There's lots of tension in France right now, a majority of people fucking loath Macron and many want to get rid of this government... I don't know how far this will go...But it's not looking good at all. This is what some parts of Paris look like:
I'm sure it will all be settled down by morning. Sleepy It's just a few young people letting off some steam Sleepy There is no sense staying up all night worrying about it Sleepy Go to bed
Carson Sanders
I actually just woke up very early. It's 7:45am
Jackson Bennett
Shut the fuck Jew. Your days are numbered. This is just the beginning.
Ayden Watson
this is why I will never give up my guns. let these faggots come into a room with americans holding guns and pull this shit. mother fuckers would be dropping like my sick beats on
Connor Taylor
Eli Taylor
Nothing to see. Just a few African youths enjoying a Saturday night. Go to bed.
Owen Lee
>not looking good at all What are you talking about, this shit is decades overdue
Joseph Price
you can do it, frogs. beat the living shit out of these niggers.
More proof that France is a crypto-communist country. Is always has been. We pretend we're not communists but that's exactly what we are.
Kevin Collins
I would probably join in attacking journalists too in between attacking police
Dylan Garcia
nobody expects you to contain your prisoner nigger genetics son so don't sweat it
Austin Ross
where are the women in the revolution this thing is misogynistic¡¡ fuck this crap
Logan Clark
screeching in the backliness
lmao look at the cucks just sitting and watrching their buddy get taken away by one police man, should have surrounded him and thrown him the fuck out
Bentley Harris
God I can't wait til this shit starts happening in my country. Sadly I have a girlfriend and a child in about a month or so, and I must dedicate myself to them and their protection from now on.
This is Euromaiden tier shit, shooting unarmed civvies and whatnot. IDK what the fuck is going through these pigs' heads when they tell their sharpshooters to drop a guy in the middle of a protest where thousands of people are watching and recording.
Benjamin Cooper
and guess what? not a single fucking thing is going to change
Also kikes and American boomers, but mostly Israeli kikes are gonna come in here and kvetch about optics or how the yellow jackets aren't muh peaceful protestors. Simple general counter-signalling. I didn't think these protests would turn into anything so I'm fucking shocked, and I sincerely hope these yellow jacket guys learn and adapt to the tactics of the now AKA stop giving a fuck and start dropping the pigs. It's brutish, ugly, violent, and you risk dying in the process but any French anons if there's any time to be violent it's now. Just be smart about it. Opportunism in this kind of guerrilla urban combat is key.
Not advocating for you to kill police no sir :^))) Also theoretically rich Jews in Paris could also die amidst the chaos depending on which neighborhoods they live in but I'm totally not saying to do anything.
Also those snipers as depicted in some webms are in positions that can be ambushed, it's not like they got guys watching the stairwells to the buildings they're on the roofs of so yeah. Not suggesting anything. Webm related
cops work for the pedophile politicians and billionaires, they are not your friends
Benjamin Morris
Do your part, your colonies need you to.
When it rains in France it'll make the rest of the world sprinkle
Brandon Rodriguez
siphon some gas and empty out those vodka bottles
James Sanchez
Easy to deal with especially with friends, the real issue is they prolly got riot cops all around the front and back of the building for unrelated activities, still enough of a picket to stop someone from sneaking in with a gat and killing the observers/marksmen. IDK, enough chaos around the building and the odds of doing that get better
I know they are and it's not going to work, they have to fight back. The idea of "peaceful protest" dies when the state's forces start picking people off in deadly contest and that's what they're doing. The idea is they kill enough people and beat enough people up and the protestors will be too scared to stand up again or will be softened up enough for them to use other dispersion tactics. But I don't understand why they keep killing unarmed dudes this is East Europe shithole tier policing and I know if it happened in one of our cities today there'd be anarchy.
Jace Barnes
>gibs out the ass for the "youths" and social services >taxes out the ass to pay for it all, with the working class getting hit the hardest > >gee, I don't see how a conflict can rise out of this
Remember socialists: it only works if everyone puts in equal amounts of work
Owen Morgan
>there's several you can't - snipers aren't supposed to be seen. Ik Those snipers aren't watching the other fireteams though that's the thing. So it might be like a one time deal but if people started doing guerrilla shit like every once in a while pick off those fuckers when they don't expect it, shit could change for the better or for the worse. Worse leads to better though because a more bold and brash pig response would just galvanize the protestors/rioters more.
>There'd be anarchy maybe if it was white on black in the middle of a black city and NBC played it nonstop
Leo Martinez
You brought a child into the world knowing that we're going to be at a turning point?
True. We rise.
Robert Martinez
I want to say you're wrong and a retard bro but it's really looking that bad nowadays. I'd like to think boomers would keep their word and chimp out if police started killing people for protesting.
Mason Brown
>Sadly I have a girlfriend and a child in about a month or so I know how this is the new hip thing to have bastard children, but its nearly as fucking degenerate as being a fag. kys scum
CRASHING THIS BOARD WITH NO SURVIVORS Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic. If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. See that Descartes quote about acting like a fool and good company. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums
You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.
