This again.
This again
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I'm lonely. I've done everything right but i'm lonely. I have a great job, hobbies, surrounded myself with people, I'm in great shape
but no one really matches me, as far as personality. I have no problem getting dates but I haven't had a solid relationship in years. In friendship and in dating im always kept at arms length
In love with girlfriend. Hate her family. Hypocrisy is my kryptonite and I'm just killing myself over this. But I love her.
It's just there's not going to be any me left to love her if her family has their rathers.
I know. I know, "leave."
Why do you hate them user?
jesus christ man i'm going fucking nuts over here
please just talk to me, i already feel like a pathetic idiot just asking but please. we can talk about your day or that black pigeon speaks video i saw you looked up at seths house or suicide kings or dark souls or philosophy or politics or just whats bothering you
please. i know im supposed to be used to this but this time it hurts so much. i dont want it to be really be the end this time. life sucks so much without you
I can't wait to see you. A little scared too desu. I think about you all the time. I just discovered another reason why I like you. You remind me of my godmother. You bring me back home.
It's a "where do I start" my guy. Hypocrisy, selfishness, downright cruelty, all bent on self-indulgence. I can throw down anecdotes but then we're really into he-said-she-said. Suffice it to say, it's just a bunch of blue-collar workers being downright morons because muh entitlements and muh hard work.
To give you a taste... If someone you knew and loved was alcoholic, would you support their habit or try to break it believing they will come forth when ready? Genuine question too, input is welcome for perspective (I know where I stand)
I made the mistake of not taking summer classes. I'm lost without the social component of college and the steady stream of stressful assignments and due dates. I'm going to try to get a part time job to hold me over until the fall semester, but if that doesn't go through, I'm going to be stuck in my parents house getting high and shitposting.
I HAVE to be doing something. It's only been four days since my last final and I'm really not doing well mentally. I'm going to lose my fucking mind if I don't find something productive to do.
If I didn't stutter my life would be better by an immeasurable amount.
I want to listen to you stutter while we have passionate sex, user
I find a stutter incredibly hot.
Back the fuck off I already made my move
Hi I have a stutter and call massive bullshit on both of you. Fuck off and die.
I read this in a stuttery voice and now I'm all hot and bothered
Thanks, I really appreciate it!
Yeah, women find it cute at first. It gets old real fast when they realize it will never improve.
>If someone you knew and loved was alcoholic, would you support their habit or try to break it believing they will come forth when ready?
I've dealt with alcoholics in my family. Pushing them to break their habits is always difficult but I believe it's the only way you can truly support someone with an addiction.
Feeling weird about my relationship rn. We've agreed to keep it casual and nothing too serious since we both got out of yearlong relationships very recently. However, I tried kissing her for the first time the other night and she said she wanted to "take it slow"and she "didn't want to rush into anything". I don't understand this at all because I feel like the physical aspect is the main point of a casual romantic relationship and that "taking it slow" is exactly what you do in a committed romantic relationship, which I don't really want right now.
My husband has a pretty severe stutter and I still think it's cute.
>implying I'm a woman
Sounds like she wants you to treat her like your girlfriend, user.
No one listens to me. No one cares what I have to say. I feel so insignificant. I want to cry. I think I'm going to cry
I wish I had a friend who would ask if I'm okay, then when I say yes, they would ask again. I don't get the sense that any friend I have really cares about me. Like they might like to hang around me but I know that if I ever really needed to talk they wouldn't be receptive
I wish I could convey to them how much it hurts to be constantly interrupted and ignored
I understand what you mean. It's like 'surface level' friendship, but it never goes any deeper.
I'd be fine with that desu. I'm hesitant to get into a serious relationship again but I'd be willing to with her because she's really cool and I feel comfortable being myself around her. It just trips me out because I feel like her point was "I feel like we should treat eachother as boyfriend and girlfriend because I don't want to be in a committed relationship right now." It felt very contradictory to me and I'm nervous to bring it up again because I could tell it took her a lot of courage to talk about it the first time.
