Do women experiment rejection?
Do women experiment rejection?
yes, but the difference is their eggs aren't all in one basket
>the difference is their eggs aren't all in one basket
Unless a guy is retarded, his eggs won't be all in one basket either. So its pretty even actually.
Some do some don't. As for the eggs in basket, these people definitely do and always will.
Yeah, definitely. Why wouldn't they?
no shit and they do that all the way in to a relationship to prevent the lost of resources.
They experience rejection from the chaddest Chad, then become feminazis and blame ALL men for their rejection.
Even according to your autistic incel chart, a hefty 57% of women (the clear majority) DONT have a backup guy.
`Sides, general sample size for any study is about 10000-15000 for it according to scientific stansards, so yiz can wipe yozr ass with that cope matietal anyways
Why is this bitter virgin rant here and not Jow Forums
yeah they sometimes play hard to get, and reject you wanting the extra effort. They are super needy and unsure sometimes