Because some of you fuck heads still deny this shit, there is going to be a fuck ton of immigrants coming from all over the world because there country got flooded or is on fire.
Because some of you fuck heads still deny this shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
>When every single specific global warming prediction has turned out to be wrong, but you're so stupid you STILL believe in it.
Just shoot them at the border, oh wait cuckolds like you will cry
Sucks to be them.
" Since 2000, the estimated level of human-induced warming has been equal to
the level of observed warming with a likely range of ±20% accounting for uncertainty due to
contributions from solar and volcanic activity over the historical period (high confidence). {1.2.1}"
Riped straight from page 4 on the pdf you can find the full reading on that on >
feel free to do your research
now your evidence
yes we will cry, while you and your squadron of AR-15 carrying mobility scooter true blooded Americans shoot them down.
>oh noes!
>the weather is changing!
>we've had an ice age before humans
>we've also had much much higher CO2 before humans
>anything that humans do is significant
stfu, faggot.
>The IPCC assures us the IPCC was right on target even though the IPCC has repeatedly had to change their own prior data to fit the observations.
Wow, that's amazing, faggot. And you managed to completely IGNORE what I wrote in the post you were responding to.
How do you explain pic related? Wasn't Hanson the FATHER OF CLIMATE SCIENCE? I guess daddy got his math wrong, huh?
I do believe in climate change, which is why I don't support immigration
>now your evidence
Here are "climate scientists" LITERALLY CONSPIRING TO ALTER THE TEMPERATURE RECORD to mislead the public. This is right out of their own emails.
>feel free to do your research
I did, you faggot. You believe what you're spoon-fed, and I do actual research.
>your evidence
I use ACTUAL evidence. You use MODIFIED temperatures. I guess thermometers work for the oil industry and we need "climate scientists" to tell us to ignore our own eyes.
>your research
>If the IPCC shits it out, I will eat it up!
the west needs to restrict its usage and pay extortionist rates for energy because muh global warming when no scientist can tell you what the correct temperature of earth is
Seriously speaking climate scientists' global warming predictions are less accurate than Q predictions. You have to wonder about the IQ of people that still believe in it.
Is the real reason leftists fear climate change so much because the problems it cause will mostly affect third world countries and first world nation's will be able to bear it and in the end it will leave only white and Asian nations intact?
geoengineering, fast simple and cheap, we are already doing it
In These Times November 15, 2018
Inside Geoengineers Risky Plan To Block Out the Sun
Some scientists say it’s necessary to save the climate. An indigenous-led opposition says it will only save the fossil fuel economy.
BY Kate Aronoff
While rapid decarbonization is "possible within the laws of physics and chemistry," the politics are tricky: It would mean "unprecedented changes in all aspects of society."
We have only 12 years to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent, according to an October report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The feat, it admits, would require “rapid, far-reaching” societal transformation. If we fail, coastal cities will be inundated, food will run short and the damage will cost $54 trillion by 2040, when babies born this year will be old enough to graduate from college.
quick rundown?
Damn, user. You didn't have to kill him.
America is less then 5% of global pollution why would those polluters come here?
jeebus is putin funding these fucknut trolls too?
good let the niggers and the animals be naturally selected, gtfo leftist cuck
>Hurr durr it's getting hotter so you have to accept millions of fighting age men from 3rd world countries
Sage and kys
how to lie with statistics, using number of fires vs acreage consumed
Yes. Save the planet by further dooming it. Genius.
Even if global warming were to be a hoax, why wont you support environmental protection? Do you really think that pumping insane amounts of waste into the air without planting trees on a similar scale has no effect whatsoever on the environment, and therefore on your wellbeing?
>My ass is still gushing blood from the last time you raped me, but I'll ask for more.
Real scientists disagree I'm afraid. If you look just a little bit below the surface of the oceans of horseshit you rabidly consume on a daily basis you will see that this is the case. The climate bullshit was outed as a fucking scam in like 2010 or something. It's a giant wealth redistribution scheme. If you want to do some good (most liberals don't, they just want to seem like they constantly are), then what you should do instead of bitching at fellow Americans, you should direct your whiny tantrums at the fucking Chinks and Indians. But I'm sure you have some mental impedement to critisizing anyone but your own ancestors, relatives, and neighbors. Like most liberal snow. Because you're an asshole. You're all just huge assholes.
>environmental protection
What you leftfags want is NOT environmental protection. You want totalitarian control of everyone's life.
No respectable scientist would ever use such a wide margin of error on something valid
we don't have to let them in though
wouldn't it solve a ton of problems if africa and the mid east just burned down?
This. Exactly this.
the climate is supposed to change
and we are supposed to gun invaders down and make them dead
I feel like you need a bigger canvas for that projection mate. Also, let me remind you that conserving the Lebensraum is a conservative point of view. DUH
Fucking moron.