The first thing you do is you need to evaluate how that person is treating you. Having an addiction does not give a person a pass to inflict physical, mental, and emotional abuse. If that person is causing you harm, walk away without looking back.
With that being said, define the word "support". If you mean giving them money or opportunities to support the addiction, then you are at fault if the addict dies or loses everything he's ever had at a poker game. However, if you mean giving them a place to stay and food to eat as "support", then by all means, do that.
The only thing that, in my experience, works is an intervention. Get your friends and family together and sit this person down. Express love, but give ultimatums.
All tripfags should be put in concentration camps
Right... me too. I believe if someone is sick and ailing it is almost obligation of those who claim to love them to put themselves out there-- and, at times, to represent the hard, but good word. That includes taking an alcoholic off their, ahem, 'medicine.'
...but that would break the cycle. The man might learn his standards, clean himself up, be the man he wants to be. He might hit the dating pool. He's got a vivacious and colorful life behind him... so full of stories and suffering, pain and accomplishment. He's a human being full of life.
But she just keeps feeding him booze. They all keep feeding the habit.
And then there's her. Won't even take doctor's orders, complains she's sick and feeling unwell. That's the total opposite... if we've presented you with the solution and you refuse, what then...? What shall we do? Pity the tragic pitiful?
I'm mad. I'm sad. I'm just... everywhere. I don't know where the vileness begins; I have no idea who's sick and who caught it by contagion. I have no idea who's the root of the issue and who blossomed off of that.
Of course, it's my girlfriend's family. She's not leaving... she's not going to just turn her back on them so they might learn to smarten up. She's the only one with a genuine kind bone in her body; the rest will turn around and leverage any good deed they do.
It's all self-wrought. All their misery and pain, they do it. I can trace each deed to each discomfort, practically. I could make charts and graphs. I could do so much.
I just can't make sense of what I SHOULD do. I love my girlfriend. She's not perfect but neither am I... we understand each other's damage... we understand each other's weaknesses and our strengths.
But this is not one of my strengths. When people want to squander kindness and goodness, all I can think with is anger.. and it's not like me. Passion is. Energy is. But anger is so foreign to me. It twists me up inside, it hurts me physically and mentally.
I'm so tired.
All of my friends are egomaniacs. I guess I'm really only friends with them because i feed their addictions to themselves in exchange for the knowledge I have friends. None of them want anything to do with me personally, and couldn't give a rats ass if i fell off a bridge.
All I really want is someone I can talk to about how lonely I am all the time and put a hand on my shoulder and say that they're there for me. That's it.
Thanks, that gives me hope!
I had a feeling at least one dude was trying to hit on me!
f-f-fuck you a-a-an-non
Well if you are willing to be in a serious relationship with her the first step would be communicating.
That she would be upset or miss me at all is baffling to me. I'm like the human equivalent of a coaster for a drink. And I'm an asshole to boot.
How could she possibly want anything to do with me after everything? I feel like I'm being played. Damnit, why are you upset? Wasn't I supposed to fuck off? You had someone else. Twice. I don't understand this.
Got into a fight with a coworker today and I come home and my best friend decides je wants to shit on me
Goddamn im trying to stay positive but shit like this is making it hard
That happened to me before. My ex of 2 years kept trying to get back into my life. If you really don't want anything to do with her, tell her that. If she can't respect your wishes, ignore her completely.
why'd your friend put you down?
he's just a very negative person
Seven months ago I confessed in one of these threads that I was falling in love with a girl at work and was losing feelings that I had for my long term gf.
Well my gf went through my fucking internet history and found the post. She lost her mind and kicked me out. We broke up.
Months later and I'm in an amazing relationship with the girl at work. Everything is better. My entire life feels like a weight was lifted off of it. I wake up in the morning with intention. I have goals now which all orient my life towards this girl, whereas before that would have felt like a chore.
So, I dunno. I guess I'm just thankful that these threads exist. And if you're out there and you feel like something is not right but you don't really know why, trust yourself. It's not right and it could be better. And that state of betterness could be better than anything you've experienced so far.
I love my girl.
I hope that your current girl repeats the same thing you did and leaves you for another guy.
