Assuming some of you are not faggots and have sex or may have sex at some point in the future.
You guys going to take male birth control pill?
>you goys gonna fuck up your hormones, yes? Otherwise you're an incel
lmao that is for the pussywhipped betas
not the supreme omegas such as us
Side effects include extreme muscular and hair growth.
I’m hot
I fucked your ex wife last night OP.
a working male birthcontrol pill would revolutionize society. Nigs looking to fug would be all over it and unplanned pregnancies would plummet. Men don't want inconvenient children. Women do. Women being in charge of birth control is like putting the bank robber in charge of security.
See the bc pill came about so that MARRIED women could deny their husbands children. Only women who didnt want children but whose husband insisted they have more would even be in the market for a pill like this.
Getting pregnant from whoring around is the secret plan of women. Hidden even from themselves. Their behavior is impulse driven and those impulses evolved to motivate breeding.
A male birth control pill would at least allow men to not have to choose between safety and abstinence.
Fuck no. It's like Patrice O'Neal said, safe sex is a woman's responsibility.
Because women never lie about being on the pill.
4reals? Sign me up.