The true blackpill is realizing that having children is morally wrong

Only the selfish and the unempathetic have children. Children simply perpetuate someone's ideology - yours or your enemies. Why bring another life into this world if it's going to be an NPC? If it's not going to be an NPC, then it'll just suffer and there's no point in bringing another life in.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The purpose of having children is to bring more people into this world for God to love.

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homosex with other aryans is the true white pill

Yes yes yes don't reproduce white man

Suck my dick Jew, I'm having 5. My wife is white as snow.

>Only the selfish and the unempathetic have children.
Fall of the West - The Post

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not god , Gary glitter ftfy


>The purpose of having children is to bring more people into this world for God to love.
Which God?

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>I'm having 5. My wife is white as snow.

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And your stupid ideology will be perpetuated by your stupid children - causing them and everyone around immeasurable suffering.

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>da west
In a hundred billion years no one will know or care anyway and this entire region of space will be a void consumed by a black hole. Sorry to say but the blackpill is the best pill.

I’ll take “Absolute Retard” for $1000, Alex.

You’re selfish for not having children.

T. Kike vermin

>is such a retard he thinks having children is immoral
>calls others stupid

Keep fighting the "good" fight OP. Although, it too is a meaningless gesture.

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Yeah but the next 50 will be critical for the survival and prosperity of my children.
If you have no children, you have no stake in the future.

Fair enough. Telling people to have kids so someone will care about them when they are old is a better strategy than trying to explain geopolitical concepts and the effects they may or may not have.

204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

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>"stop making babies"
>posts qt
You're sending mixed signals here, user.

>black pill

god you're an idiot

I’m pregnant with baby number 3, faggot.

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>bringing people into this Hell so God can fuck us with pain and misery.

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>Keep fighting the "good" fight OP. Although, it too is a meaningless gesture.
I don't care anymore. These are my final days on Jow Forums. This place has run its course. It's now a chamber where people come to rant. It's no longer place for original ideas. Jow Forums is simply counter culture.

Farming ruined mankind. When plankton and algae became experts at converting sunlight into food - multi cellular organisms were able to evolve. When man discovered farming and became efficient at gathering food, multi-human societies evolved.

Ideologies are like multi cellular organisms with each human being a cell in an ideology.

It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Everything will fall to dust.

The only way out is to not follow an ideology - be a single cell. But if you are a single cell in a world where multi-cellular ideologies fight, then you will suffer and your children will suffer if they follow your path.

the great thing about this argument, is that when we are both dead, my kids can continue to argue, and you'll just be a dead idiot

>You’re selfish for not having children.

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>T. Kike vermin
Not a kike. Cunt.
>is such a retard he thinks having children is immoral
Cockney bastard. Stop trying to rationalize why your mom got pregnant with you when she was 15 and your dad was 13.

>You're sending mixed signals here, user.
It's just bait. Here, enjoy some more.

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>god you're an idiot
Need I/we/anyone say more?

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>Muh suffering
Life hurts sometimes.

not all religions are equal in the same sense that not all cultures are equal. why don't you go live in the cultures founded by men of those other 4000 religions you neckbeard degenerate

>the great thing about this argument, is that when we are both dead, my kids can continue to argue, and you'll just be a dead idiot
>Your kids are retarded enough to argue with dead people
Why are leafs such retards?

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>Life hurts sometimes.
>It doesn't hurt all the time

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you are now but a blip on the history of humanity and irrelevant

"If it's not going to be an NPC, then it'll just suffer"
>oy vey life is hard goy
get good you degenerate. life is easy when you have the resources. make some money first then give your kid the conservative lifestyle they deserve

>hurr durr I'm 12 years old this world is nothing but suffering

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>>Minorities are NPCs
It's only immoral if you aren't white.

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christianity spread through the sword. the only reason the ONLY reason christianity spread through europe like it did is because pagan tribes didn't want to see their people slaughtered by the tens of thousands any more. they converted to save their lives that's all.

christianity is about as unnatural and inorganic as you can get.

my blood and ideology are better than 90% of the world's population, I'm sure as shit having kids. And ideally killing a few of the plague-breeding african shitheads so my offspring don't have to pay for their 40 kids

The purpose of having children is to maximize my effect on the future. To suffer is a glorious existence if you also fight. We will win if for no reason than the other side doesn't breed. The next generation may be smaller but far more radical and hardy. Tbh I am more worried about the Chinese long term, other races are not a threat without support from above.

Definitely not that one kike.

notice the trend. if you aren't a low iq black or brown having kids isn't an issue. what is the issue is mass migration and how it decimated our quality of life

>you are now but a blip on the history of humanity and irrelevant
Stop projecting.

Well, at least with people like you, the problem will self correct in a generation.

Have fun with your excessive narcissism.
It's all you'll ever have.

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>make some money first then give your kid the conservative lifestyle they deserve
>Your kids won't be degenerates in a couple of generations.
>Aussie flag.

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>my blood and ideology are better than 90% of the world's population
That's what all NPCs say.
>I'm sure as shit having kids.
NPCs say the same thing.
>And ideally killing a few of the plague-breeding african shitheads so my offspring don't have to pay for their 40 kids
You might have won the NPC lottery user.

>To suffer is a glorious existence if you also fight.

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>Definitely not that one kike.
Not a kike you cunt.