Enjoy it while you can.
I shoulda stayed with her even though I didn't love her? Don't be bitter my boy.
Why are you a little scared?
Bitter? You're just an inconsiderate person.
You should've broken up with her if you don't didn't love her instead of making her break up with you. Why did you bother wasting her time?
I was willing to make it work, or at least try to. The point of my post was to "get it off my chest" so that I could balance out my mental state. I wasn't cheating on her in any capacity and would have broken up with her had I known me being with my coworker was an inevitability.
I hardly think it's inconsiderate to get something off your chest that you have no intention of acting upon. In fact it's pretty inconsiderate to tank a four year relationship because someone got something off their chest.
I can't wait to shower before bed. My body is all sore, cut and bruised up from my job that I just got home from. Gonna get really high first.
>I can't wait to see you tomorrow night.
>t. Bitter femanon
You must be the bitter one if you think that was any bitter. It's just manners.
>no u
Everything sucked back then
We were friends
I thought that I was dreaming when you said you love me
The start of nothing
I had no chance to prepare
I couldn't see you coming
The start of nothing
I could hate you now
It's quite alright to hate me now
When we both know that deep down
The feeling still deep down is good
He just did what most women usually do. He didn't let go of the other branch before having a firm grip on the new branch. Also, his ex gf stalking like that just shows he made the right choice. Don't be mad about it.
I've played this on repeat the last few days
Life's pretty good for the moment. Got a sudden increase in hours, been making slightly better food choices, even been working out as of late. I think I might hold off on looking for another job until either the hours go back down, or if full time is offered. I'm honestly not planning on staying long, but it'd be nice to get some benefits before the end of the year.
I hope you don't think I'm uglier in person. I'll make myself look good and clean up.
I want to eat a whole book of acid with you.
Cleaning up once isn't good enough. You have to maintain it.
I mean my house.
>picking up other peoples mess.
Me too senpai
I meant your house too.
I'm not going to constantly pick up after people like they're my kids. Fuck off with thinking you know anything about someones life on a GIOFC thread.
>u no nuffin
Then pick up after yourself.
Anybody know how to get my 23 year old sister to stop her 6+ hour anime binge so she can work on
one of her three overdue assignments so she doesn't fail and have to add yet another year onto the time it's taking her to get her undergrad?
I'm actually going to scream. 7 years she's spent trying to finish what's meant to be a 3 year undergrad and her work ethic somehow gets even worse with every class she fails. I can't just sit here and continue to watch her do this to herself. God fucking help her.
Feel like a piece of shit everyday . Lonely af. Want to die all the time.
One year in five days.
I'm shy and I'm afraid I put her on a pedestal so high, it could reach the heavens.
It's odd. I'm excited, yet sad.
Ultimately, it's probably for the best. You'll always wish you could've done things differently, though.
If it holds, I can move on.
If not, then I think I'm going to try to be more honest and genuine, regardless of what that might bring.
slow and steady wins the race
getting mad at her is not going to make her achieve milestones at a pace you've personally decided is best
if you're genuinely worried, ask her (in a non-accusing way) if she still feels motivated, or if she wants to switch majors
but she's grown and it's not really your role to be telling her to do her homework
The great thing about mistakes is that once you made them and learned from them, you won't eventually make them again. That way, life gets easier as time passes.
Doesn't make making similar mistakes any less annoying, unfortunately.
Same position. My closest friends are novels. Im just friendly to people, say hello and the required small talk. I know I'm supposed to actively work to cultivate friendships, but there isn't anybody to cultivate a friendship with. I guess the answer is to take classes in things. Maybe a jiu-jitsu class or a writers workshop and put in the effort required to grow friendships and a closeness to people. I got put in a shared house during university and grew very close to all the people inside, but since graduating and moving away, I'm lonely.
You're the fucking president of your club now. You look so empty inside. The comments under your profile picture are insipid, there is no emotions, just some meaningless ass licking. You're on the other side now.
Remember when we used to make fun of girls like you ? Girls who have nothing to bring ? Girls who are empty ? You're one of them now. You wanted to change, and you became the girl who you hated.
