Why Ya Dick So Small Whitey?

Why do y'all white crackers think your women go for handsome black men such as myself? It's scientifically proven that on average, white men have smaller dicks and are incapable of pleasing their women, so it's no wonder that white girls go flocking for the dark meat.

Face it white boy, you ain't never gonna be able to compete with a genetically superior BLACK MAN such as myself. Fuck crackers.

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How is it like having a piss poor iq?
also sage

>NPC reply.

Little, khazar peepee.

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The great black dick hoax.

That's where you're wrong, kidd.. monkey

Why ya bank account so small, nigger?

My dick is only slightly below average you black jerk

We don't need high IQ to kill you.
We have guns and strength, what do you have?