>this actress is brazilian
is she white, Jow Forums?


what do you think we're fighting against you nub. if you're actually that black pilled why not just off yourself already

Here's a real black pill for you faggot.
Everything people do is selfish. Everything.

Death will come for me soon enough.

Your reasoning isn’t a selfish one to not have children, but it is a pessimistic one. You only have this one life at this moment. You must move forward and create a better world for your children and give them an environment to grow up loving who they are and what they stand for. Blood and soil from one generation to the next. Teach your children to hold onto these principals as if they were life itself. Be the father that teaches sacrifice and bravery and determination above all to not end up like every other sad sack of shit millennial on this planet. The world is not lost and the only thing that can make it better is doing everything in your power to forge your own life outside of the rat race of modern civilization. This doesn’t mean a life without comforts, but certainly an uncomfortable life. A better life.

>what do you think we're fighting against you nub.
What difference does it make you cunt? They have an ideology and you have an ideology. Both of you will use your people to achieve victory. There is no objective truth.
>if you're actually that black pilled why not just off yourself already
Genetics. Come from a long line of survivors. Genes won't let me off myself. I have to wait to die from other causes.

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>Your reasoning isn’t a selfish one to not have children, but it is a pessimistic one.
>You only have this one life at this moment.
Do other people have more?
>give them an environment to grow up loving who they are and what they stand for.
What do they stand for? I mean your kids. What will they stand for?
>Blood and soil from one generation to the next.......................
Why do any of this?
>The world is not lost and the only thing that can make it better
Better? Are you one of those evangelist boomers? The purpose of all life is clear and can be deduced from simple observation - to be born, to survive, to try and reproduce and then die. That's it. That's the only common pattern underlying all life.

It is human who give special meanings to every action they take - as a means to cope. Buildings are not constructed for any purpose greater than access to pussy and food. YOU MAY THINK IT HAS A DEEPER MEANING - BUT THAT'S JUST YOUR MIND TELLING YOU THAT SO THAT YOUR DOPAMINE CIRCUITS FIRE FOR BUILDING A BIG CATHEDRAL RATHER THAN CLEANING THE SEWERS.
>This doesn’t mean a life without comforts, but certainly an uncomfortable life. A better life.
I get it. You're brainwashed. You won't see what I'm saying now because your reward system has ensured that you're now a slave to your ideology. It's better if you don't wake up. It'll only cause you and everyone around you untold suffering.

No one will top this post. Good job, user. Be proud of yourself.

Might as well be

>do other People have more
Maybe, I haven’t died yet to know, but at this moment this is your one and only life you’re living
>what do you stand for
Making this world a better place with happier people with purpose to do something for the earths betterment or at least not to molest it any further.
>why do any of this
Because it’s what I’ve found to be my purpose. It gets me up in the morning, it pushes me through my day, it helps me make financially good decisions to one day be able to get my children out of the rat race.
>are you one of those evangelist boomers?
No, I’m in my early 20’s and am not very religious at all. I believe there’s some kind of superstition to nature itself and how it works and what it teaches, but not in an especially religious way

You may think you’re “woke” and nihilistic, but all you are is another brainwashed sheep cog making money for your boss (or as I expect living off of others because you have no motivation) until you die because you got comfortable with not killing yourself and also not setting goals to do more.
>you’re brainwashed and won’t wake up
Something about a pot being black

you need schopenhauer my dude

This is a sub-blackpill. A babby blackpill. I've thought a lot about this and have discovered that the true, true, truest blackpill is that the only way to "fix" anything is through unmitigated violence, and that the people who need to pursue this violence are utterly unwilling and incapable of doing so. I think you'll find that every path leads to this dead-end.

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I agree. Although CRISPR is on its way, and soon I'll have tall, blue eyed, high IQ, attractive and sociable children that will have amazing lives.

This is why we have kids. I know my place in this world isn’t to start the violence, but god knows once it does start I will be comitting as much of it as I can to rid this planet of subhuman trash living in the rotting corpses we call cities. I want children so that people who know what needed to be done will be there to rebuild a better world once we’ve all gone back to dust and the lessons of history are learned by the ones to carry on.

Given birth-rate projections, that means africans and chinese are completely amoral and any violent action against them is justified

Basically yeah. I have a little girl. I think about this all the time. The only way she is going to find happiness in this world is if she is a mindless npc Thot. If she is anything like me and develops self awareness, critical thinking, and life long learning skills, she is going to be miserable af.

God I love Australia.

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okay, go tell this to the selfish niggers in africa

Snake Shitskin

no user. You're shilling a falsity but aiming at a half truth.

The real blackpill is when you realize that not everybody should reproduce and that the last 150 years of "everybody just go and have kids it's natural don't even have to think of it" has led us to entire generations of cancerous retards. The poor health and stupidity go hand in hand. You can tell when it started: right around the time Marxism and feminism got taken seriously instead of being laughed out of existence. So 150 years ago you had the "suffragete" spinster aunt, now you have the 300 lb blue-haired diabetic PTSD ridden screeching communist.

Not everybody should reproduce. And from the looks of things, the human race always finds a way to challenge reproductive strategy.
And "hand maids" per the new leftist trope that they think we want all women to be, actually do have a successful reproductive strategy.
Now go enjoy your nightmare.

Hey there

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