What ideology does Tucker Carlson fit under now?

Right wing views
Libertarian/Left wing views
>Anti-Free market
>Anti-Intervention in Syria
>Anti-Dual Israeli citizenship

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Labels and -isms are worthless.

Calling bullshit bullshit means your political views change.

Ethnonationalist in private, paleoconservative in public. Think Patrick Buchanan

>Right wing/Left wing bullshit
Into the trash

>Anti-Free market

>not supporting corporate welfare makes you a leftist
>not being a neocon kike makes you a leftist


If he is on MSM he is an enemy

Nationalist and he's white.

Why do pathetic alt-right NPC low watt failures worship Tucker? Omg protesters chanted outside of his new 4 million dollar mansion in his lefty elite D.C. neighbourhood full of his swamp parasite friends. Tucker is /ourguy/ and dog whistles from 8-9 PM EST on News Corp’s Fox News! Tucker please use your boarding school education and 15 million dollar annual salary from a global mass media conglomerate to explain to us how "elites" are ruining America lol

Look, I know Tucker. Frankly, it's flat out hilarious that he, of all the filthy rich cosmopolitan news actors on tv, accuses anyone of upper class elitism. He is the son of a US Ambassador and heir to the Swanson frozen food fortune. Raised in the most exclusive communities in California, attended a New England boarding school which cost 51000$ per year, then blueblood slacker Trinity College where he studied Russian and was groomed by the CIA to be a spy. He is a classic old money Good Shepherd spook and a total arrogant snob who knows how to stir up anger in you flyover state maga losers because he looks down his nose at you all more than anyone

Tucker was born with the silverest of silver spoons, has to credit everything he has to his rich and connected parents, and sends his kids to posh boarding schools, including the oh-so-exclusive Winter ski term in Switzerland costing more than 65000$ for 3 months on top of 51000$ annual tuition, to avoid you peasant commoners. No one is less a man of the people or gives less than a flying fuck about “crazy lefties” or Third World trash taking your shitty jobs and ruining your backwater nobody towns. He’s nothing but an opportunist dandy showman feeding you narrow-minded simpletons dopamine hits as you waste your life away on the sidelines