He may have gotten the tax cuts, and kavanaugh, MUSCA, gained seats in the senate, ended the Iran deal, didn't sign the Paris agreement, negotiated with china, met with Kim and stopped the caravan.
But he's never building the wall
Evan Butler
>HUG TIME Lift up both of your arms, chest to chest hug, arms wrap around your torso under your arms so that I can get maximum arm wrappage. Deep breathe out, then in, then SQUEEEEEEZE Sorry it too awhile for me to respond I was looking for a approximate hug picture to capture the spirit of what I was describing
>Lift up both of your arms, chest to chest hug, arms wrap around your torso under your arms so that I can get maximum arm wrappage. Deep breathe out, then in, then SQUEEEEEEZE >Sorry it too awhile for me to respond I was looking for a approximate hug picture to capture the spirit of what I was describing HAS HUGPOSTING GONE TOO FAR???
Computer uses HDD space when its low on memory, I really have 3gb left but after being online for a while is gets to 0 mb free, and then I get memory error and crashes. >I have a fairy large porn collection
Andrew Barnes
unfortunately i have things to do and won't be able to go to bed for another couple of hours
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "president trump general" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Pic related should place in stark relief what US Pork is going to do to Asia. It sounds like for the past several centuries, acquiring Chinese pork that has NOT been nourished on human feces has been the exception. Imagine literally eating pork raised in those sad societies.
nah my brother watches anime and he already has a backlog for me one piece, jojo, bakkano, lotgh, eva thats right, I havent seen any of them!
Adrian Turner
I dunno weeks always jack off to the voice acting of that show,I find them to be pretty shit So far the only Jap VA animu I've been able to stand in the last decade is that one time I got reincarnated as a slime And even then I hate the childlike pitch they do for remaru
>Enough confusion has clouded a North Carolina congressional race that the state's Board of Elections has announced a delay to certifying Republican Mark Harris' electoral victory over Democrat Dan McCready in the state's 9th district due to "claims of irregularities and fraudulent activities."
>In a 7-2 vote on Friday, the board said it will instead hold a public hearing by Dec. 21 "to assure that the election is determined without taint of fraud or corruption and without irregularities that may have changed the result." It follows a unanimous vote earlier this week to postpone election certification results.
>In a letter sent to the board of elections, North Carolina's Democratic Party made claims of wrongdoing. The Washington Post reported that the State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement has already collected at least six sworn statements from voters in Bladen County alleging that people came to their doors and urged them to hand over their absentee ballots.
>In Bladen and Robeson counties, some 3,400 absentee ballots failed to be mailed back to election officials, according to NPR member station WFAE.
>That equates to 40 percent of mail-in ballots in Bladen County and 64 percent in Robeson, according to a News & Observer analysis.
>Gerry Cohen, an elections expert in North Carolina, told WFAE that when people go through the process to request an absentee ballot, they often return them. "The return rate is usually about 80 or 90 percent," he said. November's unreturned ballots were disproportionately associated with minorities, according to the News & Observer:
>"More than 40 percent of the ballots requested by African Americans and more than 60 percent of those requested by American Indians did not make it back to elections officials. For white voters, that figure was just 17 percent."
>hold a public hearing by Dec. 21 isnt that when trumps electoral fraud report is due?
William Rivera
Is white not a color?
Kevin Campbell
The slime manga is many times better than watching the show.
Wyatt Parker
Because you'll need porn when the internet goes down for good Animu is not essential and more or less a dragging on your life, also if you watch animu post-shtf you deserve to die of radiation poisoning for being a dirty weeb
Luke Barnes
I can always dl the anime again but can't always find the porn, assholes delete what they upload or stop seeding. I can always rely on the autistic kindness of weebs however.
white is all the colors of the rainbow, when they say poc it means a person of only one color usually similar to a turd or really dark urine.
Adrian Thomas
>I can always dl the anime again sometimes you can't user sometimes you can't
Ryder Ramirez
>Current year plus 3 >watching anime kek pleb
Jordan Sanchez
Literally all of those are trash except lotgh(and even that is pretty fukken homo unintentional or not)
Jordan Davis
Actually hold up. The other user is right. Most of those are shit. Watch Eva and LOTGH and that's all on that list.
Zachary Lewis
Agreed, hard as hell to get Anne of Green gables.
Levi Thompson
>one piece, jojo, bakkano, lotgh, eva all that entry level Just watch space dandy my dude
Caleb Reyes
Yes but I hate reading the wrong way, the lack of animation, and no audio It'd be like reading Death March to a Parallel World instead of watching the animu, just all levels of wrong
Hey friend, do you mind if I save this /sip/? I really really like those and I've saved some for future lookings.
Josiah Hall
>why is public bathing still so ill regarded? Because homos turned it into an excuse for sex escapades.
Ryan Thomas
Because people are dirty and bath houses are breeding grounds for diseases The only reason the way Japs do it world is because they wash themselves off at a stool station instead of in the bath itself Saunas are the only public bathhouse type things that are acceptable and they should become far more common than they are in the US
Nolan Stewart
Why, even I got to touch his shoulder and shake his hand during a rally in 2016.
Oliver Bailey
Correct. He should probably avoid animus with almost 1000 episodes for now. They’ll still be pumping out new episodes by the time he gets back around to them!
>i will likely lead a life without shaking president trump's hand It's best for him, I steal a part of people's souls when I look them in the eyes; even if I don't want to.