I was a conservative/republican until the 2016 primaries. I have always hated trump, and still do quite vehemently...

i was a conservative/republican until the 2016 primaries. I have always hated trump, and still do quite vehemently, even before he entered the political sphere because I felt people like him epitomized what was wrong with our country. I have found myself agreeing more with leftist politicians recently not because I always agree with them, but because I don't see a viable conservative alternative. I never liked Obama but I never felt embarrassed that he was my president. I can't say the same for Trump. Anyone else know that feel?

Attached: obama.jpg (700x485, 50K)

No. You’re just a faggot that only cares about image.

nice blogpost faggot. i didn't read.

Obama didn’t give a shit about this country. Trump does. What’s up with all you little annoying pussies being “embarrassed.”? Grow a pair

Obama is a gay nigger if if if if if if if if if if

Yikes! Looks like it is as easy as they say to work Jow Forumstards into a seething shoot
>/awsp/chadddddds fotgovmr i am dad nosw./asp/is b asd fuxk of

>I am embarrassed that Trump is my president!

Attached: B37CBA7A-3124-4ABC-A752-01F629DC4C9D.jpg (939x826, 201K)

Cool story. Nice blog post, faggot. Kys.

Attached: 4hsj65aula121.png (900x672, 835K)

Happy Hanukkah

gay. sage.