ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Other urls found in this thread:

So a girl I've been talking to phoned me at like midnight on a work night crying wanting to hear a friendly voice.

Is that a friendzone meme?

I called her the next day to see how she was doing and she called it a "cute call from bae"

>girl told me she likes me
>failed to ask her out in the ensuing weeks due to being swamped with uni work
>ask her out when I'm free and she says she's too busy now
I'll only have one more chance to see this girl in person possibly ever. How do I make it clear that I want to see if there's something there between us? How do I do so while maximising my chance of success and minimising the chance of bitterness on her end from me moving too slow or whatever?

Guys, would you feel your girlfriend was putting in less effort if she stopped wearing makeup around you? I've generally worn makeup around my boyfriend, but I've recently stopped wearing it all the time. Oh, and I've never caked it on or anything, but I just look more 'put together' when I wear it.

Na. Shows you're comfortable around me.


When you say “of course girls like bigger penis, as long as it’s not too big.” But then the guy you really love is small, would you still marry him? But if you DO marry him, would your lust for big penises go away?

Girls, should I try to ask out this woman I met a second time, or wait for her to respond? I met her a week ago at work and apparently she tried to ask me out first for drinks but was too shy to ask me out directly. I heard about this and then got her number through a mutual acquaintance last Thursday and asked out for this weekend. She sounded excited said she would let me know as it was her grad weekend but I haven’t heard from her since. As a note I have not replied to her since she said she would definitely let me know.

Went out last night with a girl I mentioned in a past thread. We had fun; she's easy to talk to and fun to be around. But the whole thing was kind of a let down. I've been at anxiety mode 100% getting ready for this and anticipating it and she came like it was just another hangout with a friend. Didn't dress up for me or gussy herself up or anything. Meanwhile I was dressed as sharp as possible, no hair out of place. It felt like I misread the situation in a huge way. Oh well, never hurts to have more friends heh

Hello girls, if a guy you really click with turns out having no close friend at all, would that be a big deal?

Just use introspection, my dude.
If you see a hot bod walking down the street, are you going to be attracted to it?

Getting married won't erase human nature. Not for you, or your spouse. Marriage is a big fucking deal, man. If you aren't sure, don't rush into it.

How will one ever be sure about marriage? Are they bluepilled about human nature?


Why? But he clicked with you.

>work with a grill
>helping her pack things into a box and tape it up
>hold the box while she tapes it
>hands just
>not just for a moment, they connect and linger for a few seconds
>neither of us flinch or pull back
>happens a few more times
This is not accidental, right? Am I in there?

Not really, no. It'd be a bit of a red flag but if he's otherwise fine it's not a big deal.

If he doesn't have friends it means that I will be his only social outlet and he will probably act clingy during the relationship and totally psychotic after a break up. And anyway well-adjusted people have friends so it would be a red flag for me

Maybe she felt comfortable enough with you, or felt the need to show her true self to you from the start.

Is it embarassing to have a bf that doesn’t have friends?

But social people can be clingy too. Plus if he doesn’t have friends maybe his hobbies have already replaced friendship in his heart? Like it’s not like he can’t make friends, it’s just that he doesn’t want to.

What if he’s highly intelligent that he can’t relate with most people and he finds small talks pointless? Not everyone is the same, not every friendless people want friends, some just don’t want friends.

Nah. My boyfriend is a huge recluse, has no friends who live nearby (even if he has two friends who live in other countries) and I don't mind it.
I like that it is just us, I don't really see who I need to impress with my boyfriend's social circle.

That just seems like wishful thinking to me. In my experience, girls that have been really "comfortable" with me early on in a relationship didn't want anything but friendship. I believe people typically put their best foot forward when they like someone.

A friend of mine that confessed her feelings for me showed up to our first date wearing a hoodie, leggings and had her hair still wet from a shower. It wasn't because she had no interest in me. She's the one who asked me out after all.

Is it common for women to only want to fuck until they cum? My ex just left the room after she was finished. I have a few factors making it hard for me to cum during sex. I only ever came like 3 times with her.
>stage fright
>death grip

There's a reason she's your ex.

How do i end a first date?
I plan to go for a lunch, then later another place for a dessert.
But how do i end it after that?
"Oh look at the time, wanna go back?"
will sounds like i'm not interested at the date at all.

