Getting a B at US universities means getting 83-86%

>getting a B at US universities means getting 83-86%
>getting below 60% is considered failing
Why is USA academia so cucked?

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What's the cucked part. Is it too hard or too easy? Of all the reason academia is fucked here, our grading scales are probably towards the bottom of the fucks list

so let me get this straight... you... curve... grades? so even if you get 20% right in a test, if everyone fails you can still get bumped up to 90%? How the fuck is that even legal?

I would say it's pretty fucked if I'm getting B+'s without reading the book for economics or calculus

Nobody below 3.0 GPA should be allowed financial aid.

no way you're getting a B in Calc 2 wihout opening up the book

Because it makes sense. Obviously there are limits to the edge. But if the highest score is an 80% then give the person with the highest score an A

Well that's retarded. Theres so much more to school than gpa.

the grading system in the us in BS. grade inflation since 1950 has made it impossible not to get an A- in every class. FFS in some classes 10% of your grade is literally showing up. 10% to participate (say words).

Whats wrong with that?

What your taking about is called grade inflation. Grades inflate because the exam board will raise the grade bands if the average grade increases - which it has in the education system as evidence has shown - in other words, either people are getting smarter or the exams are being made easier.

There should better standards if the government is giving free grants and subsidized loans away. Not the bullshit ~2.0 that it is right now. College should be about the best and brightest not the dregs (niggers) that ask a question every minute of a lecture because they did not prepare for class by reading the chapter.

the curve makes a lot of sense and prevents grade inflation. not everybody deserves and A

What's wrong with that?

That's how like all science/math classes here are. All exams are curved.

Most of my university classes had exam averages around 66%, but sometimes it dropped to like 30-40%.

The curve makes no sense. If the whole clase can't hack it, then they should get a failing mark.


everything is wrong with that

BS Econ nerd here I’m incalc 1. Shits hard man I have a B but I had to crack the book.

I don't know where those other guys went to school but that never happened when I went.

Education should not exist. Just give kids I.Q tests when they're around 13-14 and give them jobs based off of that. Females should be tested to see if they are suitable to breed and have breeding brackets based off of I.Q level. So a 120 IQ can only breed with a 115+ ect.

>But if the highest score is an 80% then give the person with the highest score an A

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Never has happen to me yet. I'm only in organic chem tho



Math is much more practice than theory
most of what i learn i get from videos or other places on the internet. The book is nice and all but the only thing i get out of it are problems i use for practice.

Does that mean if you go to a nigger high school and always getting "high grades" you have an advantage over people going to good schools?

Calculus is not hard at all. Probably the easiest most fun math classes I've ever been in

And when 160 becomes the new 120 adjust the scale.

You're an idiot.

I'm TAing right now for a hard university class and everyone is pre-med.

The professors and TAs can't predict everything. We're not perfect.

Sometimes the questions we write are just too hard, or we make the exams too long.

We have to write new exams every class.

So one year we accidentally make it too easy and everyone gets an A.
Next year we accidentally make it too hard and everyone gets a C.

That's supposed to be better? Your grade is just randomly based on whether you got an easy year or a hard year?

Learning math from a book is retarded

lowering the qalifications for an so that at least somebody qualifies NO

if nobody got an a, then nobody got an a. dont turn the b into an a, when you do that the grades mean nothing without the full context of comparison against everyone elese grades in that class. its dumb. literally meaningless grades. i had no idea they did it this way

you have a gross misunderstanding of the curve. but yes if everyone gets 1% on the test and you get 20% you outperformed all of your peers and deserve an A. Furthermore, your teacher failed to teach.

>lowering the qalifications for an so that a
for an a so that a

Yeah I've seen that done. You can go from #100 ranking in a big smart white school, to putting the same effort at a nigger school and being #1. Colleges don't take into consideration the difference

>not everybody deserves and A


i see what youre saying
so i guess grades are meaningless either way
either an a could mean an easy year or it could mean a stupid class, either way you do it, it doesnt mean anything.

grades are apparantly meaningless.

How do they do things in babby austria? Quit yer bitchin

so why are you making excuses for the students and the teacher for not lecturing properly. They should be reading the books and visiting office hours to look over older exams, etc...
Made it through a BS in math which you would probably fail at miserably.

But they do user. If you are a nigger then the jews at the admissions office will accept you

I took a chemE class where the tests were designed to have a class average of 50% and the grades would get curved accordingly

it was fucking bizarre

It allows teachers to challenge students and make the class much harder than usual

I am in a 500 level business course right now that curves grades. Recently we had to give an in-class presentation on the effect of trade-wars and supply chains. I basically gave Peter Ziehans speech (lite) for my presentation. I got 110% because the professor loved it so much. The curve works by taking the highest grade for an assignment and subtracting it from 100, then giving the difference to everyone in the course. That extra 10% that I got curved everyone else's grade down by 10% instead of up. I got 110% and second place got just under 70%. I like curves because they don't alter the difficulty of the course, and if you just study and do the work then 9/10 it isn't really needed.