Liam Parker
No one cares about this faggot. Stop posting it
Alexander Cox
He's probably some IDF dude in a govt call center in Haifa. No lie. It's like 3 AM here in Murrica and it's midday in Israel about.
Charles Perez
>The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. oh look its a LITERAL paid propaganda post. >Ill just repeat an untruth endless to make it appear true >trust me guys im one of you! ive been here since the beginning! I've been here a very long time and I would never start a post that way. >Uses tedx as a source fuck off.
screen cap this fucking post, i bet you'll see similarly styled posts spouting the same garbage.
Those are just lemmings man. There are thinking boomers it's just they're busy fucking around like most young peers of ours who also aren't lems. And by fucking around I mean tricking themselves and lulling themselves to proverbial sleep by tithing charities and paying lip service to whatever stupid suburban cause comes up.
>Oh there's problems in the world? >Oh America has no culture? >Oh the multi-racialism question is rearing its head again w/ negro on white crime and riots? >The free market/government/constitution will fix it!!!
Bruh we aren't going towards a cyperpunk future at all we're going towards a WH40K future I swear
Parker Lewis
>only a kike would shame somebody for having a kid, you're a shill fuck off and die >bro i fucked some half nigger chink mutt outside of marriage and got her pregnant, but its still a kid right lmao XDDD >we did it!!11 the west is saved!1 single mother in....
Assuming his kid is white you're a tard to diss him for having a kid, and should instead scold him that he isn't engaged to the girl or at least in a de facto marriage.
Leo White
good. journalists all should be shot
Jackson Lopez
Colton Ortiz
Baste and redpilled
Gabriel Price
bastard children are a sign of degeneracy. he's right and you know it deep inside.
Luis Garcia
if shills like this are truly representative of "oldfags", then it must have been fucking gay back in the day.
the reason why many like me come is for the rare, juicy political info noplace else covers. take your fruity bullshit elsewhere
Hunter Howard
Bro when are the recreational nukes coming out?
Grayson Foster
>Assuming his kid is white you're a tard to diss him for having a kid having a kid outside of marriage you fucking moron, hence why I said "bastard children". marrying women for mistakes is honestly pretty shitty too says the kike who wills the destruction of traditional families
Yeah, because if people are unwilling to tolerate a few cents more on fuel costs they will surely tolerate an all powerful God King who treats them as cattle lol.
Logan Foster
Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Henry Gray
>marrying women for mistakes is honestly pretty shitty too Mistakes into miracles. If it's a white kid and the girl isn't some fucking roastie cunt who will leave for no good reason it's fine. Stop being a puritan faggot especially when people are up to much worse. Actually yeah why are you sperging over this in a thread about France? You aware of the fag problem? Racemixing? Kikes trying to coopt AI technology to fuck gentiles over?
Watch for yourself.
You'd be shocked what people are willing to put up with.
They will use us against the immigrant riots, they will use the immigrants against us and other immigrants
It's what they did during Tiananmen too
You can only be free and equal amongst your own kind.
Joseph Rodriguez
spoiler: Tiananmen square was literally triggered by china giving preferential treatement to niggers. Sound familiar?
Michael Allen
dare not to sleep
Jason Garcia
good for you bro, no worries though. no man should march into battle who has not had his first son, you are ready now, your line will live on, you now have a cause worth fighting for
Nathaniel Williams
i think the next best step is to start burning government offices and buildings, burning cars is great, but they dont cost much, buildings are expensive. the french need some pyros and arsonists to really get things to the next level
Thomas Watson
This unironically.
Cameron Garcia
>Mistakes into miracles. If it's a white kid and the girl isn't some fucking roastie cunt who will leave for no good reason it's fine. its not fucking fine nigger. this is part of how we got here in the first place. casual relationships with casual commitments. lmao just like divorce him XDDDDD. which lead to shitty children and single shitty mothers, and a society that places emphasis on the casual experience. >muh puritan Not really, all the moron had to do was protect himself >You aware of the fag problem? Racemixing? Kikes trying to coopt AI technology to fuck gentiles over? yea and it sure fucking helps when the smallest units of society are zogged to their core.
Noah Ortiz
Can you make a thread about it and stop shitting this one up?
Owen Young
You are right. And it is starting to go that way
pic related, one of the multiple taxes centers that has been walled
people are turning against the centralized oppressive state (we call that jacobinism) and it is for the best, although the repression will become far more violent now.
This Also bro it sounds like you have a story to tell. Make a fucking thread and lay it on us man.
Sebastian Long
>Can you make a thread about it and stop shitting this one up? no because nothing will happen in france anyway. its over, there is too much fucking bread and circus for the multicult loving baguette niggers to do anything.
Isaac Wood
boys where can I get a quick rundown on the the fuck is happening in Frogland
France has been in dire need of this for quite some time. Anyone that yells muh optics is either a faggot or shill trying to get the news to die down
Kevin Howard
easy non-optics answer would be to shoot the snipers, the french police dont want to admit that they had trained professionals aiming sniper rifles at unarmed protesters
Caleb Martinez
French anons, are you guys done? Is this just a weekend thing?