But if i drag it too long, it seems like it's never ending.
Can i uses some fake excuses?
"I'm gonna meet someone later, so let's go."
"I'm gonna use the bathroom" , and then casually end the date after that.

I really don't wanna screw up this.
Please send help~!!

>But social people can be clingy too
Yea, but chances are that a guy who has no social outlet will be more clingy and needy than a guy who has some friends
>What if he’s highly intelligent that he can’t relate with most people and he finds small talks pointless?
This argument is completely out of your ass. If he is intelligent he should be able to use his intelligence to contact with people easier and understand them better, or find friends equally intelligent. And personally I think that not wanting to have friends is a huge red, so I would nope out of a possible relationship with a guy who aspires to be a lone wolf anyway.

That's interesting. She did effectively ask me out. We had been hanging for a couple months in a group, but she was strongly hinting at doing something outside of our group meetups. She immediately and eagerly agreed to it when I brought it up and showed up early at our meetup spot. I also showed up early because I thought she would need some time to get ready as women I deal with typically take 2 hours to get ready and show up fashionably late. I guess I'm just confused. I feel like I'm getting mixed messages.

I didn't break up with her because of that.

You're just reading into it. I'd bet your meet-up spot wasn't a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant, was it? Probably just a nice walk round the town or something, right?

It shows she's selfish though.

We went to see a movie

There is no one answer for this. You'll just have to go with what feels best at the time. Some dates you never want to end.

When the time comes, you can offer to walk her home or to a taxi/her car or whatever.

>know this guy for a number of months
>already get on with him
>go to see a movie with him
No need to dress up too much.

Yeah, she dressed to see a movie with someone she's known for months at this point. If you had gone for dinner, she'd have dressed nice.

Sure it's dark in the cinema, you wouldn't see her anyway.


Thank you. I needed a more balanced perspective on this. I'm not overly invested but I consistently enjoy the time I spend with her and I believe the feeling is mutual. I'll play it by ear and see how it goes from here. After all, a little uncertainty is part of the excitement

>After all, a little uncertainty is part of the excitement
This is true. If you get a second date you'll have your answer anyway.

Some girls do not need it to begin with
Some overdo it wayy to hard and it looks like shit
Some girls can apply makeup very well and the difference is striking, but it shouldnt be a deal breaker for most guys.
but if you feel fine not wearing it id be fine with it.

Dont ask again it will make you look desperate


Oh, I agree. I thought you were implying she left me because I couldn't cum

Its other way around
Highly intelligent people have troubles communicating with most people because they cant relate to eachother.

Highly intelligent people can hold smalltalk bullshit, but they very much dislike it and it bores them.
they also have very small circles of friends, but they can touch any topic with them, from politics, through religion beliefs, love, science, and more. Aka someyhing normal people cant relate to or cant understand.

T. Not intelligent guy

It depends really. I could see it being a problem if she never used it again, and quit trying in other parts of the relationship.
On the other hand if she is just dropping by to see me and hang after work ofc I don't expect it.
I'd rather she do what feels comfortable most of the time, but would be nice to put in the effort for date night and stuff

So, I have this friend, we've been friends since 6th grade, and competitive in everything. Sometimes I did something first and sometimes she did.

Like bf's, losing our virginity, grades, cheerleading, university and now we're both engaged to marry. My date was set first and want to make sure I marry first and don't want to move it.

But I have a problem. We also were pretty close with the number of guys we've been with and kinda accepted she will win this one but she told me a few days ago she just had sex with a guy both of us wanted before we got engaged.

Her fiancee travels so she had an opportunity and mine doesn't, and keeps a close eye on me so the only way I can have sex with the same guy is to break the engagement. If I break the engagement and then reschedule, it probably wouldn't be before she marries.

So, how can I keep her from winning both?
I don't want to tell her fiancee what she did but could or maybe have a two day break (I already text the guy and he will come over anytime) and keep my wedding date?

what the fuck

You both have issues
Go fuck eachother

Pls let this b bait
Why are you marrying a guy if you want to sleep with other guys?

I hadn't even really given any thought to asking her out again. I wonder why my thoughts are tending this way. I'm realizing I'm convinced she doesn't like me (despite having no good reason to believe so), and looking for anything to disqualify myself. How frustrating

At least you've recognised it and can push past the self-sabotage?