Maybe that is just me that is angry because I'm not with you anymore. Maybe I became something I used to hate. Maybe its because I'm no longer that limp wristed faggot who was so infuated that you couldn't do wrong. Well you can now bitch.
The shitty part about all of this is that I'll probably do some important stuff. Fuck this I'll do stuff. You'll amount to nothing. A fucking blip in my life, a window into a happiness with you, and the subsequent destruction of all hope. Be happy with your new "man". Pretend everything is fine as you empty everything that made you, you.
Nothing of this dumb shit matters anyway.
Can I get some tips for breaking bad habits? I've been playing a certain game for YEARS now and going to this online community thing forever and I just realized I want to stop doing it and leave it all behind
Its hard but anyway of taking my mind off of it?
I just remembered this Rogan Podcast. The guy had a chronic stutter and managed to fix it... It does involve magic mushrooms, and an incredible story about being stuck clinging to the top of a tree in a fierce storm with lightning around him, but there a may be something in the psychology of his story that could help you.
I've never learned how to make friends
Everyone has friends and companions
All my hobbies I do alone
My best was a dog and he died this year
I want to be better
you disappeared
so i severed the connection
if you wanted to talk to me, you would have in the months you were silent
i could take that as you finding another
i was just for practice, wasnt i?
i shall treat you as you did me, an object. if you decided i was never treasure,d then i will make you trash in my life forever
the kind that recycling cannot help
Everyone has the same automatic, unconscious way that we experience the boring, frustrating, crowded parts of adult life and we're each operating on the same automatic, unconscious belief that "I" am the centre of the world and that my immediate needs and feelings are what determines all priorities.
Add Jow Forums to that list of bad habits
I tried talking to you and you ignored my advances, I thought I was annoying and felt disgusting so I left you alone.
I tried talking to you every now and again, you would ignore me and the one time you started a conversation you told me mid conversation that you meant to write the first thing to someone else.
Then I do the same thing you did to me to you once, I see you write hi after silence and you go bonkers like I left you hanging.
There is nobody else, you were the one who lied about being alone not me. I forgave you for that too, like I did with every time you straight up ignored me.
So now what do you want from me? I do not want anything from you at all, I thought you were gonna be someone but you are not the one I want.
Sure I am a piece of shit and I'm a huge cunt, but I will not be made responsible for this.
I tried to be close to you, you did not want me. Don't put this on me, it's on you and don't pretend that I'm the one who goes out of this the winner.
In the end I'm still alone, only hurt more than I was before because of your actions towards me while you still have your friends and maybe even boyfriend of fuckbuddy for all I know.
>its a "someone replies to your venting"episode
To my beautiful Princess
I hope you are doing well. I see you so often at work and want to talk to you but am afraid that maybe you don't want to reconnect after so long. It is still nice to see you and hear that melodic voice of yours. Hope you have a nice day and know that you will always be my Princess. I love you
To the Green woman
FUCK YOU you sick abusive woman. I hate you
Thanks for letting me project my anger
1- Our relationship is so dysfunctional. I was in love with you for a long time. I don't think I am anymore. Youre a little emotionally abusive. At work you pride yourself on being manipulative. This isn't healthy for me. Of course as I start being interested in someone else you become Mr Give a Shit. Do you have a 6th sense or something? Truthfully regardless of #2 I should stop sleeping with you, hopefully remain friends. Maybe it will make me feel less crazy.
2- We are so different. Im not sure you like me so much as youre lonely. Thats okay. I know I'm just a place holder for you. And you should be for me too. But do I completely break things off with my unhealthy safe bet for you? You're visiting your muse soon, what happens when you two get back together. Does she know I exist?
/sigh. I've never really done the fwb thing. I don't know how to proceed. Maybe I won't mess with either of you. I don't know how to act casual. I don't like feeling so vulnerable and insecure.
Nice going, idiot. Fwb don't work.
Doubtful that the person you're interested in wants to be with you given your shitshow of intimate relationships and opposition to a real bf/gf partnered relationship
So I should be celibate and leave them both alone?
