Why are almost all the Kardashian with niggers

Why can't they find themselves a white or Armenian?

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Discounted status and wealth

If they did then the jews wouldn't pay them anymore.

They all created the 56% meme

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It's their fetish. Like how I fucking love COUGARS! Plus Kanye is pretty cool.

That ugly ass fake bitch always looks so dead.

It's not a Kardashian though.


Money and relevance

The airhead is only with him because he's famous. She probably doesn't like the Trump support.

easy: they're stupid. Degeneracy starts with defending a murderer and ends with destroying your own family.

Kardashians may just be a Jewish psychological operation to promote race-mixing.

They are ""role models" to millions of young girls and do what ((they)) tell them to do, to remain rich and relevant.

No she was a pretty avid Hillary supporter. Kanye don't care though.

Niggers will kill their mother to be able tu fuck anything with lighter skin than them, so a lot of womyn take this as a sign of compromise.
The problem is that they will run as fast when they are already prego and the baby will probably never see their father.

So is their nature.

>wigger trash idolizing and fetishizing apes
Imagine my shock.

jews paid that family to be as unimaginably degenerate as possible. that or are legit mk ultra victims trying to cope with their mk ultra dad

They wish to see the 55% before they die of aids.

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Because they haven't a single soul amongst the lot of them. Oh and their dad is now a mom.

Armenians are funny

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Why do you (((think))). They're all over the limelight and worshiped by young stupid impressionable whores that will think fucking a nigger is a cool thing to do. You don't actually believe women find niggers attractive, do you?

sandnigger females love cucking dicklet sandroaches

If you don't think women are actually attracted to blacks, I've got some bad news for you insecurity-kun.

Low IQ black rappers and basketball players are easy to extort. Show them a little ass and they throw ungodly amounts money at them. Also Jews

Because that's all they can get, which white person in their right mind will marry one of this coal burning whores

But Kanye is best nigger #1

Kim kardashians publicist who convinced her to do the sex tape was a literal Jewish woman

>Low IQ
Kanye's pretty bright. Also the kardashians are richer than most athletes and musicians. Black guys are sadly the standard in Cali for attractiveness. Thank god i moved to Texas and get to say nigger freely amongst spics

The sextape is awful. Her cunt looked nice, but the picture quality, the views and that nasty coon ruined it.

why can op only ask retarded questions? is op retarded himself?

reminder to doomers and onions this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/bait/containment threads so it does not bump them

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>Kanye's pretty bright.

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because the kardashians are all niggers themselves

.Black men and black women are the least desirable races according to the dating website statistics, brosef. No one actually likes niggers.... even nigger men prefer other races over nigger women.

coz they get (((paid))) by fucking with niggers
don't you understand how that shit works??
you think Bill Burr would get all these comedy specials if he didn't bone that sheboon for 10 years or DeNiro would be a star if he wasn't a nigger fucker(well actually he's a kike tho he might have but nigger fucking helped) or Charlize Theron would have gotten all them gibs if she didn't adopt a nigger etc etc

that's how they spin you if you want gibs. you gotta either suck dick, fuck in your bumhole, fuck interracially etc etc do all the fucked up shit on the list

if you are not gonna do it.. then you are gonna be labled and never get any gibs.

take 1000 top people in politics or showbiz and show me one normal person who is not doing something along the NWO agenda.. meaning (not a fag, not a nigger fucker, not tolerant to non-whites etc etc)

pro-tip: you can't find any.
literally.. even Trump married off his children to kikes.

even famous "radical" rightwinger personalities are so deep in this NWO shit

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Judging from his music and presence in (his sane) interviews he's probably a bit above average. Not an Einstein but you have to have something up there to maintain a career like his.


They are actors in a project conceived of by Clinton, Bush and Obama era DARPA to socially engineer popular miscegenation. They were pretty succesful, but accidentally created a gamergate-esque backlash.

>you have to have something up there
having kikes want you to be a (((role model))) is enough. they'll literally put degenerates in the spot light. you think Lil John is a genius too or Ludacris or whatever the fuck..


hahahaha WE fuck your woman in all shape, color, and sizes

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It's weird isn't it? I know their just celebrity trash, but I've always wondered about this. How can an entire family of girls have the same sexual preference? I blame pic related, their father. He MUST have done something to cause this. Maybe he brainwashed them when they were little. Maybe he had a cuckold fetish and spent a lot of time at home talking about how great black men are. Now you might say, JewsJewsJews, because Jow Forums, and that's fine, but I mean, what are the fucking odds that would take hold on every single one of his daughters? It's likely more direct and intimate than that. And frankly, I'd like to know his secret.

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you edited this

True, but only the Kardashians are half Armenian and half white. The Jenners are fully white.

They've probably fucked more Saudis then they have blacks

Armenians aren't white so i am glad they are all fucking niggers. Let them pollute someone else's gene pool

>you want to be famous sweetheart?
>try breeding with this negro for publicity

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They've said it before, but they view themselves as groundbreakers for doing what they're doing. Not to mention that the Kardashian name was considered trashy back in the day and they could only associate with rappers, athletes, and RnB singers.

The kardashians aren't white so who cares?

Why are all of Kylie Jenner's friends from high school black?

