Is society going to start discriminating against me now because I can't get laid? I'm scared how do I avoid becoming a target?
Is society going to start discriminating against me now because I can't get laid...
Don't victimize yourself over it and you're fine
People have been voluntary virgins since the dawn of time, it's just a bunch of emotionally underdeveloped men who bitch about this
Nothing in life will sabotage you quite like playing the victim.
No way, there is no fucking nuance, I'm going to get grouped with everyone else because people are just looking for a target to unload all their anger and hatred
Do I start pretending I have a long distance girlfriend? I never had a girlfriend, how do I make one up?
>doesn't understand self-fulfilling prophecies
fucking FINE
Forget your virginity. Your shit-tier dumpstered personality with have people long gone long before they have time to realize there's no WAY anyone would afford you all fifteen seconds you need to bust your sad, watery nut.
You people do this to yourselves.
I have seen this before, I don't even want to go near a woman and I wouldn't have sex with one if she knocked on my door naked, that doesn't matter since anyone who can't get laid hates women now and there is no faster way to end up being a target than getting labeled a woman hater
im sorry are you really this stupid? just don't bring up that you don't get laid, say you're asexual if you're really that worried you aren't gonna be killed over being a virgin
This is simply modern shitposting from Jow Forums, which the rest of the world doesn't understand is not serious in the slightest. Once mainstream media and jackoffs that take this stuff to social media realize they're regurgitating Jow Forums bullshit they'll feel retarded and never use those retarded titles again. Just wait it out.
People can tell I'm not getting laid, what if someone brings up sex or relationships in a conversation? It's not like it's a wierd topic
>Once mainstream media and jackoffs that take this stuff to social media realize they're regurgitating Jow Forums bullshit
That will never happen, fucking people the frog is still a hate symbol that can get you fired
Why do you care, you don't socialize with anyone
Because someone will get in her head I'm creepy and maybe I will try to do something to her just because she keeps seeing all this incel crap on tv and social media and then she will talk about how she doesn't feel comfortable around me to her friends and they will talk about it to the men and I will get kicked out of everything and I won't be able to find a job or take part in anything or have any friends and maybe even my family will shun me and who knows, maybe some random women gets in her head that I'm following her or stalking her and she runs to the police and I end up in jail
I have been trying to get my shit together, last thing I need right now is this
Yeah no, this guy can't be serious.
Even if you were a virgin, none can tell that if you act like a normal human being.
I'm too old for the internet, I just assume they're being serious because I assume anyone whose life is sad enough to waste shitposting on Jow Forums is functionally dead anyway
I clearly put too much stock into people like OP
Have you seriously never been caught pretending you know something you are clueless about?
I'm not an infantile disappointment to my parents so no, if I'm clueless I proffer that almost immediately-- I am the first guy to tell you I have no idea about something, if I don't.
I also always leave myself open to correction; the truth is infinitely more important to me than merely being right. I'd be wrong every day if it meant the truth came to light.
This is why you're afraid of getting razzed, you put yourself out there constantly to get razzed. "Be yourself" isn't some fugboy meme, it means don't pretend to be shit you aren't-- that works until about your early-mid 20s where people get wise and realize there just isn't any fucking time to waste in life on lying, liars, and people who need to justify lies-- and so by positing to be the adult you are demonstrably not, you're giving these people cause to dislike you.
I said it at the start and I'll say it again.
Nothing kills your prospects in every single walk of life-- all of them, romance, career or otherwise-- like playing the victim.
Nothing. Not on Earth, not in space.
Well, death does a pretty good job but even then at least their parents don't have to live with that stain on their family tree, that a self-serving, lying type would leave by being a constant reminder of their failure in raising a child.
If you don't like hearing the truth I suggest you wrap your ass up in cotton and throw yourself under the bed for all the good you're gonna do.
>Nobody is going to discriminate against a
You you worthless piece of Shit virgin
Jow Forums told me this was going to happen 5 years ago but I didn't listen
Jow Forums is a bunch of helpless manchildren-- so help me with God as my witness, the types who believe women owe them sex
You're the cause of your own problems and you know it to be a goddam fact. It's just too hard for you to admit because then you have to actually DO something.
If you take your advice from Jow Forums, you're positively worthless and beyond help. Get meds and give up because your victim complex is terminal.
You don't have to like the truth for it to be the truth.
Stop taking it so seriously, its not. Do like me and everyone I talked to about this, giggle and laugh at the absurdity of it and how stupid and out of touch with reality you have to be to fall for it or seriously report on it. Think how absolutely retarded, not jokingly retarded but actually medically retarded these people have to be to get trolled this hard, it's astounding.
Congratulate the people who trolled them into believing it. I have no idea who but they did a good job, these people deserve a award for this, its hilarious.
U don't have to be fuckable to be worth something
plenty of socially retarded ppl in this world but they still get up and go to work in the morning
Please tell me this shit isn't real.
>Incels blame women for not getting laid
Where do they get this idea? Is it because people have a cynical view about how women select certain men over others?
If I say women usually seem to prefer tall white guys it's not me saying "they should fuck me instead". But I guess everyone means something different by it, and understands it differently too.
Is he serious? I can't tell if he's trolling or just an apoplectic autist
>relatively normal human being
>never had sex
>maybe has tried to into sex/relationship but just having no luck
>maybe doesn't give a shit about sex or relationships
>doesn't have antisocial sentiment about not having sex or being in a relationship
>typically have exaggerated sense of self importance or abnormally large ego
>consider their virginity a social shackle preventing them from entering "normal society"
>believe the reason they can't have sex or find a relationship is some sort of exterior conspiracy perpetrated only against them and their "brothers"
>self-reinforcing negative stigma against themselves over something society at large doesn't really care about
>cannot take responsibility for their own shortcomings, insist every problem they have has an exterior impetus
>major degree of antisocial though related to sex, relationships, and more than anything women in general
I meant the video clip actually. It's another dude with a British accent who thinks he's funny, who's going out of his way to make up straw men for the sake of his argument.
I probably take it more personally than I should, though. I guess I could be called incel, since I don't really want to be a virgin. But I think sexually frustrated is more apt. And I've never once blamed a woman for being a virgin, I just have pangs of loneliness where I desperately wish one of them would choose me.
They fall on deaf ears but your words are wise.
>society doesn't really care about
Maybe they don't care specifically about the virgin thing but I feel like society does like to put people down constantly for not passing specific milestones. i..e, why is it so common to call other guys "virgin" as a negative insult? Men who don't do well with women get made fun of all the time. Maybe not to a severe degree, but it's a dead horse after a point.
Everyone wants to be "chosen" in life, user.
Letting the delusion that anyone IS chosen is what drives these people mad.
You're not here to get any advice that doesn't feed into the narrative that society hates you because of your celibacy. I'm sorry that you didn't just naturally fit into society like the rest of us did. I'm sorry that upsets you. I'm sorry that you suffer from social anxiety or mild autism or whatever set of disorders that make it difficult for you to connect with people and develop relationships. Its really shitty that you were dealt that hand but please believe me when I say that this path of perpetual victimhood is not the way. Being a victim is accepting that there isn't anything you can do and if there isn't anything you can do then there is no point to anything, is there? If you want this to get better its going to take hard work and its going to be uncomfortable. You're going to have to admit some things about yourself that feel bad. You have to break out of this wizard programming. Being angry at the world won't make you feel better and it won't help your situation. Watch the documentary "Shy Boys". Maybe seeing yourself represented on camera will give you insight into how exactly your mentality looks like from an outside perspective.
But isn't that how it works? A woman chooses you as a mate if you proposition her and engage in a courtship ritual?