French government sniping its own citizens?

French government sniping its own citizens?

Attached: france_yellow_vest_sniper.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

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I don't know why this isn't getting more attention


Kinda hard when all western media and websites are run by zionists and the NWO.

it is

It's currently 3:30AM in Paris. I'd wager that this will pick up again in 3 hours.

Are people dancing round that fire or am I tripping?

I think they're standing. Cut the LSD user.

>its own citizens
Based Algerian BVLL Janissaries BTFOing wh*Toid cave beasts


guillotine when?

Are they all holding hands?

why not both

Obviously they'll post snipers as a precaution, in case someone seriously tries to blow up the arch or something. Wake us up when you have footage of those snipers actually opening fire.

oh shit


well sure I can go with that but I wasnt sure the extent of the circle of people

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Is this real? Any sources?

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What's going on? Is it Palestine-tier staged hit-and-run or commie fainting because too much weed?

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Can't see.

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It is false

someone else was discussing the so called light trajectory from the so called bullets being not right

something doesnt seem right about this whole scene

there's a tracer round that comes after which is really weird, anti-terrororist loads aren't ever tracers

Hey meme flag. Kindly fuck off before I start calling you by your actual name.

This. Zero coverage in American main stream

I'm already tracer

No, they're sniping Communists.

Looks to me like he's just looking.


Is this weird to you?

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After he falls you can literally see a bullet whiz by the other guy.

Is this actually real wtf? France killing its own citizens and nothing on reddit or any normie sites?

nerf bastion ?

>when frenchies would rather fight over taxes than their culture or race

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Go right ahead, your intimidation attempt is indicative of my correctness regarding the situation.

Everything is weird to me anymore. Fuck it.

>culture or race
This is how eveyrone in this thread knows you're a kike. You wanna keep people divided fighting each other so that your shitty zionist system stays in place.

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Does it look like they are all holding hands round the bonfire

doesnt strike me as entirely human if I am quite honest


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So what is this Yellow Vest Protest all about? I've heard Fuel Taxes, I've heard it's from Economic issues.

The French public are nigger loving faggots but their government is full blown Globo-Homo so who's in the wrong here?

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t. civnat fucktard

Perke te mer horam wa

>be leader of minor world power
>priceless ancient historical monument surrounded by howling rioters and gibmedats
>"It'll be fine, who needs silly stuff like security!"

Race or culture means jackshit to normal people buddy.

If you have a job and gf, your world is rarely outside that zone.

What the fuck is going on? Someone please fill me in, american news outlets are useless.

go back.

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Lynn I know things are hard right now for you and your family. You desperately need to keep the EU alive and watching it crumble at an accelerated pace frightens even those highest up on the pyramid. Everything you've worked for is never going to come to completion. This is the spark that will kill the EU. Combine this with Brexit and it's all over. You know what happens when the central banks all shut down? All your money becomes worthless. Your assets are going to be seized. All your properties. Then your entire bloodline is going to be executed in Guantanamo Bay.

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>accidentally had extra spaces copied

hope you faggots realize the us military is fucking salivating at the thought of murdering it's own citizens.

Knowing the french it's a bit of both going wrong.

No...they aren't. Jewish police forces maybe. not the military.

also at 9 seconds of the video what appears to be an interference on the right hand side of the screen appears like a head

i get it svencuck. you have no balls or dick.
just show me your flag and I will know immediately everything you have to say and how unimportant, gay and retarded is.
dont even post anything next time. just do a space and hit enter.
we can obviously see your flag you dumb LGBTQ member

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Um could I get an iPad friendly version

That was a bottle rocket or some shit. Way too slow to be a trader round

Think about it like this - once the French government collapses, there will be less resources to go around. Less resources = more hostility. Then the ethnic cleansing will begin.

>not wanting financially burdensome 3rd worlders in your country means you are a divisive zionist

Says the CIA agent

what a hypocrite you are

but then, I have come to expect it of you

well it's more like the mass influx of niggers was being paid for out of the budget with no new taxes. but money's run out now and they need to raise taxes to pay for their replacement, so the peasants notice it now.

like molymeme says if you want people to revolt, make them pay for their own replacement out of taxes, not from borrowing money in the budget. france just did the only thing that will make peasants fight back.

Zionists are the ones importing the 3rd worlders. Thank God that Netanyahu is going to die and so will every single inbred Israeli IDF soldier. You're all fucked. Israel is finished. zionism is finished. The NWO is finished. and you're all dead men walking.

>Not surprised

I hope Yair gets shot in the face in front of Bibi

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2nd French Revolution leads to a 2nd Napoleon, this time more Fascist and Racially motivated

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based desu





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jesus christ

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Intimidation doesn't work when the people are pissed off it only makes them angrier

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those who shot motherfucker are the ony ones who think this is word the attention. kike



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Israel should stick around, because that's the perfect place to deport all the kikes. Hitler had a problem finding a place that will take them all. Once they're all there, Israel can be dealt with.


The corpses of dead Israelis will be the fertilizer that flourishes the new Palestinian state. Your deaths will be celebrated. Nobody will mourn.

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At this point they dont deserve deportation. We've paid enough for them.

Get spooked

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What does it mean? The snipers shooting your own people thing is a classic Soros jewscam, but I've seen video of these dudes calling Micron a jew puppet.

do you see a face above the fire?




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also when you watch the fire area the video

it seems edited or layered, would you agree?


Not Satan. Just you and your inbred family. Good thing you won't be around much longer Lynn. You, and Hilldawg, and Marina get the rope.

No, it's a tracer. That's what they look like I've fired many of them when I was in. You're seeing the burning residue left in the air after the bullet.

Any news for God sake (this is probably a lie tho, people in france like to protest, nothing new for them)

Why user, you dont have access to Antarctica, you are a human being.

are there any live feeds to the protests

Ah, while it is reasonable, the optics of sending in snipers are bad and will follow Macron for his entire term.

>trap card triggered

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You're sitting in your ugly ass house in England.

melt steel, never forget. fag

>what are compression artifacts
you're watching a webm of someone filming their computer screen through their phone.

Wtf is this real?

What happened to these protests? The first few were 95% white and the one last night was 95% coloured people

Hear you have it folks

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Fucking awesome! Rooftop Frogs!