
How do we short circuit this cancer.

It's already been self sabotaging due to women only going on their for social validation and Instagram followers. How do we speed this up?

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tell chads to being lustful

It’s a tinderbox just waiting to blow. Someone.

Flood it with fake profiles of really attractive guys and stand up the women who go for it.

I just got banned from Tinder. Can't lie -- I've fucked a lot of girls from this thing.

What'd you get banned for?

Offered to pay for sex to a cop

My assumption is some girl I've fucked in the past reported him, and Tinder simply banned me -- whether automatically or otherwise. I see girls I've banged on there all the time. I only had my account for a few days, because I try not to use Tinder too often. I didn't say anything rude or even remotely sexual. Perhaps said 'Hi' to a girl or two.

I met my gf on here, if it weren't for Tinder I'd never reproduce. Fuck off

thats a good idea.

if theres too many false positives and women will never bother to meet up.

However this takes too much effort, because it requires you to set up multiple profiles and organise dates.

A better idea would be to promote the tactic of using attractive photos of some other guy, then swapping your photos after you have matched.

This would work better as it gives an incentive to other men to use this strategy.
Bait and switch

>I met my gf on here, if it weren't for Tinder I'd never reproduce.
And..that's how children with single mothers are born.

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i like this. that or take a girls picture from one location and pretend to be a coal burner in another she won't be recognized. pissing off all white men and wasting nigger time with pipe dreams

Have fun raising another man's kids when you get cucked you loser.

How receptive are the thots to married men? Asking for a friend...

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Fun fact: The gay hookup app Grindr came out years before Tinder. It was the first of its kind.
Really makes you think.

Not going to sugar coat it, I've fucked a lot of prime pussy on this and POF. Millenial girls are easy for a fairly good looking Gen X chad with a good job and muscles lol. I'm always surprised when my unsolicited dick pic gets a positive response but I'm not complaining. Its fucking cancer but hate the game not the player.

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Is it true the profile text is pretty much a waste of time?

That pic, I love you guys so much


Ive done it multiple times. I got one coalburner to go to 6 different places on 6 different days despite being stood up everytime. Absolutely hilarious. These are the kind of thots that are so used to being orbited by betas, the idea that a guy would stand them up throws them into absolute panic.

do they have a Tinder that's just for feet?
because, you know, those people need something to do in their spare time.
post link.

I met my gf on tinder. One in a million non roastie was just trying it out per request of her friend and I was her first match.

thots are orally, anally and vaginally receptive to any men that are attractive enough. bumble has gotten me laid way more than tinder lately

>How do we short circuit this cancer.

>was just trying it out per request of her friend and I was her first match
So she says

I met my girlfriend on an app, too, but I’m 6’2 and have a decent face. I can’t pull uber chad numbers - some of those chadfish screenshots make me feel sick - but I never have had a problem getting dates on apps.

I fell down the blackpill hole recently after I read an incel article. If my girlfriend dumps me I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle online dating with what I know now. Stuff I let go, like womens ridiculous demands for unique first messages, would probably infuriate me now.

Thank god I’m done with tinder in 2018

My first match was a bot as well, leaf.

What do you mean by your ‘ first messages’ comment?

Lots of girls will write in their bio something like:

>if you want me to respond, make sure to write me something unique! Don’t just say “hi”! Tell me an orginal joke!

The reality is they will respond to anyone they find attractive. You just have to be good looking and message her ‘hi’. I would have a hard time not sperging out if I saw this bullshit. It’s dishonest and wastes beta males time

Tinder is inflating the price of pussy immensely. Old fat ugly used up pussy has increased in value since the app's inception. This is making the idea of hyper gamy more solidified in these worthless broads. Less desireable cunts get the idea that since they're getting matched on tinder, which 99% of guys swipe right on every girl, that they have a higher value than they initially thought.

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operation chadfish?

optional: swap the photos to your own after getting a match

Hack it, and instead of selling the info leak everyone's personal everything.

i will never not love eva green. i know our love is forbidden, i dont care

I don't understand Tinder. In real life girls throw themselves at me. Yet on Tinder I can barely get a single match.

I don’t even really need to misrepresent myself. I don’t get chad numbers but I was easily chatting with 1-2 girls per day.

Chadfishing doesn’t actually materialize anything. You’re only hurting yourself. I don’t care to know how much of a dick I could be with Brad Pitt’s face


Overall the numbers are disturbing.

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>first match
kek good bait faggot.

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Reminder Tindr is founded and operated by Jews. Its another Jewish trick to deracinate society. Same with Ashley Maddison and all that shit.

Chadlite problems. If you’re decently tall and have a decent face you can pull in real life. Tinder places less emphasis on your height - it still factors but its not why girls swipe. Tinder is 99% face. Ryan Gosling couldn’t pull on tinder if he wasn’t famous, so don’t feel too bad.

any devs want to create a tinder flooder, use a bunch of compromised accounts, create n signup a shit tone of tinder profiles via proxies, any bites just stand them up with some canned response.

>Old fat ugly used up pussy has increased in value since the app's inception
Can confirm. I'm 27 and matched with a 41 year old woman and even she's able to choose from multiple attractive young men.

Or just flood it with npc profiles mocking the kind of people that use it.