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her baby daddy, the nigger rapper, CLEARLY finds her gross af. when asked about her in interviews he is acting. and their body language when together is awkward

Kylie and Kendall are 100% white, they just paint themselves like niggers.


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Yeah but they have proven themselves to be degenerate race mixers so i am gad to see them exit the white gene pool

Why would you care about shitskins being with shitskins and why would you want shitskins to be with whites?

No source link, dumbass nigger

Kylie Jenner is literally 100% white. The mom is fully white and the dad is fully white.

I'm not saying that every rapper is smart, a lot of them seem dumb as bricks, but I'd say Kanye is something of an exception. Just judging from his lyrics and the things he'll sing about, as well as his personal business acumen.

I'm also not saying he's super smart but he's not retarded either. And he clearly has some mental health issues, but he's not 100% out of it.

Because they are sand niggers themselves

The whordashians are clearly mainstream cuckshit propaganda,

take all the garbage shit spammed on here. Its the mainstream version of that.
Its all loudly dogwhistling race cuckoldry shit.

Its absolutely disgusting and obscene and any woman that follows them is effectively trash.

Fake version Tyrone

motherfucker stop posting this bullshit

She's very pretty, she just uses that awful makeup style that makes her look like Rupaul.

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Nice edit/photoshop faggot

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Seriously the other user isn't wrong, they're 100% white. Just google '_____ Kardashian young' and you'll fucking see it, the transformation is amazing.

Not really. The older ones look like mexicans, the younger ones are actually white.

kek how insecure does Jamal have to be to spend time moving around squares in MSPaint to pretend that women like his subspecies.

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google.ca/search?biw=2560&bih=1281&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=JFoDXLGhE8nNjwTwhJeQDQ&q=kilie jenner young&oq=kilie jenner young&gs_l=img.3...21302.22883..23035...0.0..0.129.1155.7j5......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i67j0i7i30.boDd0UtuNJ0

Yah I got it wrong, didn't realize that about the older ones.

based and red pilled

Alright, you got me. I looked up and they are have scot, english, and dutch in them from both sides of the family.

Why would somebody wan't to make themselves look like a nigger or mutt?

some are the offspring of murderer o j simpson
niggers they are

Being racially ambiguous is in right now. It's how you sell product to the largest number of people.

Cuz girls like those always go with black dudes or swarthy guys they don't want no beta ass little dick pasty white boi. Contrary to how alpha white bois on Jow Forums see themselves in real life white bois are corny.

see 195316238
The best way to get in front of the camera is to fuck niggers

jew curse

Their father was part of OJ's "Dream Team" and everyone on that team were cursed. F. Lee Bailey has been disbarred. Johnny C is dead (his brother was murdered as well) and so is Robert Kardashian.

The anger against Robert Kardashian was where most of the jew curse went. They wanted to destroy his family as well and they were successful in doing that.

You're a bitch but no one cares its trash weeding itself out.
All the best women go for White men. No one with a brain likes shitskins.

Legit, these little dick white bois are actually seething over the fact these hoes they call trash ain't even looking their direction. It's not the first time a white boi has been seething over this fact. I remember a white dude asking them in an interview why they don't date white guys. SEEEEEEEEEETHING.

their father had gay sex with OJ simpson

You're right. Most white guys are corny and their culture is the butt of the joke for every coastal elite. But even then, a normal looking white guy will be able to get more women than a good looking black guy. Coalburning is bourgeois.

butt of the joke yet they all want to live among us.
Reminder white liberals arent all white.

You don't have the balls to say this shit to a White man face to face only on the internet.

Sure buddy, you will marry becky after she's 30, put on some pounds and already had her fair share of BBC in her youth. You are there to beta provide. The BBC is there to fuck and ditch.

oh shut the fuck up azncel. Im gonna be fucking your girlfriend with my BWC think on that you pussy lol.

white people dont want to be associated with these sub human social media whores so it's ok

DESU, Gooks are actually the least desirable men according to website dating statistics.

They dont want to live with you, they want to live off you. These coastal elites (and I don't mean just jews) are parasites that want subsidized city life at the expense of the best working class in the world, anglo cultured whites.

lol im white and have a short dick, but im laying next to my qt 1/4 phillipino gf right now lol what are you doing besides stroking your dick to your projected cuckold fantasies? hows it feel to call white guys bitches and say they have small dicks when youre literally the same. and fapping to getting bbc in your ass

Yes they do, literally every white girls heroes consist of the Kardashians/Jenners.

This is pathetic racial fetishism. You're probably gay.

No the issue is they want to live with whites, they want the benefits of living among more evolutionary advanced whites like low crime and better services.
The whoredashians dont live in the ghetto etc.

That bitches lipstick is hard to get off your cock.

>1/4 phillipino gf


Typical incel beta white boi.

aznfemininty posters

>They all created the 56% meme
No the 56% meme was created by a butthurt bong who took one study done by a leftist thinktank that said the 18-24 age group in the US was 56% white males
Eurocucks would be far lower than 56% if you went solely by that age bracket

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? That's too basic for them. They like K-pop and Joy Division. Only fat women that get drunk on wine keep up with the Kardashians as their "guilty pleasure".