Its not that I want to sleep with other guys and I definitely won't cheat like she did but she had such a smug look on her face and taunt in her voice when she told me she slept with the guy. I mean he's hot and all and before both of us were trying to get with him. She already slept with two more guys, now three, than I and she rubs it in my face constantly. Getting married before her was going to shut her up but she changed everything.

You see the dilemma I face.

1/10, you'll get no (You)s from me.

If thata your goal you can spread your legs open and get railed with 5men a night

What is your fucking problem
Unless youre ugly fat cunt that no sane man would touch with 5ft pole

Record her admitting to fucking other guys and then give the evidence to her fiancé. You win. She never gets married and you live a happy wholesome life without cheating on your own fiancé.

A friend with benefits told me he doesn't want to fuck me that much but does it "as charity" because he knows I want him a lot. Is this something guys usually do? Or is this some bullshit game?

He probably doesn't respect you because you're a whore. Don't sleep around so much, whore.

As blunt and insulting as this response is, it's probably right.

Two I was able to live with and even three maybe but she slept with this particular guy and you just don't know how hard we were fighting over him and he couldn't/wouldn't decide.

lol, not a fat cunt by any stretch

>Met this guy at a party, he's a classmate of my friend, he said to my friend i'm cute and we talked all night both drunk
> Didn't searched me up till a week later, we talked for maybe a day then he ghosted
> Two days later he asked me out. We go out, it was fun and cute. Tried to message him but after a while he doesn't answer.
> Keeps on not sending any message till maybe three days ago where he asks me out. Eventually we don't go out and he still doesn't message me.
What does it mean? He texts other people so it's not that he doesn't like texting. Should I just give up?

I will savior this pasta, thanks

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You are his cocksleeve to bust nut into nothing else.
and he outright told you that because he knows you dont deserve him.

At least hes honest ill give him that.
theres your hypergamy

I'll try. I definitely don't feel as bold and confident as I did going into my previous relationship. I play it cool but it really feels like I'm phoning it in (the coolness not the relationship itself)

>chad is MYSTERIOUS while you are CREEPY

Then whats your goal?
like i said, if you want you can hop on tinder and get railed everyday till you hit the wall and compete with your whore friend this way?
but why?

The man has zero respect for you, believes you have zero respect for yourself and is an all around douchebag.

You're right that would settle it but she's been my best friend since 6th grade and both of us have even picked out our childrens names so don't want to ruin her life if there is a way out, plus there is no way I could tell her fiancee without her knowing it was me.

She'll be mad enough when I have sex with the same guy and still marry before her.

Why am I creepy...

Loser. Exposing her as the whore she really is is the winning move. Either make the move or concede defeat.

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I don't need tinder to get a guy and if it wasn't this particular guy I could live with it.

Not you

The joke is
>if you are handsome and not social/weird then you are MYSTERIOUS
>if you are ugly doing same things makes you a CREEP

Anyways, either guy has pussy on tap and doesnt reply to you because he just wanted to smash you that night and youre not worth his time rn, or hes busy or hes playing some game

Pick your poison


Because impressing some whore (you are one probably too) is pretty weak lifegoal to be honest

Might be. But more info: he also told his friend he likes best to discuss with me, as I have good conversation. So I think he respects me.

Also, I said to him I wouldn't hang out with him if not for sex and he said: "good to know. I won't get emotionally involved then."

Oh ahaha sorry if I didn't get the joke

Sleep with the guy and still marry before her, gosh are you stupid. I said it over and over

Whore. Kill yourself.

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>try to act like you don't care about the guy in any emotional way
>tell him to his face that you don't think he's worth your time outside of being a living dildo
>the second he says something "insulting" about you, calling you a piece of charity work, you start to panic and come to ask Jow Forums if he's trying to play games with you

>date girl for about a month
>one day she tells me she's been dealing with depression for over a year
>says I've been a light in her shitty life
>3 days after that messages me saying we should just stay friends
>doesn't say anything after that
>it's been 5 weeks
>I actually tried messaging her 2 times in that period, she just kills the conversation
>the 2nd time I invited her to a festival she told me she always wanted to go to
>"Thanks for inviting me user, but it's a tough period with classes and stuff, maybe next time"
>whenever she walks by me I always look at her face in hopes of seeing her smile just one more time
>only thing she looks at is the ground
>posts pictures on instagram and deletes them if I don't like them within a couple hours

What the fuck is going on? I'm trying real hard to patch things up, even if it is just to stay friends, but she's acting super cold. It's like she's a completely different person than the one I knew.

