Just a reminder that ISIS attacked every arab country but never Israel

Btw ISIS is the godess of freemasons and DAECH literally means ELEVEN in arabic

Attached: pienaqtwupcrtm12iost.jpg (800x450, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think daesh means hypocrite in Arabic.
I know that eleven is Hdashr.


>French national Joe Asperman is a senior chemical weapons expert for ISIS. Asperman oversaw chemical operations production within Syria for ISIS and the deployment of these chemical weapons at the battlefront.

Attached: ISIS Joe Asperman.png (895x570, 58K)

That's because Israel is difficult to attack unlike medieval retards.

>every arab country
Thats cause arabs have become vapid degenerate men and are having pre-marital sex, watching pornography and have turned into bourgeois money/power hungry snobs and honorless bullies. Arabs/pakis deserve to be genocided for tarnishing and dishonoring the Mohammedan name around the globe. Since the families dont commit honor killing anymore someone is going to have to. In honesty I abhor ISIS but the arabs need a kick in the teeth right now

Nope, you tried to push that one here yesterday kike but I doesn't hold faggot. Stay butthurt that ISIS is basically Israel's mercenaries.

Attached: ISIS seizes weapons.png (630x687, 549K)

good angle

>you tried to push that one here yesterday

Sorry you're right, it wasn't you, it was your cousin in pissrael ()

Attached: JIDF 7.png (581x720, 538K)

Wrong one, I meant this one ()

Israel dies tonight, also, homosexuality with other aryans is the true Redpill