>a fuck ton of immigrants coming from all over the world because there country got flooded or is on fire
They're going to get shot at the border and their bodies stacked in hasty burn piles when shit gets real so I'm not concerned. You can't fight it it's just the circle of life at work.
Ahh Russiagate ... the final defensive parapet for the libtard.
Its human arrogance to think that we could stop/reverse it at this stage
Explain this please... Im interested.
Imagine actually being this brainwashed in the left vs right debate. Christ I hate my countrymen sometimes.
>getting btfod is a bunch of random graphs with no sources or context
>too stupid to create infrastructure to fight fires or build levies
>let them in
Seems like a plan. A bad plan, though
In have a better plan
> 100% increase in Co2 gives 1.5C increase in avg temp in 250 years
Run for you lives
You think people here had anything to do with it? You're a moron. You posting on an image board doesn't change geopolitical trends one iota. There is no great brotherhood of nations, and cooperation between nation states is impossible. If they come, we shoot them. If the water rises, we build walls. The Dutch carved a nation out of the ocean a thousand years ago with rocks and mud. We have steel, concrete, and dump trucks. Grow the fuck up.
Why does no one understand that °X is an actual temperature, whereas X° is the dimension of a difference in temperatures? Fucking morons.
And we send them back, on foot or in bags, doesn't matter to me.
>Lebensraum meant environmentalism.
I'm betting your dick is half an inch or less even when rock hard. I'm gauging this from your brain and the amount of libfag rage you carry, which is driven by envy, of course.
>I refuse to accept the data you offered! So there!
Enter it into a translation software. Fucking moron.
>1.5 C over pre-industrial levels
>0.01 per year
Quick, give billions of dollars in taxes to third world countries. Not denying the climate is changing and environmentalism is important, we just don't think that people whose models are consistently wrong and careers rely on whipping people into a hysteria are entirely accurate on the severity or input we have, or that giving billions to shithole third world corrupt governments is the cure.
Extremely well put.
I'm memorizing this and just repeating it to any climate change zombie
that makes you a zombie too
Holy shit it's not denial. I'm right and you're a fucking moron. I'm a scientist and you're just some ass hole. That's what I love about this.
Read Maxwell before you even dream of posting that 115 IQ test score. Congrats on being smarter than nobody special. Understand a concept like solar forcing or core hydrodynamics before you open your god damned shit mouth. Build these ideas from the central principles of electromagnetism and classical mechanics that still dominate (by quite a bit) all of scientific measurement in our planetary neighborhood. Study the physical sciences until your opinion can come from there.
But you're never going to see the big picture because you don't care. You don't event WANT to know how things really work. You'll die never understanding it but what you will hang your life's hat on will be a legacy of virtue signalling behavior and an astonishingly stubborn and incorrect assumption.
Critical thinking isn't only about questioning your own views, it's about proper critique. That means you have to be capable of critiquing your own opinions, and be a better version of yourself - and a smarter version of yourself. You also have to be correct. It's not easy and you are not doing it that's fa TRUE
Nigger - there are some things you DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. Consider yourself lucky that you will never know them
Are Climate Change catastrophists the zoomer version of Qfags?
Global warming is a scam, the same as doomsday prediction. OP is a gullible faggot who will donate 95% of his or her life-savings to (((prevent))) global warming, while keeping the other 5% for their daily cuck cup at Starbucks.
It's an excuse. In reality it's international orgs funding mass migration. Climate change is a smokescreen.
>you didn’t pointlessly destroy your economy and civilization trying to save the world from pollution ( which is mostly done by Asians, South Americans and Africans who we give a free pass too for being nonwhite) so now you have to accept billions of shitskins as punishment because they can’t handle the temperature going up a couple degrees
These kikes are so fucking disgusting it’s a wonder they aren’t being skinned alive
Global Warming/Global Cooling/Climate Change are all just words meant to convince you to let your country turn into the third world.
Read the UN Compact for Orderly and Regular Migration, UN Replacement Migration and read up on Agenda 2021/2029/2030.
Also if you care so much for the "economic migrants" then put ten of them or so in your house, be a leader, champ.
Here, this is one of my favorite articles, a great place to get you started:
It spills the beans in a nice condensed form.
Oh and don't worry about all the geoengineering materials sprayed in the sky that are used to artificially, temporarily alter the weather. The technology was developed in the 1950s.
>there is going to be a fuck ton of immigrants coming from all over the world because there country got flooded or is on fire.
Migration is driven by economic opportunity. The US has both flooding and fire, regularly.
Checked and saved. Thank you for a succinct dismissal of the climate alarmism that the elite continues to push.
IPCC gets public funding as long as it says "global warming" exists.
kill yourself retard.
