He seems like a good liberal. He sees how rediculous SJWs are and denounces them, and is one of the most outspoken critics of Islam. Sam Harris talks more shit about Islamists than Trump. He also demolished Cenk from TYT in a debate.
He is also a master meditation teacher. He hates religion but teaches Buddhist meditation. Based AF.
Joseph Adams
>mother was Ashkenazi >said white nationalism is the worst form of racism >shills his ‘meditation app’ while shitting on religion >believes income inequality is a looming crisis >says Trump needs to be stopped no matter what Hmm... I wonder why Jow Forums doesn’t like him?
>Is that really what Buddhism is? Sort of, one of the central teachings in Mahayana Buddhism, for instance, is Emptiness: the egolessness of all things. Nothing actually has independent existence, including yourself. This is also the teaching of Anatman, you actually have no permenant self.
So... fuck, Sam Harris is promoting Buddhist ideas in a secular context.
Easton Allen
Dictionary Definition of Psuedo-Intellectual. Dabbles in philosophies and asserts his opinions as fact. Touts his degree as if prominent member that has made impact in his field, when nobody in his field study even acknowledges that man ever existed. I'm not fan obviously.
Aiden Clark
I wish he died instead of Christopher Hitchens.
James Rogers
He’s literally a Jew. Fuck off
Hudson Nelson
Hinduism doesn’t deny the existence of the self or the individual, like Harris does. He’s just twisting doctrine to push his commie BS. Also he doesn’t believe in reincarnation or karma. Hinduism in India has become a joke, it’s even worse when exported to the west.
Jack Roberts
boring dumb english utilitarian scum
Mason Adams
>I wish he died instead of Christopher Hitchens. both jews. even now greatest intellectual conservatives have is ben shapiro. we're only 2% of the population. White people truly are niggers compare to jews.
Sam Harris should do this more often. Even though he's a liberal, he hates SJWs and exposes them when he can. He has also done this against Reza Aslan and Glenn Greenwald (the guy that broke the Snowden story).
Gavin Johnson
>neuroscientist >doesn't believe in metaphysics Call me when he can show me how much the mind weighs...
Thanks for the link, I watched it. Affleck was throwing a fit like a toddler. Harris: "I'm saying 20% of them hold beliefs that are non-liberal" Affleck: "That's racist, you can't make blanket statements about all of Islam!"
i too enjoy strawman cartoons made by someone who enjoys being intellectually dishonest because he has no actual arguments.
Josiah Young
The problem of induction is insoluble for empiricism.
Wyatt Hughes
>good liberal Trump is about as liberal as someone should be in the upcoming years. America is gonna go so far right so fast, even you guys are gonna be uncomfortable with it.
Mason Robinson
Wow, I didn't know Affleck was such a hysterical faggot
Ryder Fisher
The 1st Century Christians were not concerned with liberating Israel. This was obvious because Jesus predicting the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD at the hands of Tiberius Cesar. This was God letting the Jews know he was done with them. Not only did they destroy the temple but all the records of Jewish genealogy going back to Abraham himself. No Jew on Earth could prove their lineage after that anymore. The Age of Israel was over and remained over to this day.
The (((Israel))) and (((Jews))) that you know of today are not the continuation of that Israel up above. They are descendants of Talmudism which descendend from Babylonian Mysticism. The Israel and Jews you are resisting today are the Synagogue of Satan. (((Christians))) are also a part of them as well. - American user
Let's complicate simple ideas by mummifying them in verbosity and if I say it in a calm voice I'll be taken seriously. >hasn't named the new Fucking hell, Chomsky is liberal as fuck and still called out the tribe
Henry Smith
I lost all respect for him as an intellectual when he fell apart at Trump's election. I didn't always agree with him before then, but I saw the intellectual integrity of his arguments. His Trump derangement however is absolutely devoid of rationalism though. Not that I'm a Trump worshiper, but my beefs with Trump are based in actual policy disagreement, not "hurr he's a fascist liar liar pants on fire."
Brandon Walker
You bring up David Hume? He is one of the only Western philosophers who agrees with Sam Harris that the Self is an illusion.David Hume and Sam Harris likely agree on far more than they disagree. He is not a Mech that beats him into submission. web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/web publishing/TreatiseI.iv.vi.htm
Isaac Foster
William Thompson
>Wow, I didn't know Affleck was such a hysterical faggot And there's no chance Affleck, as retarded as he is, would ever appear with a conservative, so we must rely on good liberals, like Sam, to put them in their place.
This is where Jow Forums fails. It needs to realize there are good liberals mostly on our side who can reach a wider audience than we ever can.
Justin Roberts
It doesn't matter if they're sympathetic to one another, the point is that the problem of induction philosophically decimates empiricism. It is shattered. Empty. Done. Rationally unjustifiable. You can IGNORE IT, which is what most people do, but in terms of being philosophically serious you're fucking dead in the water. Forever and always.
Joseph Rodriguez
Unlike most liberals, he admits he literally had Trump Derangement Syndrome, and had a pro-Trump guest on to help him see the other point of view (the creator of the Milbert cartoon I think). He actually makes an effort, that needs to be respected. Most liberals do not.
Ryan Rivera
The "good liberal" still wants to plunge the west into the darkness of the unknown. Fundamentally, they are experimentalist, with nary a concern for unforeseen outcomes. And in some cases, I suspect, it's even more nefarious than that. Some of them see the darkness on the horizon and race toward it anyway.
Kevin Howard
Another unwitting faggot who got famous. He doesn't even know why, he just knows that is he keeps spewing the nonsense that got him famous he will please whatever overlord Kike gave him the thumbs up.. He's pretty much irrelevant though
James Richardson
I have observed it happening since 2016. DSA, Democrats, Republicucks and Cuckservatives are going to push more further right.
Luis Reyes
I'm enjoying his fade into irrelevancy. I'm sure seeing some goy like Peterson get more popular than him, must be seething.
Cannot fucking stand him -- and it's not because he's non-anti-religion, it's because he's a self-serving egomaniac who only wants to take all credit for great ideas and acknowledge no one else.
He's the typical blue-eyed narcissist -- it seems you simply cannot slap noticeably blue eyes in a person without them being a completely self-absorbed egoNazi like Nellie Olsen or King Joffrey or Jack Dorsey.
Blue-eyed people only ever exist for themselves. It's genetic.
One of the few guys with the courage to admit that Asians and Whites are far more intelligent than beaners and nigs.
Dominic Harris
Well for one it's easy to believe in a specific aspect of religion without becoming religious yourself. Most people would say 'not stealing' is a good rule to live by. However they may not be christian or believe in the ten commandments.
I think with Sam here, rather then get this idea of 'no self' from Buddhism, I think he has arrived at the same conclusion that Buddhists did but through his own reason.
Also 'dude who hates religion'; I wouldn't disagree with that but I think he's more concentrated on religions that fuck up society(Catholics raping kids, Muslims causing terrorism to become the norm etc). But - why most of their ideas about reality are probably incorrect - Buddhists haven't really fucked up shit at all recently. So he has no reason to 'hate' them.
Ryan Jones
>I think he has arrived at the same conclusion that Buddhists did but through his own reason. Most of your response is correct, but this part actually isn'. I only know this since I bought his meditation app. He actually took ecstasy and decided that there was something important about loving your neighbor, and moved to India for literally ten years and studies meditation with Buddhist teachers.
Sam even talks about it openly in "Waking Up", he loves Buddhism, but it is indeed somewhat due to them not having any major atrocities associated with them. This was before the Myanmar crisis BTW.
Blake Jackson
Does anyone else think he looks like a more sexy version of Ben Stiller?