Because men are afraid they'll be accused of rape. I know this won't affect 99% of this board, but how do us chads that actually get pussy deal with this?
Women Being Asked to Record 'Consent Videos' Before Sex
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>but how do us chads that actually get pussy deal with this?
>.t virgin
my guy if u reach that stage already, she should have no problem with this
Realise that 3D women are a meme?
This will not save them.
Accusations of rape will still be made.
Men will present consent videos.
Videos will be thrown out.
Charges will still stick.
How is it worrying?
Just kill them when you're done with them. That way you can rest easy.
I know you wouldn't understand, but it kind of ruins the mood, plus she's very likely to say no because she doesn't want the video out there.
so this is 2018. I don't have a flying car, but this shit instead. why did god abandon us
It will be thrown out of court because these men can't prove they didn't force them to give consent.