The Earth is getting COLDER you retard! We’re literally going into a SOLAR MINIMUM! You know what happened last time we went into ond? We had a miniature fucking ICE AGE! The Earth is isn’t getting hotter, it’s getting cooler and all you niggers won’t survive this long cold winter...
That's just the excuse. Fact is they have overbred their land.
>By doing this thing I will get the type of weather I am desiring
Its no different than Mayans sacrificing to the gods to bring the rains.
One of the core elements of a scientific theory is the ability to make accurate predictions. In any other scientific field you would be told to go back to the drawing board with such horrible predictions. It would be a clear indication that there is a major flaw in your understanding.
Who said anything about shooting them? I'd rather shoot you. Fucking Californians...
>Jow Forums needs state flags
Thats an estimation not an evidence.
Fearmongering and lies
Oh god here come the Ukrainian conspiritard bots
Canada will benefit hugely from global warming. Instead of 95% of our land being a frozen wasteland, we will have enough arable land to become the superpower of the 22nd century.
I fully support global warming.
>the level of observed warming with a likely range of ±20% accounting for uncertainty due to contributions from solar and volcanic activity over the historical period (high confidence).
How do they even measure the average temperature of the whole earth? Where the fuck do they put the thermometers? And note that uncertainty due to the method is not even take into account in the 20% uncertainty that they quote.
The reason to worry about Climate change isn't that the world is ending. It's that third world shitholes that are already hot and arid are going to get even hotter and arid and become unlivable, while the population continues to explode. That population will then move and become increasingly desperate and violent to survive. If the Middle East and Africa become unlivable, guess where these millions of desperate people are going to move to? Makes perfect sense from their perspective. This was literally predicted in the 60s in Camp of the Saints, to the letter. There are even theories that climate change resulted in the Arab Spring and ISIS. Protests in Egypt and Tunisia started because food prices were becoming so high because available land to grow food for the growing populations were becoming unaffordable and people were moving to increasingly crowded cities. These people easily became radicalised because they have nothing to lose, which resulted in Muslim Brotherhood ruling Egypt for 2 years until outside forces deposed them. The Syria conflict and ISIS also started because the desert east of Syria was becoming unlivable, so they started to push an invasion to the more fertile Alawite western coast. They would have won also if, once again, outside forces hadn't intervened. If ISIS would have taken Syria and Libya, they would have flooded Europe with Africans and Muslims and begun invading the Mediterranean like Somali pirates. We were so close to this nightmare situation, and this was pre-Trump and Brexit which are pulling forces away from outside intervention the next time this happens. Syria and the Middle East didn't suddenly become livable again, this was just the beginning, and every year the climate gets worse, the population grows and a larger part of the population becomes desperate and radical, and outside forces become weaker to stop them. Humanity will survive, but the whole world look like Cairo and Caracas.
>Shills pushing global warming
Literal proof that global warming is just another Jewish trick
Do people on Jow Forums not believe in global warming?
I know lefties love to accuse conservatives of being climate change deniers, but I've never met one.
>Because some of you fuck heads still deny this shit
Germany's CO2 output amounts to 2% of the total global output. We can pay billions to get it down to 1%, or we tackle China who amount to 28%. Fuck you.
This is similar to people developing cancer in their old age. The body (agricultural land) becomes weaker and tumours start to grow (global population) and the body is too weak to fight it off (grow food to feed the population). The tumour then kills off its own host due to its own excessive growth. You can try and cut it out (mass depopulation in the third world), but that doesn't guarantee the cancer won't start growing again now that the body is so vulnerable (no farmland, no food). This is the civilizational equivalent of cancer.
Why do threads always die when someone drops a blackpill? No rebuttals about how I'm a faggot shill?
It is a scam. Governments do nothing but lie, steal, and kill. They subsidized fake scientists to try to legitimize their latest scam. Climate has always changed, it gets warmer, then gets cooler. It is very gradual, and it would be quite easy to tinker just a bit with data to come up with a tiny increase, then extrapolate it into a huge increase. And, they have been found to be doing exactly this. I don't see any of the concerned billionaires contributing vast sums of their own money to fighting the "problem". The money they DO spend on it is spent lobbying the government to increase taxes on everyone else. The challenges are:
1)Prove that the climate is warming
2)Prove that we are responsible
3)Prove that the negatives outweigh the positives
4)Prove that currently living Americans were responsible, and should pay damages for the excess of negatives over positives.
5) ANd no fake data. It is very odd that the areas reporting the highest increases are areas which are uninhabited, and the only source of the temperature data is climate scientists who have a vested interest in lying.
it is all about more gibs to the government.
Strange, over here is getting colder, you have an app on windows where you can find the historical temperatures of your location. nice try to, keep impossing those sanctions on countries.
Go cry to China and India then kill yourself.