on the other side"..
That's 2nd world
Unaligned is 3rd world
Don't people have more pressing concerns than marriage there rn?
I remember taking part in threads where we discussed going to Syria to pick up war lolis.
Terms from the cold war are still too convenient to simply let go of.
This is an imageboard, not a chat room. Stop normalizing faggotry.
Umm.. ^^'
It's not really as bad as most people think it is though, it's not early 2010s anymore, life goes on for the most part. And I was speaking for the middle east in general when it comes to marriage not just syria. Except for countries like lebanon where traditional marriage is rare lol
Fuck off. There isn't a standard way of typing for imageboards you dumb s@ykid.
You've basically been stuck in a state of war for half a decade now.
How come you haven't run to Germany or Turkey yet?
The rebels are confined to a few parts of the country--plus there's the clusterfuck in the north, now mostly under the Kurds.
Most areas are under solid government control, and some haven't even been touched, like the coastal areas around Latakia and Tartus.
I live in damascus and it's not really bad at all so please don't jump to assumptions about my own country when you live in another continent. Yes, on occasion it gets more dangerous and obviously it's not like it used to be, but I can still go to school and live life like all normal people do. :) Westerners just like to exaggerate everything.
Also I like it here thank you very much. :)
>this post
I'm from Europe and I can't even get a flight to Damascus, much less try to get there without being put on a terrorist watchlist. How is there such a disconnect? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind traveling to Syria and finding a smart qt, but I like my body not being blown up by artillery.
If they don't paint the country as a desolate hellhole, they lose their excuse for letting in """refugees""" by the millions.
Best to err on the side of caution
>quads wasted on the autistic incel
Where do you think you are? I don't get how there are dips like you still on the subreddit called Jow Forums
Who is "they"? Jews? Who could possibly benefit by pushing for large masses of foreigners to move to the stablest and most peaceful economy in the world?
Incels are those who pursue sex but can't get it. I of course can't prove anything over the internet, but I would turn down any sexual advances made to me. Have you seen my posts?
Indeed, I wonder (((who))).
You just answered your own question dumdum. Do you think the Jews have forgiven the Germans for the nonexistent Shoah?
Look at how they pimp the Holocaust memorial day and how they destroy any politician who doesnt bow down to it
What if the Fuhrer himself asked you to suck his one ball?
Same here tb.h. I can get pussy *very* easily, like it's not even a chore. It's just that I'm more motivated to use my effort on finding a breeding cow and to have a few kids. I have enough money to fuck hookers even if I wasn't able to find holes to dump my cum in.
I just prefer to not be a degenerate.
Can you imagine a scenario where sex might be a mutually fulfilling or even loving thing to do with your partner? Why is it necessarily "degenerate"?
I would be glad he came back for us.
>I just prefer to not be a degenerate.
>It's just that I'm more motivated to use my effort on finding a breeding cow and to have a few kids.
>breeding cow
I'd say you still have a little work to do on avoiding degeneracy. The woman you decide to marry should never be seen that way--although sadly many women these days are garbage (even if most men are, too).
Yeah, I've been in relationships. It's not degenerate per se, I just feel having a relationship for the sake of being with a dumb thot gets tiresome. I feel more motivated to have kids while not go down the route of opening myself up to a divorce rape.
I should have just asked about the best way to go about having kids in the current year while living in the west and not being a retarded welfare leech i.e. having a property and business which could be liable to alimony.
I don't want to get Brad'ed or Depp'ed.
If anything, the more we degrade women, the closer we get to realizing their true nature. You're right, I have some work to do, cow is far too nice. What do you call a reptile mixed with a rodent mixed with a poisonous leech type thing?
Your vitriol is largely stemming from an unconscious treatment of women from a feminist viewpoint, that is, you evaluate them as ersatz men. And when they inevitably fail at being men, while moreover hearing that they are succeeding, you get pissed from the dissonance. It's an unhealthy and misguided sentiment to have. Hate whores, not women. And when looking for a partner, you want a good woman--that is to say, a good person, and a woman who is good at being a woman, rather than at being a man.
It's not vitriol at all, like I said I just see their true nature that society has a bang-up job of covering over the last 2000 years, at least since the Greeks who were the last to be truly redpilled on women. Its not that they have failed at being men, its that they should never have been set up to compete with us to start with. If they had shut the fuck up and not asked for this retarded freedum (and been granted it by cuck manginas) we wouldn't be staring at the end of the West.
You seem like someone who took the redpill but it got stuck halfway down your throat. If it breathes its a ____.
Why don't you just act like a normal person and meet someone in your own country? Sounds crazy I know
Calling women you want to start a family with "poisonous leeches" is most certainly vitriol.
>its that they should never have been set up to compete with us to start with.
Yes, that's what "being men" entails, competition rather than synergy.
Look up the doctrine of complementarianism. A certain degree of freedom is necessary, lest there be abuse by those who hold power, but overall freedom has been seen as an end in itself, and further the meaning of "freedom" has been perverted to mean acting without regard for consequences.
Already explained why . There are too many thots to sift through and I don't want to get divorce raped. If there's a way to have kids in the west while being rich and not getting divorce raped then let me know.
It's better to acknowledge their nature even if we want to procreate with them rather than risk being ruined by them because we thought we could tame a snake.
Women don't need freedom. I'll look up that doctrine.
Why would it end in divorce? I'm not sure what this threads about, but why does it gloss over the fact that people have real relationships, you know, being lovers, companionship, friendship, bonding and all that.
You can stay in touch online, tell each other about adventures and chat endlessly. You can go on holiday to a new place abroad twice a year and spend two weeks exploring temples, going to parties etc. Only works if it's natural though. But you could find some foreign friends to hang out until something nature occurs.
So the OP post sounds like you just want someone to gift money too. That's easy (as long as you aren't retarded... some autistic guys do get with Asian bimbos and try to marry after 8 months, autistic people are very naive). Anyway, the weird part is that you want to have a kid and leave it.
The family of any woman worth marrying in the 3rd world would never be okay with this.
I don't want to leave it, just won't be able to be around 100% of the time
Op here, I'm slowly realizing this idea just won't work on a practical level, unless the woman was very poor/desperate
Even then its probably best to find a local thot