I would like to point out there are differences between unis. Even with a transferable course, I was getting a C in my main uni, but I got an A+ over the summer at a different uni with the same course. The difference was insane.

Being the top 10% of your class in a top 10 university is meaningless?

The only thing that matters is how you compare to your peers. That's obviously the best metric.

Hahaha. What university did you even go to?

so if i was an a+ student would other students in the class pressure or guilt me into performing more poorly so that they could get higher grades?

The curve keeps students in college that would otherwise be either put on academic probation or kicked out completely for being an idiot.

The classes are large enough that it would never make a difference.

And no way would anyone ever consider intentionally ruining their career.

harvey mudd

what also matters is how the current measurements compare to past measurements

if they lower standards so that last years C student is now an A student then yes, that A is menaingless. and for all anyone knows, without the full proper context of knowing the coursework and past coursework, the A means fucking anything really.

the A grade either proves you know your shit or it proves that your entire class was full of dumbies. and seeing as how people kind of are getting dumber in a lot of ways... i can see a problem with that


I disagree. I say 2.0 is a fine requirement. What we need to do is implement an internship requirement. Go over to Jow Forums. Theres new threads every day of spergs with 4.0s finishing school with no experience, connections, or hopes of getting a real job.
See above sperg
In a perfect world faggot. See

>the A grade either proves you know your shit or it proves that your entire class was full of dumbies.

These are large classes with hundreds of students...

There really is not going to be crazy variations in average intelligence/competence year to year.

If classes were like 5 people, yes, class-to-class variation would be relevant. But it's definitely not with hundreds of people.

i already saw his post and agreed with his point in my own way. at this point i see grades without the context of knowing the coursework basically meaningless. if i was an employer to make an educated hiring decision based on grades i would have to somehow analyze and compare the difficulty of coursework between class years and relative performance of peers etc.

the grade number is so dependent on difficult context for accurate meaning that in my mind its basically a useless letter that tells me this person either knows the coursework or nobody in that class did, without letting me know the difficulty of the coursework relative to previous years, thats all it tells me.

Be careful, bigot. That's racial discrimination. How can you expect minorities to get above a 3.0?

oh sure it is. a random group of a hundred twenty year olds 10 years ago and a random group of a hundred 20 year olds today. would on a test likely show marked differences in general performance between generations. id be surprised if that wasnt the case.

Yes, that's true.

Classes definitely get harder every year. In large part due to increased competition from international students.

We dont want our surgeons to only succeed 60% of the time. Also classes are curved to make the average around 70

This. A good portion of Calculus II was "discovered" in the modern era.

One of two things is true.

1. You didn't understand Calculus II before learning it, because you'd literally be doing as an undergrad that which took teams and teams of mathematicians centuries to prove and validate.

2. You DID do the former, in which case, you're an autistic person good at math and literally retarded at everything else, because no one with that kind of intuition into math would be bothering with a normal degree program anywhere.

and really, who doesnt want another excuse to hate universities. they are about as well liked as lawyers and politicians ie not well liked generally. on account of the rampant blatent agenda driven indoctrination. they should be hated, theyre terrible.

and i get it, post secondary edcation is important. all the more reason to not allow uiversities to contonue being expensive indoctrination camps and turn them into affordable places of objective as possible learning. something that today they are far from being.

University is a scam. Would not do again.

Not all classes are on a curve u faggot. Actually, most aren't


the absolute state of brainlets

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but relative to other surgeons from his class he's a great surgeon! 90% success 60% of the time compared to an average of 73% success 60% of the time for his peers. giving this surgeon a true success rate of 90% according to liberal math!

that is a failure on the student for not using the guidance counselor and professors for mentorship. Sophomore year my calc3 professor told me how important networking was during office hours when I was getting help. After that I started internships jr year and went right into a well paying producers job at graduation. College is about networking, but grades should be used to determine if a person deserves a degree. Without high standards, basic college degrees are now as worthless as high school degrees.

Can agree, the US system is fucked. Wifey went to a private school at cost to her parents. Everyone gets a 4.0 because.... parents pay for a 4.0. They weren't even allowed to compete against public schools in athletics, academics or even music competitions because they were afraid to lose

Yeah. Schools/courses/professors are so different, there's just no way to give gpas serious weight.
You need the degree, but the important paper you really need is a return offer to your summer before your senior year internship. Guarantees a career and usually means you get to wave in front of better company's faces.
Basic college degrees are worthless BECAUSE of the emphasis on gpas