>you're a weirdo incel, who the fuck even obsesses over race?
>Right on man, just be like us bro
You're a weirdo incel, who the fuck even obsesses over race?
They look like Chads.
Too much s o y for that
>Just be like us
You mean racially homogeneous?
>le ebin s-o-y meme
Yo are they fags?
They look like they haven't seen the gym, well ever
Being shirtless together while on a beach is just good wholesome fun
They look like 15 yo
Spaghetti arms
They're primo twinks dumbass.
user, why do you have this image saved on your computer?
I think you got Chad confused you sissy blondie nordcuck.
The virgin nord tribe
The Chad Mediterranean
Race is a social construct. We are all eqwallity an shit.
>neither muscle nor fat
I would enjoy breaking them in half
A lot of guys look similar to them. It takes a lot of gym time to look like a bodybuilder.
>tfw no trio of blonde twinks to bully me
Well of, upper class bros don’t have to obsess about race because they take it for granted. No way they will have to associate with niggers and Jews except at at an occasional nightclub. No way they would date or marry a young woman who was not of the same stock. At the same time they would support the race mixing of poor and working class Whites to prevent their offspring being well adjusted enough to compete with their children.
nah they look like they run/swim. not a lot of fat. just you know, kind of twinky. which is fine
Finnish bitches are hot af...