Mfw i cant stop talking about nuclear war when im drunk as fuck...

Mfw i cant stop talking about nuclear war when im drunk as fuck. How do i bluepill myself to be a low IQ nigger like the rest of you?

Attached: angry_pepe.jpg (900x900, 65K)

No Pekka kuka pudottaa ja minne!

stop being afraid of nuclear war, it's actually preferable to the horrific kinds of wars we'll be fighting by the end of the century

I cant keep this shit inside me post some shit about muh MAD and reassure me.

stop lying

What business does a fin have talking about nuclear war? My brother prattles on about it but he's highly knowledgeable about all the interesting tidbits and near disasters of the cold war.

Do your think ranting about jews is any better? I don't drink anymore

Varmaan Suomeen kun ollaan tässä sopivasti Euroopan ja Venäjän välissä ellet ole karttaa ennen katsonut.

If you can't keep control of yourself when you're drunk, you're not as IQ as you're pretending.

apustaja ei tuonu ilta-pa laa tarvisen apuja

Nobody takes its seriously after Hitler so its less worse.

They do take you serious when you start speaking German, unfortunately

>thinks nuclear war will happen
>considers himself high iq
user I...

What does it mean when you have more restraint when drunk?

They have historical burden of autism and low iq opinions.

This is what South Koreans really think. Its like a fairy land where everything is going to be ok.

Are you afraid of a nuclear war or hoping for it?

Attached: nukewar.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

They have to lie to themselves to be sane under constant threat of nuclear holocaust.

It means you're going to die from alcohol withdrawal someday.


Its only a matter of time.

Its like giving chinese booze.

there is no bluepill, get over it

I feel your pain OP, when I get drunk I can't help spilling red pills and releasing my racism. Last time I was openly mocking Irish bartenders for leaving their homelands to move to the Marxist shithole that is Toronto

>nuclear war
Nigger we are not so lucky. We will see a slow steady Cold War with sporadic fighting until our quality of life is so diminished that we wish for death

user, I feel this. I go full autist when I'm drunk. My friends still think my drunken jew rants are just jokes :^> Please kill me, this earth has become so foreign to me

Im in the frontline as infantry.
You underestimate finnish autism.

This is the best case scenario. They bring niggers here to make somekind of NWO but its hopeless in the struggle of superpowers.

>not talking about the jews is disciplined
Good goy, I'm ashamed to share a country with such a fucking faggot


Attached: REEEEE.jpg (225x225, 5K)

fuck you pajeet

Nothing value will be lost if Koreans or Poo In Loos blow themselves up but im talking about humans in the west.

>t. shithole that will literally get nuked in our lifetime

ok haista paska vitun munapää

Denialismi on parasta huumetta vitun ryssä.

suc my dick põder