Why are BLACK women so wet for white men?
Why are BLACK women so wet for white men?
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light chocolate
Their daughters will be beautiful
Niggers on suicide watch. BLACK women belong to us.
AHAHAHAH stay mad niggers. BLACK ass is meant for white men
I want to raise redpilled mullatas
ALL race traitors are subhuman rats
Me on the right
Only when its the women side going for other race
They're going to ask for money when they meet up.
Literally all women love white men because white men are still the apex of evolution and success. The amount of Jewish shilling against white men confirms this, otherwise nobody would give a shit
Remember pol: Breed them, but don't keep them.
Knock em up and drop them down.
Pump a single white baby into them so they become undesirable to black men, but find yourself a good white woman to breed a LARGE family with.
I hope my future daughter Will be beautiful like her
>pictures of some random guy from croatia used
fucking kek
Nope. wh*te bitches ask for money and not superior BLACK women.
You know what I could talk shit but im just gonna send pictures from before I was redpilled and thought race mixing was okay.
Yes she will be if you breed with a beautiful BLACK woman.
would you Jow Forums
That post is fun and all, but I'm betting its fake
Keep them
Black women feel ugly and rejected even the loud ones who seem to be very confident.
Why are you so wet for black women?
Its not, its reality
>Keep them
We're looking to bleach them out here, not mix with them.
Would tittyfuck
based op
>promoting race mixing
>promoting sleeping with sheboons
what the fuck happened to Jow Forums???
Black men BTFO. Just remember that black women are promiscuous so you have a higher chance of getting pozzed.
No I would make a family with many cute biracial children, and raise them properly and redpilled
Would send nudes but my old phone had them
Did brother man at least post the photos of the Croatian dude he used on Tinder?
Also highly relevant to this thread is this video
Thats the majority of BLACK women. That is the exact reason their men are mad and trying to get revenge by fucking our cheap bitches who are just lusting.
>nigger posting
In all fields
yes. Offensive race-mixing. no foul if you move on to make a white family of your own, as well
It's not just blacks. If you are
>in shape
>act white
>come across above average in
>not a sperg
You will get non whites interested in you. In AZ goblinas go after white men mainly.
My deepest fantasy as a woman is to be taken by a large black man. I've never been brave enough to do it because I don't know if I can handle a deep, BBC pounding. There is a man at work I've always fantasized about because I could never betray my husband.
hint: you will get white women as well.
Eurasian Tiger pls go
This gets me thinking. Would i have a chance with black pussy as a tourist? You know, just fly to not too gheto black city in usa and try to get some?
Of course I WOULD. But would I marry? No.
if i didnt have a girlfriend, yes.
>in the meantime, im stroking my shit hoping my gf doesnt wake up
>i need to kms
It should be fact by now that BLACK women are born to white men. They feel insane amounts of pull to the white race, even their men. They feel and are inferior to us.
also kek I bet you wouldn't now
Yes I will. I will have a beautiful mixed family. Want at least 10 kids
I mean our ancestors did literally own them...
>subconsciously being submissive because of ancestral ownage
Black women are underrated af, all other races will dump you but black women are the most faithful and have to put up with nigger men constantly cheating on them, imagine what they would do with a faithful white man on their side?
who cares?
fuck these baboon sluts wanting to suck good genes into their genome
More biracial woman. What your daughter will potentially look like
Forgot pic
or more likely this
You might have a chance m8, I get them real easy