You should stop being promiscuous.
Try joining a group for your activity on social media. Depending on the activity, groups will often hold events, get togethers, and even excursions.
Good way to have fun, and be social.
Oh no I would totally be down for a partnered relationship. In fact I'm a LTR kind of person. That's why idk wtf I'm doing here.
The first guy had me on a shelf for years. So there's some obvious issues attached to that. I've gone back and forth about not wanting to be intimate with him a lot.
Then I randomly meet other guy who is cool AF and has made advances but is in love with his ex who lives in another state.
I think I'm just gonna be alone for now. I am clearly just a person that can't handle casual sex.
This is only getting to get worse, no realistic reason or action to make it better.
When realistic action doesn't work, take unrealistic action, and believe in the heart of the cards.
My gf is genuinely worried that I'll get bored of her and start crushing on other girls. She told me the other day that after talking with her friends, she thought it over and would be okay with me looking at other girls as long as I didn't cheat, and we could discuss an open relationship if I really got stuck on some other girl.
This isn't the first instance of her friends seemingly telling her that I'll probably fuck around with hotter girls. It's an incredibly strange and frustrating feel. Am I actually attractive enough for this to be a concern, or are they just being cunts to her? Either way, I don't like having these little voices in her ear making her fear that she's not all that I want. She's the type of girl I'm dating with the thought of marriage when our lives are more stable, and that's very rare for me.
Sit her down, and talk with her.
Look, I made the mistake of not acting quick enough the first time. The second time you made it clear you liked me, university work was piling up and you know that. You were in the same course. It was affecting you too. I don't like that you're pulling away from me. It feels like you think I'm toying with you. I'm not. I still really like you and I want to see if we can make a thing of this. All I ask if that you wait a few weeks for these exams of ours to be done and then give me one date. You'll see how well we fit. You'll see I was sincere.
Don't throw all this potential away out of insecurity.
I'm going to bring it up when we're together this week. This is definitely not something she needs to feel concerned or insecure about.
I want to move to a different county and just study a language, but I don't have the funds to do that. And even if I did it would ruin my future career. I hate how boring my life is and I hate that I don't have the balls and/or will to change it.
I want to manifest Happiness in my life and I know what to ask for but I'm too afraid of the Happiness I'll feel and that's pretty fucking annoying because I want to be Happy.
I'd gotten my girlfriend a promise ring of sorts when we had first begun dating, and she quite loved it. Calmed her down quite a bit, and she was excited to be able to choose one for me as well. That may not be your style, but symbolic gifts can sometimes help smooth things over.
I find it easy to read people and hard to trust anyone. It's getting harder and harder everyday. It's not about flaws, just knowing about their intentions and motivations through their actions mostly puts me off.
New at work. Really hope my team leader is attracted to men and especially to me. He’s so funny and adorable and not disgusting at all, he’s tall and big and not too macho, but he’s not disgustingly feminine as well. I really want to hug him. But so far he’s been showing signs that he’s heterosexual. But I still hope he’s into men.
They're trying to push her into cheating "before he does". Talk to her, then talk to her friends. Make it clear, in no uncertain terms, that you won't let yourself be talked about like that.
I was able to handle it for a few years. I started improving myself, at least to a point where I wasn't completely alienated and isolated. I took a few risks here and there, thinking myself still as weak and pathetic but somehow going forward. I managed to make a few friends, very few enemies and overall people were fine with me despite being such a loser. I went on still with several issues that I wasn't willing to talk about, stagnating and feeling as though it was beginning to be pointless.
Last year I dropped the fucking ball. After a long time I still have the same important issues, success is somewhere else and not so measurable and everytime I get to a certain situation I quickly try to get away from it and get really anxious about it. I decided to drop out from it late enough and I'm left in a situation that is not extremely different from where I was a decade ago. I feel like there's no future for me, I have no prospects, no goals, I'm way too old to fuck up this way and the only thing that keeps me going is that my family and a few friends do not entirely hate me. I cut contact with many, many people without giving a reason or an explanation.