Motherfucking French revolution 2018 elites get fucked

Motherfucking French revolution 2018 elites get fucked

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Plz let all of the EU become like this too

Where is the yellow jacket general thread?

ask CIA to do their job

holy fuck guys, I heard they set a museum on fire, what the fuck is going on in France? Im barely finding anything on the news

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I unironically think they played a part in this. I think Trump may have purged the CIA and turned it Anti ZOG.

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quand coup de grâce?

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Macron and his wife looked so fucking nervous when they first saw that dude in the yellow vest lmao.

How long before Macron calls in the army?

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>what the fuck is going on in France? Im barely finding anything on the news
(((Rothschild))) banker tricks pushed frenchies too far, they're as stingy as the scots with the aggression of the irish. Qu revolution.

burn baby burn

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They're behind any decent happenings maybe they're ready for another war in Europe

Is that what they're calling the migrants these days?

All that pastry and still upset about all the wrong things. Poor French bastards.

Best place for updates on what's happening?

Could do, apparently some gun/s were stolen.

Any good streams

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Doesn't it make more sense for them to be behind this? Civil war in Europe tons of whites dead sandniggers take over even faster

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fuck niggers

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This is just normal behaviour for the French, they've been doing this sort of thing for hundreds of years.

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Does anyone have the video of that truck exploding with the dude right next to it?

Who will be the next Napoléon after this revolution is over?

>Throwing cobble stones

Always liked the French.

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Is that the Arch de Triumph?

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it's a whole. if the working majority is not necessarilly racist, everybody is conscious thhat taxes are collected to finance two types of parasites: the very rich and the non-white.
As a gilet jaune said last week on radio "ils sont là pour servir pas pour nous asservir. sinon qu'ils dégagent" ([politicians] are here to help us not enslave us. otherwise theuy have to go)

guys, why are the sandniggers not taking advantage of this?

you'd think they'd get involved either to take on the gov themselves or take on their rivals, the legit french.


wtf snipers on their own people?

got a vid of this? what's the source?

>that headshot
o i laffed

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why not?

Holy shit.
Can someone please tell me what is happening? I assumed it was mudslimes rioting but I read that it's actual human beings.
The papers say that it's the price of gas but I don't believe it.
Any frogs want to explain?

Lol what?

Some guy falls to the ground then tracer round after. Serious shit, Macron needs to hang.

They aren't armed.

>police snipers at a mass demonstration
I remember when the former Egyptian government did this exact same thing in 2009 during the Arab Spring and everyone went ballistic.

The invasion isn't complete yet, not enough nogs even now.

ooh sweet summer child

I would expect it in the US. Would at least be fairer in an armed society.

Are they shooting? That's the big question. As soon as images of them shooting come out shits gonna get real.

french are pussies. eurosoys wont do shit against a muslim riot

there aren't reports of weapons. the media would be too happy to report firearms are seized.
besides, police filters took everything before the guys accessed the area

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Probably scared.


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Excessive taxes, highest in Europe. Gas price was the last straw.

On CNN now

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Right. Afraid to provoke the beast that everybody can sense is stirring?

police attention is bad for drugs trafficking. the "cités" (where most suburban petty criminals and most muslums reside) are very calm.

this happening is very serious because contrarily to 2005, this time the working class is rioting, and 80-90% of people support them, according to polls

> Highest in Europe

Not in income taxes, we still reign there.

I read Macrons approval was near 20%

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Some government's dogs were asking for it today in the media. Maybe next time they will declare state of emergency and dispatch the army everywhere.

could have voted for lepen, but had to take macaroni

now it eat

I’ll defer to the Frenchman on this, but I assume there’s also a lot of well hidden resentment for Arabs.

Are cites suburbs?

But wait, all these threads from mouthbreathers on how the government would use attack helicopters and tanks to fight domestic disturbances were all bullshitting?

Probably all the gangmembers

Wow. Is the media still taking a neutral position on yellow vests?

give it time, you don't go full retard the first day

Son of a bitch. Why would you set a museum on fire of all things

does it hurt?

Additional question, why is France so fragmented in politics?

I mean really is there anything french people dont fuck up?

Agent provocateurs likely.

he was elected by 20%

niggers live in france too

(((Modern Art))) Museum apparently

Civil war would still end in large groups of armed battle hardened white men rather than weak cucked ones partying away like in England

This won't happen in germany. Mainstreammedia here hardly talks about protests in france. The greater the protest, the less they talk about it.

They are afraid because journalists are targeted and some of them were hurt so they fake to be quite neutral. But Bolloré's medias (cnews, canal+) are very anti gilets jaunes because Bolloré is a close friend of Macron.

Oh lol

Where the pictures of the Muslims and niggers being lynched, if this shit is about destroying France all they have to do is sit and wait a couple more years

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When the legit gov of ukraine allegedly did this the (((media))) and west went ballistic

Is Macron the French Peña?

>inside crisis due to escalating oil prices

What's going to happen Sunday morning French anons? Will escalation occur?

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most people have understood why they don't have money anymore.
everybody knows we have 10-20% (tier A - complete) of unemployment and we are importing more non-workers.
most people are exhausted about the abundance of cimes created by 3rd/4th generations arabs and """migrants""" (mainly)
i think the government is scared. the rioters are people who don't have much to lose at this point, and the government exactly knows why: they've been orchestrating it for 20 years.

Need them taxes to bring in and feed white replacements

bfm are targetted too.
it's good that journalists are afraid.

Spread that to normie book

Thanks for the rundown Pierre. I hope that something positive comes from this for your county and people.

The important question is will the army fight or will they flip?

what does that mean? Last time I went to a modern art museum it was all Magritte paintings

roll for this

Vive la Revolution

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According to my sources, this can escalate more.

Foreign Battalions of PKK are now sending their Guerrilas to support the "Partisans against Macron Regime"
When u Right Wing guys will create Militias?

>inb4: Fuck Jow Forums Captcha

they will do what they are trained to, follow orders

you don't decide to become a killer just to have some stupid morals cockblocking you when it comes to pulling the trigger