Remember that depression she was talking about? There it is. She's shitting herself because she opened up to you and showed a weakness she likely hasn't shown anyone in a long time and is terrified of being hurt. Next time, don't walk by her. Stop and talk to her. Try to talk about what's going on.

So he doesn't respect me because he knows I don't respect him? That sounds about right. I'm a douchebag too, I know. Maybe should fix that. He said to his friend the other day that he feels objectified by me.

Why don't you use the updated OP? ;_;

ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

He's a whore to you. He tried to treat you like a human and instead you told him that he was worthless. Utterly unworthy of your time beyond his role as a dildo. So he decided (correctly) that you're an awful person and so now he doesn't care about you. He doesn't even respect you enough to value you as a sex toy, the way you value him as a sex toy. He thinks you're lower than a sex toy. You're a chore.

>meet girl through friend and chat for 2 months
>starts doing GM texts and chats everyday
>tell each others problems in life and console each other.
> be me. Never been in relationship.
>starts falling for this girl
>friends doubt if she is just using me
>me start to doubt
> not sure if this girl likes me or is just nice to people.
>ask her if she did the same thing shes currenly doing to me.
>she says yes but then only for a short time cause previous guy was a douche.

Am i being used or toyed?

The first time I messaged her I told her I missed her, I missed her smile, the way her eyes shined when we were together, stuff like that. You know what she said? "Is there anything I can do to help?". What the fuck kind of a reply is that? I said "What do you mean by that?" and she replies "I don't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to say. If you ever need anything, give me a call."
What do I say to someone like this, even in person? "Hey, I know you said we'll never be more than friends, but I still have feelings for you"? Or "Hey, you left me completely heartbroken because I'm a fucking idiot and thought we'd be together for a really long time, please come back"? I'm completely lost...



Do guys actually like legs?

>"me saying we should be just friends. "

You are dumb as fuck my friend. The dumbest of them all.

>girls or guys
Had unprotected sex last month, didn't finish, and my girlfriend had her period a couple days later. Fast forward to this month and She is about a week late. I am being paranoid for assuming it's anything other than stress, right? We haven't had sex since last month since shes been busy with her finals, work, mother got diagnosed with cancer, etc.

They're better than no legs.

Firstly, that's coming on waaaaaaaaay too strong and could very well be the reason she doesn't talk to you anymore.

Same goes for you hypothetical things to say to her in person. You just say "Hey, how are you? Everything alright?" Talk to her like a normal fucking person, not your Disney princess fantasy that you've concocted in your mind since that first date.

>I am being paranoid

If I really loved him and he had other redeeming qualities that I could see myself being compatible with long-term, yes I'd still marry him.

No my lust for "big penises" wouldn't go away. I'd buy a dildo. But sex for women isn't really about the sensation. In fact, it's mostly an emotional thing. Feeling good and getting off is what masturbation is for IMO, hence the dildo. So yeah. I'd still lust after big dicks, but I wouldn't cheat.

Do girls really just want to have fun?

>So yeah. I'd still lust after big dicks, but I wouldn't cheat.
Do you realize that both things are the same for us? Why would we even be in your life if you lust over other men more than us?

I don't know a single guy who doesn't like nice legs on a woman.

It's not about "other men." It's about the sensation of being full. Do you also think sex toys are cheating? Because that's insane.

When I browse dating sites, I've been thinking, "my real life crushes are so much better than these." Is this just because I know more about them or are people on dating sites that bad?
Does this happen to you too?

>both things are the same for us?
Man here. He does not speak for "us".


Thank goodness. That's a pretty unhealthy way to think imo.

I really like this girl co-worker of mine. We've only talked a couple of the times we did talk it went really smooth. I want to ask her out but I've never asked out a girl before. Do I say "do you wanna go out on a date sometime?" or do I say something like "do you wanna do lunch? I want her to know that I'm interested. I'm not experienced at all with dating. Any tips would be appreciated.