Who cares
The people that use tinder were trash before it existed


>tfw met my girlfriend on tinder five years ago thinking it'd be a fling
>I was a degenerate she wanted a regular date
>I kept it in my pants
>created a solid, loving traditional relationship
>our seedy beginnings haunt me to this day and even though I'd give my life for this woman and I know she'd do the same I consider ending this relationship almost every day only based on this fact.

> guys how do we fix the tinder problem
Underage faggots from Reddit:
> haha BRUH I GET LAID so much DUDE
> haha WOMEN ARE WHORES dude hahahaha
> why are we being replaced by shitskins guys?? Guys??


Romans 1:27. And likewise also the men, (((leaving the natural use of the woman))), burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Burn in hell for eternity for ruining this world, faggots. Control your fucking little cocks and get your shit together before it's too late.

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go back to china

My family has been in "Canada" for 400 years burger. Fuck off.

this is the way to do it. Can we make it a happening?

>Overall the numbers are disturbing.
you mean encouraging

You broke the conditioning by starting a meaningful relationship. Be proud that she did, too. She has way more sexual currency than you in the current marketplace, and she didn’t abandon you.

You didn’t choose to live in a world where tinder existed. Do not end this relationship. She sounds like one of the good ones.

I would say yes but it's anecdotal.

Gud idea

>about a year and a half after I got a divorce I started using tinder
>among the first few matches I had was someone making a profile from the point of view of an ostrich
>start talking to the ostrich
>18yo who started using it due to peer pressure
>we go on a date, hit it off well
>been dating for over a year now
>she was a virgin until we had sex 4 month into the relationship
Worked for me and I'm turning 30 soon while she is turning 20 next year.

>Gen X chad

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>I met my girlfriend on an app, too, but I’m 6’2 and have a decent face.

Why do you type of faggots list your height? No one gives a fuck

This, and with better quality women, generally speaking. Though the thots are starting to migrate there and ruin it.

We make fake accounts of NPCs for both male and female.

Tinder has millions of users so whatever you do won't work. Their security system is also very tight and you need a new phone number + actual new phone to create a second account.

Just don't use Tinder then. Simple as that. Stop being salty that you can't get laid.


this is how you do it. all quality women who want to online date have moved to bumble. fuck tindr whores.

>has to use Tinder to get laid
Point and laugh at this man

only ever seen uggos on tinder

Is that a Pedo Spacey Pepe or is he glowing in the dark?
also >implying

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Deracinate... I'll have to write that down.

Hes talking about the pic dumbass. Its a good documentary.

>t. manlet

Welcome to Jow Forums

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War sure is hell isnt it. I’m not attractive, my matches are awful and nothing ever comes of it.

Chicks like tall guys. This is factual. Tall girls match with me because of this.

bring back the catfish man

calling weev

Maybe try to get tons of traps on there so straight people leave in droves.

Call out Tinder for discriminating against traps, so they apologize and ask for more traps.

Also, HIV positive people should be matched more.

imagine putting pictures of your face on the internet
imagine having a facebook account
imagine having your facebook account linked to a casual sex arrangement account with 100% data sharing between the two

fucking mongs

>I met my gf on tinder
Get back to us in a year to tell us all the juicy details of her inevitable unfaithfulness!

I told you I'm gen x. I don't know what spongebob memes the kids are using these days. Now Sesame Street, those are some good memes *sips*. Spongebob was way after my time.

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wow, living the dream

Are you purposely being retarded?

One hundred fucking percent. Your profile will never matter. No woman really cared about it. If they ever visit my profile it is because they want to see my pictures. Pictures and your responses are the only things that matter.

Marry less corrupted women and be a loving and dutiful husband while producing children with whom you share your values. Let the degenerates have their tinder. You just worry about making sure you have a healthy family and raise healthy children.

What happens to those children growing up in a expanding degenerate culture?

>I read an incel article.

Which article?

It's your job to instill values counter to degenerate culture. Invest the time to teach them. It's not always going to work out but it's probably the most worthwhile thing you do in your whole life, if you do it right.

So you blame the parents for the jewish poison infecting their children? Government funded and researched techniques to condition behavior, and you blame the parents. How nice

Better yet collect/leak pictures so girls know slutting has consequences

Consequences are sexist and racist, sweetie.

I just met a girl on Tinder I think might have my babies

>all quality women who want to online date have moved to bumble
all boring, stuck up post-wall roasties have moved to bumble.
worst thing about bumble is that they pre-set your age range depending on your own age, so if you're a 30s boomer like me they try to get you to only look at old women. if you drop the age down to 20, it moves back to age-5 and you need to move it back down to the correct age (20) a few times. i'm sure they'll say this is a bug, but it is clearly deliberate because they want the 30+ women to get matches.

And your paycheck.

Great more welfare checks are on the way!

I've had much more luck with either a blank bio or one absurd sentence like "Hitler did nothing wrong ;)" than when I put effort into a bio with the exact same photos.

Don't say you weren't warned when the inevitable comes.

Everyone gives a fuck you moron. Putting 6'2" in the bio will get you, easily, dozens as many matches as 5'10" with the exact same photos.

You'll be spared on the Day of the Rake.

its basically the cock carousel app
a chadfinder women can download to their phones

absolutely heroic

yes, the player rams his cock through a dozen women a month but its not is fault women arent worth marrying anymore.


Tinder is a symptom not a cause