Trump is a beta male

Anyone remember this gem? Now he’s sitting alone because they exposed him for being a bitch.

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at least he has friends

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what a fucking embarrassing literal faggot

That blank NPC stare/smile though. Truly horrifying.

If he did his job correctly every single world leader besides the top economic power and top global nuclear threat would hate him (China and Russia friends). Fuck everyone else, they Are irrelevant

yes, yes, cnn said orange man is so lonely and tredeau made dumpf look a fool after he sign the us mexico canada shit

Looks like he's the only one ready to work while everyone else still standing around talking about what they had for lunch.

>alpha males are evil, toxic masculinity is wrong, womanizing is wrong!! Trump will bring back bullying and hurt children's feelings!
>HAHA fucking pathetic faggot loser, sitting alone like a bullied faggot kid
How long until the media tries to say Trump is an incel?

By “doing a job properly” you
mean getting people to not trade with you?

>what is impotent white rage

they mixed beta male and alpha males together in one nice little anti-white anti-male package

It’s acceptable to bully someone if they are wrong.

The king does not commune with he subjects.

Buenos Aires, Argentina November 30, 2018.

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman exchanged a high-five and laughed heartily together on Friday as they took seats next to each other at a plenary session of the Group of 20 summit.

Attached: 20181201-174202.png (666x694, 720K)

>China and Russia friends...
hold on there brochachoanon

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>sitting alone

Trump is out of his depth.
and out of time.

Attached: trump jellie.png (666x553, 871K)

What is Trump wrong about in that photograph?

Off course our faggot president is near the king faggot of leafs.

He's sitting alone because he smells bad due to constantly shitting his pants. That's why he's been looking horrible and rushing out of public view lately.

These fake shit stains lie and bully their own people for amusement, yet you’re worried about trump being friends with them?

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Looks like the Godfather waiting on people to come to him and ask for his help, to me.

God damn Trudeau looks more like Castro the older he gets.